Evaluate the toning on these proof clad Washington quarters

I recently bought a PR67 1971-S proof quarter as part of my journey to complete a colorful proof Washington quarter registry date set 1936-1998. I noticed that the obverse toning is very similar to another coin I own, PR67 CAM 1990-S quarter. This raised a question in my mind as I compare the two obverses and I'm curious what the board thinks about the toning shown.
**If you are a blast white collector, then I kindly ask that you not participate in the poll since I'm after opinions of those who allow/seek toned coins into their collection, dealer inventory, or auction listings. **
Two photos are posted below along with a video link that will give you more perspective as you answer the polling question. Of course, any commentary is welcome.
Video link (remember one is a cameo) (more alike here than pics below):
TV of the new piece:
@robec excellent pic of the cameo coin:
Please share your thoughts so I can learn why you voted the way you did!
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
Great study and presentation!
Wow, I for one, DO love the appearance and spectacular colors.
As a matter of fact, I believe I also have a proof quarter laying around somewhere, very similar to the color of your two quarters?
I voted "Questionable Color" not bc I don't like the turnout but bc it's that mysterious purple color!
Usually when the strong purple turns up, the thoughts arise, " is this Questionable?"
I think my quarter is a 1964 though, silver?
Great thread.
Oh, I do realize PCGS, ok'ed it!
Where did I put that proof quarter???
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.😆

Whenever the "toning" or "tarnished" subject comes up. I automatically think of our old friend, RickO!
I really miss our good buddy!
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.The color progression doesn't appear normal.
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I'm always just a little leary when I see non-silver coin toned this way.
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I think these are on the border of questionable and market acceptable. PCGS has graded a decent amount so they have become market acceptable. However, I’m still questioning if these were made by a “doctor” as opposed to left alone and developed the color in one of the acceptable ways (album, velvet case, etc).
Personally, I like the look and would be happy to own one. I just would not want to spend moon money as I’d be worried sentiments in the market might change on if these are acceptable plus the color might keep progressing (if my speculation about the “doctor” turned out to be true).

Your point on the same color tracking.
Yeah, that's strange about the same appearances???
One has to wonder why?
What makes them attract this similar look?
If, the ones with this purplish color, are truly natural, too?
I can see if your two quarters were together in a album or so. But not separate. Than you wonder, why?
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.To my eyes there is not enough gradation between the colors. I like to see the ROYGBIV with colors fading into one another. I am not saying that all of the colors of the rainbow need to be present, as much as I am saying to color changes look too abrupt for me to think it is natural.
I am a newer collector (started April 2020), and I primarily focus on U.S. Half Cents and Type Coins. Early copper is my favorite.
While I find the toning interesting and vibrant, I am not a fan of the obverse spots and I would not bid to own these examples. While PCGS has approved which led me to the market acceptable vote, I find it challenging to understand how such a vibrant and deep combination of colors on the obverse can be achieved in a relatively short 34 years. I do LOVE the reverse on this example. Looking forward to seeing these in hand.
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successful BST with Ankurj, BigAl, Bullsitter, CommemKing, DCW(7), Downtown1974, Elmerfusterpuck, Joelewis, Mach1ne, Minuteman810430, Modcrewman, Nankraut, Nederveit2, Philographer(5), Realgator, Silverpop, SurfinxHI, TomB and Yorkshireman(3)
I am shocked that PCGS graded them straight. I produced toning exactly like that in my toaster. Put quarters on aluminum foil and turned up the heat. Vivid blues, pinks and purples on one side, golden hues on the side that was down.
Well, there you go.
One way to achieve, Questionable Color stats!!
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.love the 71 s.
Although I didn't include this one is the poll, here's another purple toned proof 67 clad (reverse particularly):
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
I'll go on record and state that in my opinion these two WQs have been artificially toned (AT) based upon the single set of images provided in the first post by the OP.
I come to this conclusion because I have been heavily active in both the WQ series and toned coin niche of this hobby-industry for several decades and I cannot recall seeing many coins with similar toning patterns, depth of color, color combinations or overall clarity of color that I have seen in the last few years on modern proof coinage. Also, I have seen some coins I am certain were AT that were certified by major TPGs that "feel" like these coins.
Most others might debate my opinions, but again this is based upon decades of bourse experience and the experiences of others may vary. Essentially, YMMV. They are not coins, if I am interpreting the images correctly, I would either buy for myself or would place in good conscience with a client.
As an aside, I think three of the four poll choices (MA, QT and AT) have considerable overlap and are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
I said questionable but defer to TomB because he is someone I consider an expert on toned coins. If he says AT then I’m confident they are AT.
@TomB there was a video link provided too. I appreciate your perspective!
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
I know absolutely nothing about WQs. I voted MA because the coins are holdered and bought and sold (presumably) a number of times, therefore the market has accepted them.
I think they are attractive though. And I've seen plenty of wildly toned modern proofs, these seem within reason.
This thread reminds me of a purplish Toned IKE I purchased 4 years ago. I paid up for this, $400!

However, after posting it on the forum. More and more of you guys alarmed me about this "Questionable Color?"
That darn PURPLE!
Not soon after that, I ran, not walked but ran back to my LCS where I bought it. To ask for my money back bc of that Questionable Color!
Well, luckily the owner was nice and gave me my money back!
Here is that coin.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.I voted MA, because it appears that toned proof clads are being straight graded and traded as such in the market place. It is eye appealing.
I have some toned clad proof quarters that are raw. I bought them at a local shop decades ago for about $1.00 each. I bought them because they are also eye appealing.
I also have this 1968 toned (golden and blue) proof quarter that I purchased last year and had graded. It was in an OGP proof set I bought at a local shop. I bought that proof set because of the thick, two sided frosted devices on the quarter and the mirrored fields (under the hazy toning). Absent the toning I think that this quarter would warrant a DCAM designation.
The color is vivid yet not cartoonish. I think they look great!!
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
I think they are both very attractive coins...I just question how a modern era proof coin would end up like this without a little bit of "help".
Still wouldn't mind them being in my own collection
They seem too good to be true
Likely AT, but market acceptable on modern issues. I wouldn’t touch a classic silver issue with those colors, but no one really cares about it on a 1990 quarter. If I were looking for vibrantly toned examples of these clads, I’d be fine with owning these.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
Your 71-S looks like it might be ok. It’s very hard to tell from that pic. The 90-S looks super AT to me.
The 70-S seems fine. I like that one, and of the three coins you posted, it seems the most market acceptable.
The reverse of the 90 was apparently packed next to another coin in the same environment creating the same color in the shape of another coin.
I’ve found some tremendously toned proofs and business strikes when the pack has been compromised and depending on their particular environment can create amazing colors.
Plus the imperfections of the white spots on both indicate an accident rather than planned.
I voted QT because those colors can be produced on purpose, but can also happen accidently.