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Pattern Category on eBay?

nencoinnencoin Posts: 1,228 ✭✭✭✭
About two years ago, I sent an email to eBay asking them to consider adding patterns as a U.S. and World coin category. I did not receive a reply of course, but I wasn't really expecting one. Now that eBay has added all of these subcategories in Coins (some of them a bit silly imho), I'm thinking of contacting them again to request a Patterns category. Currently one has to scroll through either all listings of a certain type or denomination to search for patterns, or do mutliple searches using J-, Judd-, or some other search term to find patterns. Since everyone lists patterns differently, the one sure way to make sure they are all easily found is to give them their own category.

Just curious as to what some of y'all who buy and/or sell on eBay think? I may approach eBay again about this...but better armed this time (possibly with emails from other pattern buyers and sellers supporting the 'cause'). Thanks in advance for any input.


Northeast Numismatics


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    RKKayRKKay Posts: 3,015 ✭✭✭
    I agree, Chris. Any help you need with letter writing, count me in. Rick
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    sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    I think yahoo has it - this time tell them that surely more people would double list them - in the pattern category and in the corresponding regular circulation AND many people would add more pictures - bottom line, they would make much more money because of added listing fees and increased final value fees -

    If you tell them how they would make much more money, it will get serious consideration soonerimage
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    nencoinnencoin Posts: 1,228 ✭✭✭✭
    Undoubtedly true, Sinin1. Thanks for the input you two. Rick, I will mostly be in touch with you soon in regards to that email to eBay. I'm thinking if we both send one (along with a few other sellers), the better chance someone will pay attention.

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    RKKayRKKay Posts: 3,015 ✭✭✭
    Just keep me apprised. Thanks for spearheading this, and thanks, sinin1 for the great feedback.image

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