34-D Peace newp, very happy with GreatCollections!

I’m sure this will not surprise anyone on this forum, but I had a great experience bidding for and buying this Peace dollar on GreatCollections. I honestly didn’t think I’d get it for the amount that I bid, which is yet another reason to be happy with this purchase 😁
I’m really new to VAMs, but I think this might be a 1934-D VAM-9 Low D?
It’s a Small D, but not the Big Kahuna VAM 4 DDO.
I used to own this one:
That is a small D low, not the same as the vam4 rev. Love the 34d and it’s varieties, 34d is one of my fav us issues

11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set
That one is very nice!!
Wow, those are also very nice!! I think I need to be careful researching VAMs… Peace dollars are already one of my favorite series, and I think I could easily get sucked into collecting all the varieties! 😅
I don’t really do the VAMs but was draw to the 34d’s as they are the last silver dollar with a naked eye doubled die and one of the last coins in American history with naked eye die progression where the die differences from being hand prepared are visible for both the Obv and rev dies.
Here is a link that shows some of the details
11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set
Watch out - both Peace dollars and GC are habit forming.
Great coin!
Really nice coin. A nice date to have.
The good news if you are buying is prices have come down for silver dollar VAMs from where they were in the early 10s. I had two 34-D VAM 4s which I sold for about $2,500 each which now go for about $1,200 each
That is good news, since the VAM 4 is now on my list to save up for! Might take me a while, but I will be keeping my eye out for one.