2001 D North Carolina State quarter

in Q & A Forum
Is this a severe die crack or a intentional deliberate cut made by someone
Hi and welcome aboard.
We will need pictures of both sides of the coin before we can help you.
Kennedys are my quest...
No way to tell without photos but the two could never be confused. A die crack would be raised, and a cut would be incuse (cut into the coin).
As I read another thread in the main forum (which I recommend as a learning tool), I reminded myself that there is another theoretical possibility if the anomaly is incuse - a strike through (which is an error).
That's why photos are key.
Include photos of the obverse & reverse, even if don't think they are necessary. I realize that as a new member you may have the privilege to show a phot or aren't sure how to do it. Just ask and a member will send you a message and try to walk you through it. welcome aboard.
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