It’s a small world!

So a few days ago I was lucky enough to win @Lordmarcovan’s free coin giveaway/drawing. What a great surprise! After reading through some of the posts I noticed he posted about an area (Glynn County) in Georgia where I had once lived and owned a home for several years. Turns out Rob grew up only a few doors away from where my place was…and he used to go treasure hunting in my yard! The home was a plantation style home built in 1890, so a lot of history is in the area. Rob said he found several wheat cents and a brass medal that was usually affixed to a car that said “MORTICIAN” on it on my property. You just never know who you will run across on these boards and what neat things you learn about members in the coin world!
Rob is a good guy.
Definitely! He was very kind and we exchanged several messages. Quite a stand up guy for sure! Thanks, karl
LOL. I edited my post to change Robinson to Rob. Dang spell checker.
That darnfangled spell check bites me all the time 👿
Small world?
You may have no idea how many yards @lordmarcovan has treasure hunt.
Yeah Rob is one of the best and yes, a totally stand up guy! I lived in Brunswick also for a while when my dad was flying out of Glynnco Naval Air Station. One of the best places we lived! Fish in every ditch and plenty of stuff for us to do. I wonder what ever happened to Burroghs-Mollete 7th Grade Center?
I lived on SSI for a few years and in the historic district of Brunswick on Dartmouth St…where Rob grew up. The NAS was the Federal Law Enforcement Training when I went there….. Nice town but the paper mill smell left something to be desired as did the ‘no see’ ums!
You can get noseblind to the paper mill smell after you’ve lived here long enough.
That's really cool! I've still got a couple of freebies Rob threw in on a BST transaction we had many many years ago.
^ @goodmoney4badmoney - Thanks, but you didn’t have to worry about redacting the personal info on that old wooden dollar. All of it except my last name is obsolete now.
@knovak1976 -
You (or anyone who likes detector videos) might enjoy this stroll through the old neighborhood.
In fact, this video starts on Dartmouth Street, just a couple of blocks away from your old house:
Didn’t want to dox, even with what I assumed was old info!
Even ERT?
Young Numismatist • My Toned Coins
Life is roadblocks. Don't let nothing stop you, 'cause we ain't stopping. - DJ Khaled
ROBERT was an alias from when he was in the "coin dealer protection program".
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
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Wow…that barber dime find was awesome! What a thrill!
Actually, I ended up with 350 of those wooden dollars with “ROBERT” on them, because someone did not read the order properly. My first name is NOT “Robert”, but Robertson. And I’m picky about that. I’ll answer to my nickname “Rob”, or my full name “Robertson”, but not to “Robert”. Roberts are a dime a dozen, you see, while Robertson is rarer as a first name.
I made them redo the order. Which left me with the dilemma of what to do with 350 pieces that all had the wrong name on them. 🙄
I used to have another friend named Rob whose first name was short for Robinson. He too had to constantly suffer through being called “Robert” all the time.
Now @hummingbird_coins knows why I did some first name censoring too
Here’s the gorgeous coin I won! Thanks Lord Marcovan!