1838-O Dime Mintage Correction

In response to complaints about there being a Dearth of interesting posts, Mr. B. sends this offering:
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
Where is that Theater? AI gave me this: "In New Orleans, the "New American Theatre" refers to the Camp Street Theatre, also known as the American Theatre, the Old American Theatre, and the New American Theatre, a historic theater that operated between 1824 and 1835, and was considered the finest English-speaking theater in the South. " "In New Orleans in 1838, the New American Theatre was a significant venue, and on May 7-8, 30 1838-O dimes were produced and distributed as souvenirs, with 10 reportedly going into the cornerstone. "
I found this: On Sunday evening, March 13, 1842, during a visit here by the Francisco Marty Italian Opera troupe from Havana, fire broke out at Caldwell’s resplendent St. Charles, which within a few hours was totally destroyed. That summer another fire claimed a second rival Caldwell theatre, **the New American **on Poydras street. Although both soon were replaced with less imposing structures, neither was able in future seasons to provide the competition that had earmarked the Davis/Caldwell rivalry of over a decade. Instead, for the next eighteen seasons the Théâtre d’Orléans was synonymous in New Orleans with opera and drama.
good stuff
i encourage those that can read cursive to help with him typing up these docs. i was doing it but the reason for me stopping was personal -- i had other stuff going on and found i couldn't manage both. though this is at your pace work. i really enjoyed it.
406,034 mintage for the 1838-O dime agrees with what is shown in my 1994 Red Book.
i have it all but the top line
what does it say?
of Pieces
thous hund
of pieces
Thous. hund
that's a N? wow and a u not a? wow.
but i see it now.
may 8, 30 dimes struck
Are you saying the 30 struck om May 8 should be subtracted from the 367,434 figure
because they were not delivered to the right person?
38-o dime deliveries : 406,034
then there are 30 from May 8
maybe those don't count, i was assuming they do. i guess post-langbord perhaps they were ever monetized :-/