Another Buffalo - 1935-S/S RPM - Which one is it? (per Variety Vista)
So I have this MS 1935-S Buff that appears to be a S/S RPM, but I cannot match it to any of the nine on Variety Vista. Which one do you think it is, or is it a new one?
Link to Variety Vista page for the 35-S RPM: Buffalo Nickels/RPMs 1935-S.htm
Also, is this RPM listed in Cherrypickers Vol 1, and does it have a FS number? I have been trying for over 2 years to get the book and everytime I check coin supply dealers or Whitman it is out of stock.
It's RPM-006: Buffalo Nickels/1935SRPM006.htm
No, it is not in CPG. PCGS lists CPG varieties on CoinFacts, so just go to the CoinFacts page for 1935-S 5c (for example) and click on "Show Related Coins and Varieties"
Thanks, I guess the illustrated mintmark being worn threw me off.
Yeah I had checked Coinfacts so figured as much. This seems just as significant as the 36-D/D so why would it not be in the CPG?
So the RPM-006 is on the CONECA Master List, so could it be attributed under the PCGS Mint Error service?
Nice Buff👍