Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee Recap (November 2024)

My name is Kellen Hoard, and I currently serve as one of the Representatives of the General Public on the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee. I am an undergraduate student, and the youngest person to ever serve on the Committee. For those of you unfamiliar with the CCAC, it was established in 2003 by Congress to advise the Secretary of the Treasury on the themes and designs of all US coins and medals. The CCAC serves as an informed, experienced and impartial resource to the Secretary of the Treasury and represents the interests of American citizens and collectors.
This is the seventh installment of my updates about what the CCAC is doing at its meetings. I think it is critical that the collecting community have insight into and input to the CCAC, and will try to answer any questions you may have.
Here is my update for the CCAC meeting on November 19, 2024.
Candidate designs for the Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley Congressional Gold Medal were discussed in consultation with Dr. Sheila Chamberlain of the Emmett Till Justice Campaign. The CCAC recommended the following obverse and reverse designs:
Candidate designs for the 2025 Batman Comic Art Coin and Medal were discussed. The CCAC recommended the following obverse and reverse designs (inscriptions will be different across the coins and medals):
Candidate designs for the 2025 Wonder Woman Comic Art Coin and Medal were discussed. The CCAC recommended the following obverse and reverse designs (inscriptions will be different across the coins and medals):
The U.S. Mint is considering a potential non-round semiquincenntenial coin and medal, with these candidate designs. It has not yet been approved by the Treasury Secretary for production, but the Mint preemptively asked for the CCAC's recommendations on the design of this piece. The CCAC expressed mixed opinions about the production of these coins. The CCAC recommended the following obverse and reverse designs (inscriptions will be different across the coins and medals):
Let me know if you have any questions about the work done in this meeting; I will try to answer as well as I can, but there are contraints on what I am able to share publicly. Please remember that the CCAC does not make the final decision; instead, it makes its recommendation (alongside the Commission of Fine Arts) to the Secretary of the Treasury. If you would like to watch the November meeting in full in order to see all of the deliberations, it is available on Youtube here.
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
Thank you, Kellen.
@KellenCoin - Let me ask you a question. The question may have already been asked and I missed it.
Are all these designs computer generated on a CAD?
I thought that Congress had addressed the coins for 2026 already. A $250 coin was not included. Would this be considered bullion, within the purview of Treasury?
While unexpected, the Batman and Wonder Woman coin and medal pieces are pretty cool! Thanks for your service and for continuing to share updates for us @KellenCoin!
My understanding is that these designs are hand-drawn on electronic software platforms, although some Mint artists may do their work on paper.
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
That's my understanding; the Treasury has the authority to issue these without Congressional approval.
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
Thank you.
@KellenCoin and anyone-- Any chance that any silver dollar and silver half dollar coins in the future will have any of the classic designs of lady liberty and the eagle on them? or any designs similar to those classics?
Thank you for this information. My only feedback is that it sure looks like Batman is going to punch that Eagle in the face. James
Thank you for your continued sharing of this kind of information.
If we were all the same, the world would be an incredibly boring place.
Thank you @KellenCoin for continuing to share allowed information from your Monthly meetings.
Thanks again.
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
Good to hear from you!
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
I'm not quite sure what you mean by silver dollar or silver half dollar, since we don't make either of those currently for circulation.
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
@KellenCoin - Is Joe Menna in this forum or any other numismatic social media platforms?
Batman doesn't smile; hasn't in years if not decades. He's The Dark Knight. What would he have to smile about?
My opinion - I do not care of any of the designs, no thanks - pass.
Thank you @KellenCoin for addressing each of the issues I raised. Just two reactions I’d like to share:
On point #4, since CCAC only makes recommendations, why can’t the Committee recommend to the Treasury Secretary that decisions on coins and medals not yet made be deferred as a courtesy to the new Treasury Secretary, since those Mint products will only come out during his term? It wasn’t until just four weeks ago that we knew Janet Yellen’s term would end around a month from now.
On point #5, obviously we disagree on the meaning of an Anniversary coin or medal. I had always thought it represented events and themes tied to the original date being recognized. Examples are the Classic Silver Commems, many of which celebrate State Anniversaries. No surprise, the images on those coins were related to that original date of that Anniversary! Another example is excellent - Our Bi-Centennial coinage, celebrating the 200th Anniversary of our wonderful nations origin. For some reason, those coins only had images or themes tied to 1776! The coins and medals coming out in 2026 are celebrating the 250th Anniversary!
For some reason, you and the committee choose to believe that coins and medals recognizing the 250th Anniversary of our wonderful country should show any theme based on dates from ANY time during that entire 250 year period! That seems silly to me (and is just a weak excuse to use a favored theme unrelated to the Anniversary date).
OK, I’ll stop beating that dead horse, since those thoughts promoting themes non-related to the Anniversary date are going to proceed!
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
I cannot disagree more with these ^^^ points and am thankful that particular dead horse will not receive any further beating.
As I clearly stated, if that’s how Batman is regularly portrayed in the comics, ok, great!
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
You also clearly asked "Is that how he was regularly drawn on [sic] the comics?" I merely answered your question.
Yes, I recognize you did choose to provide that answer, albeit 3-1/2 hours after @KellenCoin accurately provided the answer.
Thanks for reinforcing the answer, despite the fact that I originally acknowledged that if indeed that’s how Batman is regularly portrayed in the comics, ok, great!
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
I would like to see a Lakan Riley and Corey Comperatore Memorial Medals. Very appropriate if we are considering social causes.
I would get excited about a retro commemorative design that is hand engraved as opposed to the use of software/CNC routing.
I wondered how long it would take for this post to go south with political comments. It is now the weekend and they are starting to arrive.
Maybe, just maybe, others may be reacting due to some of the themes being recommended by the CCAC?
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
It's really unfair and disrespectful to @KellenCoin's time and efforts to have every thread he posts about the CCAC railed by political discourse. He and others are doing this service as Americans, not as R's or D's or I's or any other party. Contrary comments on the CCAC themes are expected and fine, but some people really need to keep their political bents at home on conversations like this.
Also, to add -- this wasn't intended to be said in response to Steve, as his comments on the matter were interpreted by me as fair discourse that I didn't see as "old man yells at cloud" political.
If you meant mine, or not, don’t care. I can think of those and others Americans who should be honored.
Speaking of the Batman example. Harkening back to my comic book days I always remember he brandishing that serious facial look. It was the Joker that was always grinning/smiling, albeit it mischievously.
Appreciate the update as always.
If I told our revered Mint designers from 100 years ago that a Batman coin was coming to fruition, they wouldn’t believe it. The Mint must be smarter than me by taking a page from the Franklin Mint playbook.
But if I told them social causes were replacing celebrating the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence on our coinage, they wouldn’t believe that either.
Since it’s December 2024, I think the 2026 problem can still be fixed. Common sense, nothing political about it.
Kellen - Thank you for keeping this community up to date.
I would like to see the designs decluttered. There are far too many elements with the exception of LB-0-03. The recent Jovita Idar quarter and the Alabama Innovation Dollar were both very powerful designs. Less is more!
Hi, Joe,
Always appreciate the feedback, truly, and won’t disagree with your thoughts on this since I always want to hear from everyone on their opinions. I do want to note, though, so that we are working from the same point of reference: the Mint will be celebrating the Declaration explicitly quite a bit in 2026. The first quarter we are releasing will celebrate the Declaration. The Platinum Proof we are will celebrate the Declaration. The Liberty Bell Coin/Medal above will celebrate the Declaration. The 2026 dime will celebrate the Declaration, although less explicitly. The remaining coins celebrate the lasting impacts only made possible by the Declaration which continue to demonstrate how important it really is to continue shaping our lives (which I would argue also celebrates the Declaration, but we can reasonably disagree).
You’re truly welcome to feel the stakeholders at the Semiquincentennial Commission and elsewhere should have focused more on the Declaration, but we certainly aren’t trying to “replace” it.
Fan of the Oxford Comma
CCAC Representative of the General Public
2021 Young Numismatist of the Year
Thank you @KellenCoin for your response to Joe. Since the 250th Anniversary coins and medals were listed in a different thread, can you just list each of the items that have proposed designs celebrating the “lasting impacts” made possible by the Declaration? No need to show the designs. (No need to repeat the list of four coins you mentioned here regarding the coins directly celebrating the Declaration). This will allow us to see everything in perspective.
I absolutely hope none of us will rehash the back and forth of the themes, as the recommendations by the CCAC have already been made!
Thank you.
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set: