Will/Can my new purchase earn a CAC sticker? 1955-DDO Lincoln cent, AU58 (photo added)

Please give me your honest opinion and advice, Thanks
Will/Can my new purchase earn a CAC sticker? 1955-DDO Lincoln cent, AU58 (photo added)
This is a public poll: others will see what you voted for.
can't tell from photos
also the forum software limits the width. stack the photos 1 over the other
If it looks like a solid 58 to you, I’d say it’s worth a try.
Any better? I try to get a good picture with my scope..

scope pictures are not good
pull back a bit to get the whole coin and post both sides
Looks to me as a no, jmo
overlit a little
the reverse photo is good, better than the obverse
without thinking of the grade, it won't sticker with that verdigris on the reverse
don't like it as a 58
Nice coin, would depend in part on the luster, which we can't see in the image. I am also concerned about some of the nicks in obvious focal areas (cheek, forehead). I suspect CAC won't either, but you can never say for sure. I give it a 40:60 chance of beaning. Hope it does.
Best, DM
Think its worth it since its a high end coin!
I think the 3 hits on Lincoln’s portrait eliminate the green bean.
I am in the no camp.
Your comment appears to be inconsistent with your “no” vote.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
It's a nice addition to your collection but unfortunately it won't CAC. The high points are very worn down.
I voted before the added photos showing hits on the portrait. Those are troublesome and CAC won't like them.
Even if the detail is of a solid AU58 - and I can’t tell that from the fuzzy images - I think the distracting hits on the obverse portrait would preclude a sticker from CAC.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
The pictures aren’t super helpful here, but the pockmark on Lincoln’s head and the crud on the lower left periphery are both detractions and I’d think no sticker.
NGC is well known for being too liberal in its grading. This coin looks to be more like an AU-53 to AU-55 at best. Do not be upset. The valuation changes by less than 15% from AU-58 to AU-53.
Thanks for your input. I guess that's a good thing for me then, because all of the AU58 (and 1 AU55) graded by our host at the show were all >$3k and I got my coin for under the price guides amount from both our host and NGC, so I guess that will work for me...
It looks like a nice piece but from those images I voted no. I like the traces of mint red peaking through. The pock mark on the forehead is in a prime focal area but shouldn't hurt the grade.
No due to the crud (verdigris?) on the lower left rim
I think it won’t, but also that it’s worth sending in. I skipped a lot of posts before responding (which I often do in polls)…is it reasonably assumed that it hasn’t been to CAC yet?
Question, is there a way to see the population of host with CAC stickers verse NGC? That could prove your observation...
i think it has verdigris. can you confirm any green on the front or back?
I do appreciate everyone feedback and input.
There is absolutely NO green on this coin, as it's actually more of a "chocolate" in color then a light-brown. I believe that you are seeing effects from the lighting?
The coins is actually very nice in hand to the naked-eye. The pock-mark on Lincoln's forehead is the only one that is noticeable (stands out) , the other is hardly noticeable... The lighting in the photo's (I just can't get good lighting) I may try something else...
The fields on the coins, both obverse and reverse are clean. Yes the pock-mark on the forehead is distracting, but the coin is clean. The reverse does out perform the obverse which I know is probably a negative to most..
Thanks again to all, Joe
If that CAC's as a 58 with those gouges/hits on the face and reverse I will be very dissapointed with CAC.
I like the coin, just not as a 58. If you bought it right, still could be an ok purchase.
I respect your opinion, but the reverse has no issues at AU58. The lettering and wheats are clean (IMO)
it's a good chocolate brown
i suppose it can be taken out by the forehead, but i'm also in the belief au coins aren't 69's with wear. though a few well placed hits are not as desirable as some light contact marks. i'd start with solid for the grade first.
I disagree with the lettering being clean.

You are correct, we disagree. I don't believe that most coins are consistently viewed under high magnification. I've seen MS65 Morgans with heavy bag-marks...
Only way is to painstakingly count each PCGS AU-58 that has received stickering versus NGC.
My determination of NGC vs PCGS grading of AU-58 DDO cents is based upon my years of observation of both.
Looking at the reverse lower wheat ears you can see definite signs of wear which precludes an AU-58 grade.
and i was looking at the wheat kernels
Even tougher, I meant for all CAC sticker's, not just AU58... maybe AU and above...
Don’t see sticker for it.
coin looks dark on hand
Admittedly the ANA grading standard uses words for AU58 that are subjective, as "major detracting contact marks" is going to mean something different to everyone.
Fwiw, my initial observations were made viewing the pictures provided unzoomed on a cell phone screen, so the pictures are actually slightly smaller than a penny in real life, so not 'high magnification'. The marks on both the obverse and reverse to me were obvious and distracting even before zooming in. I like the coin as an AU55. Good luck with your submission.
Just send it in and get the real professionals to take a look.
You have the coin and for $50-$100 you'll get your answer, if you don't send it in you'll be wondering forever.
My Indians
Danco Set
Thank you Mr, Wizard, Please show me your 1955-DDO...
You might be better off to try to cross to CACG at the minimum grade AU-58 grade. If it fails you do not lose your NGC slab. You only pay $10 plus the $10 processing fee in case of failure. You can then try it at AU-55 if you decide to go forward.
I believe a CACG slabbed AU-55 is worth more than a NGC AU-58 without a sticker.
Last comment…. Your original photo makes your cent look worse than your updated photo.
You are most welcome for providing you with the honest opinion and feedback that you solicited in your post.
I'm just not familiar enough with the bean standards to make a call but I do love to see these (in any condition)
🇺🇸 Harlequin