What is the going rate for 1000 Wheat Cents? 5000? 10,000?

I'm curious how much I could pick up 1000 wheat cents for. On Ebay it looks like $100 for 1000.
How much would you expect a coin shop to sell 1000 wheaties for? 5000? 10,000?
I'm curious how much I could pick up 1000 wheat cents for. On Ebay it looks like $100 for 1000.
How much would you expect a coin shop to sell 1000 wheaties for? 5000? 10,000?
Nickel a piece.
I may know someone selling some first part of next month.
From what I have seen, our fellow forum member @jmlanzaf is someone who does know about large quantity selling/buying of these. Im sure he will chime in! Edited to add: @jmlanzaf if I am wrong about this I apologize, I recall you mentioning in the past that you have handled large quantities before, hence the plug!!
Upstate is buying at $220 and selling at $265 for bag quantities. Of course, smaller quantities will be different and shipping will add to the price. A local BM would probably be in the $250 range as someone already mentioned.
Local guy had 20 bags that he offered me at $220 but I didn't have an easy outlet and they are heavy.
Some years ago, I sold a well known dealer 26 bags. At the time they were good for a buck sixty a bag. I got tired after many years of tripping over them. He came to pick them up in a Ford Escort. We put some in the trunk, the back seat, the floors and the front seat.....You should have seen that car driving away !
Whatever it is it is too much. At this point I regard them as common, picked over cents and nothing more.
Wheaties bags are salted with enough hope that one will buy again. It’s exciting, but you pretty much have left is a bag of wheat cents to save, sort, or sell. I like to find small grandma hoards, but I have to ask around.
That is TOO high for selling t a dealer.
That is what full retail is.
He said he was looking to buy, not sell.
That reminds me of a few years ago I went to a show near Chicago and a dealer had a couple totes of Ziplock bags full of 250 IKEs each. He was selling them for not much over face. After looking at one, I thought dang those totes must be HEAVY.
A local former minister, local dealer buys huge quantities of these when he can, has the patience to through upwards of 100,000, breaking them down by decade and sells them, Fletcher's coins.
I'm surprised that it was able to drive away.
34 pounds per bag
Yesterday, My local shop quoted 3¢ to buy.
Not sure of his selling price.
Wall of HONOR transaction list:WonderCoin, CoinFlip, Masscrew, Travintiques, lordmarcovan, Jinx86, Gerard, ElKevvo
Quantity matters.
Do coin dealers and shops typically search through Wheaties when they get them by the bag? I can't imagine most shops have the time to sort thousands of coins.
I've mostly heard they do a quick glance when sets of Wheaties come in albums and they pick out the key dates. But not for bags
Some do. Most don't.
Contrary to what people say, there are unsearched wheats out there. The problem is that you really never know which ones.
Local junior found a 55 DDO in some wheats from a LCS about 10 years ago. That shop doesn't search them and apparently bought an estate hoard that was unsearched.
A 1916-D dime was also found in junk silver at that same shop about 20 years ago.
And before anyone says it, it was not with the time for the shop staff to search the coins. That was $2000 in finds that they lost while saving 10,000 hours of labor.