Coin blogs

There are blogs for politics, news, and just about any topic one can think of. Are there any blogs related to coin collecting? Does this forum preclude the need for a coin blog? Is there a need for an "uncensored" venue?
Revised to add: Most blogs are used to publish (post) a thought or statement on a topic. Then others may chime in to comment or ask questions. This may be useful in some arenas, but I don't think most visitors here want to hear someone on their soapbox. I think the few lengthy articles that some post here are very informative and could possibly warrant a blog, but why jump on the bandwagon? Doesn't this board work good enough to share information?
Anyone. A give me some information about this please

That doesn't look like a coin blog!
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you" Matthew 6:33. Young fellow suffering from Bust Half fever.
JRCS #1606
It's a photo. Hope that helps.
Common coins. Why did you pick this particular, completely unrelated, and 19 year old thread to post this in?
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
19 year old thread alert....
not sure the tie-in to blogs either...
This should answer all of your questions:
Well you said Please.
Your picture gives you a clue as to what you have in big letters across the top.
US half dollars and silver ones at that.
The card is just a holder to showcase the different types of silver half dollars.
There are blogs for coins. If you check Doug Winters website, he has a blogs and articles on coins.
Overland Trail Collection Showcase
Dahlonega Type Set-2008 PCGS Best Exhibited Set