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"If i were a rich man"........Penny for your thoughts?????.............(1794 PCGS MS67RB L

Yowsa!......oh if only i WERE a rich man! Drool, drool,......Sighs, sighs.....think i'm gonna poke out my eyes!

Ever wish you had a "little" spare cash hanging around? Would you lay it out on a coin like this? Me?......no brainer! You Bet!!!!!

1794 PCGS MS67RB Large Cent
The Ex-"Crown Jewel" of my collection! 1915 PF68 (NGC) Barber Half "Eliasberg".

Once again resides with Legend, the original purchaser "raw" at live Eliasberg auction. Laura and i "love" the same lady!



  • I don't collect those, but I might buy it anyway just to give it to my son's great grandson. That 'Noyes census' thing appeals to me.
  • Cam40Cam40 Posts: 8,146
    I,d like to hear rays`s opinion on it and if he thinks it will bid up to estimate. $30,000-$40,000

    IF were rich I might bite on this one.
  • Great great grandpa.......I'm home! image

    << <i>I don't collect those, but I might buy it anyway just to give it to my son's great grandson. That 'Noyes census' thing appeals to me. >>

    The Ex-"Crown Jewel" of my collection! 1915 PF68 (NGC) Barber Half "Eliasberg".

    Once again resides with Legend, the original purchaser "raw" at live Eliasberg auction. Laura and i "love" the same lady!

    It will sell for way, way, more than 40K.

    (of course, not to an EAC guy, but to a sharpie)
  • littlewicherlittlewicher Posts: 1,822 ✭✭
    Wow, that's a beautiful coin. Has anyone ever seen the PCGS 1793 MS68 RD Atwater Large Cent? I bet that is one awesome coin. Does anyone know why it is not listed in the pop. reports?

    For some life lasts a short while, but the memories it holds last forever.
    -Laura Swenson

    In memory of BL, SM, and KG. 16 and forever young, rest in peace.
  • Adrian.......i always thought you were pretty sharp! If you someday end up with it, at least i have a shot at it........

    Yeah right.......i just pinched myself and checked my bank book balance......damn......no change! image

    << <i>It will sell for way, way, more than 40K.

    (of course, not to an EAC guy, but to a sharpie) >>

    The Ex-"Crown Jewel" of my collection! 1915 PF68 (NGC) Barber Half "Eliasberg".

    Once again resides with Legend, the original purchaser "raw" at live Eliasberg auction. Laura and i "love" the same lady!

  • I'm thinking 80K or something like that.

    Thanks, Joe!

    "PCGS 1793 MS68 RD Atwater Large Cent?"...in pop reports...

    If you're referring to the MS 68RED Wreath Cent that Jay Parrino owned and reportedly sold, it's listed in the pop report but just not as an
    Atwater coin.

  • This coin was actually auctioned by Goldberg in their U.S. & Ancients Coinage Auction in October, 2000. It was lot 1397, and it brought $74,750 of bids, though it was bought back by its owner. Here's Goldberg's image of the coin, at www.coinfacts.com:

    1794 Large Cent

    I like this image better, it seems like a more realistic portrayal of what the coin looks like. I never much cared for Superior's images.
    Superior's image shows the coin in a fairly scratched up holder - look at 12 o'clock on the reverse - those white lines are scratches on the holder.

    Incidentally, I've heard that someone is having Anna Nicole Smith enter the auction room immediately before this coin comes up for auction.
  • Man you gotta wonder how a coin that was made 209 years ago can stay the same way as the day it came from the mint.
  • WondoWondo Posts: 2,916 ✭✭✭
    I want it!!!!!!

  • fcloudfcloud Posts: 12,133 ✭✭✭✭
    Wow. That sure is a beauty!

    President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay

  • CLASSICSCLASSICS Posts: 1,164 ✭✭

    << <i>Man you gotta wonder how a coin that was made 209 years ago can stay the same way as the day it came from the mint. >>

    ..........a leather pouch........which had been tanned, fully dried, and oil free, and kept very dry place...............
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    The title of this thread, sounds like a song from Fidler on the Roof.image
    There once was a place called
  • I do think you have it wrong, Adrian........word i got was that she was going to present the Bust Half series for auction! image

    She explicitely requested that she be given at least a half hours notice before she was to come out........so as to have time to pry the remaining pounds of meat and potatoes from her teeth, and get into her corset! image

    << <i>Superior's image shows the coin in a fairly scratched up holder - look at 12 o'clock on the reverse - those white lines are scratches on the holder.

    Incidentally, I've heard that someone is having Anna Nicole Smith enter the auction room immediately before this coin comes up for auction. >>

    The Ex-"Crown Jewel" of my collection! 1915 PF68 (NGC) Barber Half "Eliasberg".

    Once again resides with Legend, the original purchaser "raw" at live Eliasberg auction. Laura and i "love" the same lady!

  • Well........it didn't QUITE stay the same way as the day it came from the mint. Back then it was worth only one cent! I'm still kicking myself for not buying all i could afford back then and socking them away!!! image

    << <i>Man you gotta wonder how a coin that was made 209 years ago can stay the same way as the day it came from the mint. >>

    The Ex-"Crown Jewel" of my collection! 1915 PF68 (NGC) Barber Half "Eliasberg".

    Once again resides with Legend, the original purchaser "raw" at live Eliasberg auction. Laura and i "love" the same lady!

  • My guess would be about $75,000 ... which, by the way, after all that money, you still get -1 in the Registry for not buying a full RD coin ...
    My eBay Items

    I love Ike dollars and all other dollar series !!!

    I also love Major Circulation Strike Type Sets, clad Washingtons ('65 to '98) and key date coins !!!!!

    If ignorance is bliss, shouldn't we have more happy people ??
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295

    << <i>This coin was actually auctioned by Goldberg in their U.S. & Ancients Coinage Auction in October, 2000. It was lot 1397, and it brought $74,750 of bids, though it was bought back by its owner. Here's Goldberg's image of the coin, at www.coinfacts.com:

    1794 Large Cent

    I like this image better, it seems like a more realistic portrayal of what the coin looks like. I never much cared for Superior's images. >>

    This is something that really irks me, here we have a coin that very well may be bid to nearly $100k with a cheap image. What is with Superior and other dealers of high end material? Seems to me they ought to be making enough money to buy the right equipment and hire someone that knows how to use it to produce high quality images. I am sorry, the image in Superior's auction is absolute garbage.
  • Cam40Cam40 Posts: 8,146
    Maybe they dont want to show too much.People might start questiioning the grade then.image

    If it was bought in `00 for 74.8 K it does seem likely it will now go for near100 K?

    I think with a coin like this, given its condition, I would want more than a hand-written explaination of its origin.
    Does a coin like this have papers?Authentic documentation of any type?
    Perhaps its all in the grading process and the grade is saying `you,d look a gift horse in the mouth?`
    or `papers? we dont need me stinkin papers!!!` imageimageimageimageimage
  • mdwoodsmdwoods Posts: 5,544 ✭✭✭
    Is this the "Apple Cheek" variety? Man that Cheek really sticks out there. What a nice coin.
    National Register Of Big Trees

    We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    OK, let's say it goes for $50k. The rest of what I said still stands, with the kind of high dollar coins Superior (and others like them) sell, what is with the amateur, crappy images? Not only are some of these dealers extremely paranoid, they are also extraordinary cheap.
  • From what I've seen at pre-auction viewing of the coins vs. catalog images, Superior seems to crank up the contrast and increase the saturation of the images in the catalog. In my opinion, that's the same as retouching defects out of the image before printing the catalog. I know it's virtually impossible to have the image exactly match the coin, but it looks like a concerted effort is made at Superior to make the photo in the catalog look better than the actual coin.

    Anyone else notice this? Am I wrong?

    Dealer/old-time collector
  • For me that hair detail is simply amazing!

    Also, the prestine surfaces are "nothing to sneeze at" , so to speak, image

    << <i>Is this the "Apple Cheek" variety? Man that Cheek really sticks out there. What a nice coin. >>

    The Ex-"Crown Jewel" of my collection! 1915 PF68 (NGC) Barber Half "Eliasberg".

    Once again resides with Legend, the original purchaser "raw" at live Eliasberg auction. Laura and i "love" the same lady!

  • Oh.......forgot to mention that i have a little help from time to time "locating" some of these drool over coins.

    Fact is........the lady of the house found this one listed on ebay while i was still in the boudoire, catching a few more zzzzzzzzz's! (her name is Anita..........and she has become a coinahaulic) She's reminded me of that fact more than once, so i thought i might share the credit with her on this one!

    Though she is not in a financial position to pursue coins for herself at this time........she has become rather spoiled and fussy after seeing in person the quality of my aquisitions over the past couple of years! Train 'um early and they do some legwork for you! image

    The only problem i'm having is.....well.......she kinda scares me sometimes. She wants to take some of my coins out of the holders and give um a great.....BIG....KISSSSSSSSS! SMOOTCH..XXXXXXXX! image

    A statement by her of a desire to then mount them in a pendant for herself has me laughing on the one hand.........and keeping the coins safe and locked up in my bank box with the other! imageimage

    Anyway.......i've fessed up to my sins of omission, and gotten a chuckle or two out of the little lady for now. Maybe a little later she'll spoil me a bit! image

    So come on guys,(or girls).......anybody else have a team player helping with the roster of coins coming before your eyes? FESS UP!! image
    The Ex-"Crown Jewel" of my collection! 1915 PF68 (NGC) Barber Half "Eliasberg".

    Once again resides with Legend, the original purchaser "raw" at live Eliasberg auction. Laura and i "love" the same lady!

  • ttt

    If you read the post immediately preceeding this one you'll know i have an extra set of eyes peering over my shoulder.......waiting to see if she's alone!

    The Ex-"Crown Jewel" of my collection! 1915 PF68 (NGC) Barber Half "Eliasberg".

    Once again resides with Legend, the original purchaser "raw" at live Eliasberg auction. Laura and i "love" the same lady!


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