I am trying to locate a Pennsylvania attorney who is also a knowledgeable numismatist

March 9, 2025
Hello everyone!
I am trying to locate a Pennsylvania attorney who is also a knowledgeable
numismatist to handle a numismatic-related matter in Pennsylvania.
I would be most grateful if anyone can make a specific recommendation.
Many thanks!
Armen Vartian would be one person to contact for a referral. He's quite good. You could also contact the ANA for a referral.
If it is a tort issue most lawyers could handle that and I've used "Legal Shield's" nationwide network on an issue, $30 a month or so.
Many thanks for your comment, and I have indeed used Armen since 2000. He is a wonderful
attorney and friend.
However, in this case I need a local Pennsylvania attorney "on the ground" there to handle
an uncomplicated numismatic matter.
I hope that others may have a suggestion.
Thanks again!
@logger7 appeared to suggest Armen for a referral (for an “on the ground” PA attorney), not as the one to handle the matter.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
So if I'm following, now it's @MFeld referring the OP to @logger7 to go to Armen for a referral. I hope there aren't any referral fees
It's amazing how much income "referral fees" generate.
Yes, I may reach out to Armen for a referral but thought I would
attempt to first locate an attorney via a post here.
Pm sent
He might be retired as he is probably in his 70s but David L Ganz comes to mind
Hello everyone!
I am pleased to report that I found a great attorney,
and thank you all for your kind assistance!
yes. there was absolutely a period of time when they were at the cashier and available for exchange for a twenty