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1928 Saint GTG Revealed

CoinscratchCoinscratch Posts: 8,261 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited May 26, 2024 8:26PM in U.S. Coin Forum

My first coin show today and I feel like I've been to three of them by now! Once I arrived I had to drive to an ATM for door money came back then I had to drive to my bank for coin money once I made a decision. Nobody takes credit cards okay, I guess everyone is walking around with stacks of cash actually, I saw one guy writing checks, more than once. I guess that's smart.

I wanted to do a write-up and report but I had limited time to spend today and didn't feel like taking pictures and being that guy...but I will say that the hour drive was thankfully uneventful and the DQ Dude (after) at Dairy Queen still rocks!

One particular table kept pulling me back after 5 or 6 trips around on the bourse. This fine gentleman and his lovely assistant (wife) happen to have the or one of the finest Morgan registry sets. And I come real close to buying one of his toners (they were awesome) but this Saint just wouldn't leave me alone.


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    TomBTomB Posts: 20,956 ✭✭✭✭✭

    That's a great image of a rattler Saint.

    Thomas Bush Numismatics & Numismatic Photography

    In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson

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    CoinscratchCoinscratch Posts: 8,261 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @TomB said:
    That's a great image of a rattler Saint.

    Thanks and it is the best angle I could muster.

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    logger7logger7 Posts: 8,255 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Very attractive antique orange toning. Probably was MS63, should bump up a point these days.

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    DeplorableDanDeplorableDan Posts: 3,030 ✭✭✭✭✭

    64, looks good

    Founder- Peak Rarities

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    CoinHoarderCoinHoarder Posts: 2,550 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Beautiful coin! :)

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    PerryHallPerryHall Posts: 45,695 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Nice looking coin. I'll guess MS64.

    Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
    Voltaire: Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero.

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    BustHalfBrianBustHalfBrian Posts: 4,153 ✭✭✭


    Lurking and learning since 2010. Full-time professional numismatist.
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    lermishlermish Posts: 2,302 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Nice coin! Reverse is a touch weak for a gem. 64

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    goldengolden Posts: 9,226 ✭✭✭✭✭

    A nice St.. Congratulations.

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    DelawareDoonsDelawareDoons Posts: 3,388 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 24, 2024 7:10PM

    I was at cac-able 64 (AKA a 65 today). Really nice coin. Congrats.

    Professional Numismatist. "It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."

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    ConnecticoinConnecticoin Posts: 12,775 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Nice Saint! I would have guessed 65, which is what it would likely grade today if submitted raw. But a green sticker on a 64 is just as good. I love the quality of the higher grade common date Saints - still kicking myself for not buying one of @saintguru ’s 67s when he auctioned them off.

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    CoinscratchCoinscratch Posts: 8,261 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Connecticoin said:
    Nice Saint! I would have guessed 65, which is what it would likely grade today if submitted raw. But a green sticker on a 64 is just as good. I love the quality of the higher grade common date Saints - still kicking myself for not buying one of @saintguru ’s 67s when he auctioned them off.

    Why? Did they go cheap or they were just that nice, both?

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    CoinscratchCoinscratch Posts: 8,261 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Much like the forum the show had the same lackluster take on moderns. I was specifically looking for high grade Kennedys 1964 thru 1970 as these are extremely difficult to find raw and I need them to complete the set. The few and only moderns I saw aside from gold were all misses MS65/66.
    I even brought my 83D MS67FB for trade, it's a pop 4/0 $2,200.00 coin. I asked several dealers what they would offer for it, none were interested at any price. Graciously some did offer reasons and solutions ranging from the coin possibly being beat and sinking the value overnight to list it on Ebay for the best results.

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    ConnecticoinConnecticoin Posts: 12,775 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Coinscratch said:

    @Connecticoin said:
    Nice Saint! I would have guessed 65, which is what it would likely grade today if submitted raw. But a green sticker on a 64 is just as good. I love the quality of the higher grade common date Saints - still kicking myself for not buying one of @saintguru ’s 67s when he auctioned them off.

    Why? Did they go cheap or they were just that nice, both?

    They were not cheap ($7k in 2005 IIRC), but they were PQ even for 67s, just gorgeous. I did get his 20-S in 64 which I tried twice to upgrade to 64+, and of course it upgraded to 64+ after I sold it.

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    blitzdudeblitzdude Posts: 5,626 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Connecticoin said:
    Nice Saint! I would have guessed 65, which is what it would likely grade today if submitted raw. But a green sticker on a 64 is just as good. I love the quality of the higher grade common date Saints - still kicking myself for not buying one of @saintguru ’s 67s when he auctioned them off.

    A sticker on a 64 is as good as a straight graded 65? Oh man what has this hobby come too? THKS!

    The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.

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    WalkerfanWalkerfan Posts: 9,090 ✭✭✭✭✭

    MS 64 would've been my guess.

    Love the rattler and bean.

    “I may not believe in myself but I believe in what I’m doing” ~Jimmy Page~

    My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):


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    DelawareDoonsDelawareDoons Posts: 3,388 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @blitzdude said:

    @Connecticoin said:
    Nice Saint! I would have guessed 65, which is what it would likely grade today if submitted raw. But a green sticker on a 64 is just as good. I love the quality of the higher grade common date Saints - still kicking myself for not buying one of @saintguru ’s 67s when he auctioned them off.

    A sticker on a 64 is as good as a straight graded 65? Oh man what has this hobby come too? THKS!

    CAC 64 saints will more often than not upgrade to 65, so they're priced accordingly. Just the reality, don't let your ignorance show too much.

    Professional Numismatist. "It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."

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    lermishlermish Posts: 2,302 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @DelawareDoons said:

    @blitzdude said:

    @Connecticoin said:
    Nice Saint! I would have guessed 65, which is what it would likely grade today if submitted raw. But a green sticker on a 64 is just as good. I love the quality of the higher grade common date Saints - still kicking myself for not buying one of @saintguru ’s 67s when he auctioned them off.

    A sticker on a 64 is as good as a straight graded 65? Oh man what has this hobby come too? THKS!

    CAC 64 saints will more often than not upgrade to 65, so they're priced accordingly. Just the reality, don't let your ignorance show too much.

    That train left the station long ago.

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    CoinscratchCoinscratch Posts: 8,261 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I like this one just as it is. 3 in 1 for pieces of history.

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    DelawareDoonsDelawareDoons Posts: 3,388 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Coinscratch said:
    I like this one just as it is. 3 in 1 for pieces of history.

    I agree, zero reason to chase the upgrade or anything here, especially when it'll sell for 5 money as is. Plus, old holder preservation!

    Professional Numismatist. "It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."

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    CRHer700CRHer700 Posts: 1,107 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I would have said 58+

    God Bless, CRHer700 :mrgreen:
    Do unto others what you expect to be done to you.

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    CoinscratchCoinscratch Posts: 8,261 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @CRHer700 said:
    I would have said 58+

    What looks like rub on the High Points of the obverse is more of a phenomena of the light angles. If I move the light slightly then the shiny areas disappear or turn to dark.
    Notice how the shiny parts are not there in the cell pics further down the thread.

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    ashelandasheland Posts: 22,917 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Very nice!

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