Latin America: Please send images of new varieties to Brad Yonaka for his 2nd edition book

He will be releasing a 2nd edition (I have no idea when exactly). Would be great is all here sent him images of new varieties they have in their collection to make his 2nd edition book all that much better.
His e-mail address:
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
The 2nd edition will be of the following book:
A variety guide to the pillar coinage of the Guatemala, Bogota, Lima, Potosi, and Santiago mints 1751-1772
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Hi. Any hint when Brad will release the 2nd Edition?
He asked me to keep it private since he is not 100% sure of the exact date (year even) but gave me an estimate. I will update if ever he lets me know and is OK with me saying it on the forum.
You still have time to send images to him if that is your concern.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I just bought this one with wide letter spacing. 1757 Lima Real.
I had emailed Brad about it previously but I'm assuming that he is away as he can't access his digital files atm
I have seen that variety, a nice color on your new 1R addition.
Do you guys have a list of these LIMA 1R that are scarce or better dates?
The top rarest 1 reales from Peru 1751-1772 are the unique 1751 (impossible date really most do not count it in the set) - 1752 - 1760 Carolus - 1766 - 1767 - 1768 and 1772. That is not in any specific order except the 1751. In order would be:
1751 unique
1760 Carolus unique per Yonaka may be others
1766 unique per Yonaka but there are more I know of at least 3
1768 Rarity 3 (3 per Yonaka but there are more than 3 I know of at least 5)
1772 Rarity 3 (3 per Yonaka again there are more than 3 I know of at least 5 or 6)
1767 2 types one rarity 2 and one is rarity 3
as for 1752 (maybe 10-20 exist) it depends on who you ask I would put it after 1766 some would put it after 1772.
As far as scarce they all are except 1757 that is common. Others are uncommon to rare.
1751 Unknown but likely less than 100
1752 Yonaka says a little over 400 were minted but some say more
Other dates over 50 000 were minted maybe not 1760 Carolus.
Why are 1766-1768-1772 so rare when so many were minted over 100 000 for the first two dates and over 60 000 for the 1772 no one really knows.
Of all Latin American countries 1 reales the rarest is the 1751 Peru and I would add the 1760 Colombia (12 to 15 examples known but these are much better followed so my guess is not many if any more exist out there in the wild).
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
May I ask where did you see that variety ELuis?
Of the many searches that I normally do, it was on one that I saw it, of all of these dates 1767, 1759, 1756, 1761, 1758 & 1757 - 1R Lima, all in the XF+ - AU, not cheap, this is one of the reasons I asked for a list of these 1 Reales.
I saw your coin too btw.
When did you see a 1767 I have been searching for almost 2 years found 1 for sale (eBay) I purchased and another I purchased from a member on the forum (different variety). Both my 1767's are holed but have very nice details.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Some say there are 2 known 1751's I have yet to ever see images of any except the one on Brad Yonaka book that is in a private collection.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Not too long ago.
Saw also the 1753 with the dot on top of the L & 1759 - These are not in a great shape/condition but not holed, will give it a try at least to one.
Can you PM me the link to the 1767 if you still have it? Thanks.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Can you also PM me the link if you still have it for the 1758? Thanks.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I do not have it anymore.
That is the best 1767 I have seen. What auction house was it do you remember?
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
In my opinion the 1752 Peru 1 real is rarer than the all these coins minus the 1751 and maybe the 1760 Carolus. If one truly could find out how many still survive you would think based on mintage figures the 1752 would simply have less surviving specimens than the much larger amount minted in say 1766-1768-1772 but this is my gut felling. I could be wrong. My guess is 10-20 1752's exist maybe up to 25 max. I would imagine there are more of the other dates out there somewhere but were I do not know. Even is say more than the reported 424 1752's were actually minted the numbers would be nowhere near 1753 to 1772.
I am not saying the other dates are not very rare but there has to be more out there than Brad Yonaka has seen. Again just based on how many were minted (over 100 000 for 1766 and 1768 and over 60 000 for 1772).
Unless some of these dates had massive amounts melted I can't see why there would not be more out there.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Has anyone sent images to Brad Yonaka? I have to buy my microscope soon and get some images out to him myself. Hopefully before his new 2nd edition book comes out.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Ignoring quality, I'd describe 1753-1757 Peru 1R dates as relatively common, potentially a Judd R-1 with over 1,250.
The 1768 1R is a lot harder to buy in my experience vs. the 1752. Mine is roughly a VG which I think is eligible for a numerical grade (old cleaning but not holed or damaged) but it's not a particularly nice one.
I can't explain the apparent scarcity outside of random events. It's not unusual for the scarcity or at least availability to vary widely in series like this one where it seemingly doesn't correlate closely (if at all) to the relative mintage.
I was lucky enough to add the 1768 & 1772 this year and a few others as well. My 1768 is the first I have seen and the 1752 that sold the other day was the 2nd I have seen (I purchased the first one that I had a chance to buy).
My 1772 is cleaned and my 1768 is low grade neither of the 2 are holed. My 1772 is a new variety (not the one listed by Yonaka).
This is how many I have seen for sale in the last 2 years:
1752 = 2 (1 private collection + 1 auction)
1768 = 1 (1 private collection)
1772 = 2 (1 private collection + 1 auction)
All 3 dates I purchased from the same seller.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers