Motley looking Motley

Probstein has this for sale. Yikes. Slab doesn't look compromised. $700-$800 card.
My Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame Registry Set
"The Packers are kinda like your kids. You dont love them because they are good, you love them because they are yours"
"The Packers are kinda like your kids. You dont love them because they are good, you love them because they are yours"
WOW! Right border looks funky...pencil checkmark on reverse!!!
Agree. How on earth did that rate a "7" ?
What a joke PSA has become.
PC Walter Payton - Bear Down!
Don't forget the bottom border.
Successful transactions on the BST boards with rtimmer, coincoins, gerard, tincup, tjm965, MMR, mission16, dirtygoldman, AUandAG, deadmunny, thedutymon, leadoff4, Kid4HOF03, BRI2327, colebear, mcholke, rpcolettrane, rockdjrw, publius, quik, kalinefan, Allen, JackWESQ, CON40, Griffeyfan2430, blue227, Tiggs2012, ndleo, CDsNuts, ve3rules, doh, MurphDawg, tennessebanker, and gene1978.
That's simply horrible. If I submitted that card it would get a 4 or 5 MC.
MC and MK...
This is still on a scale of 10, right? jeesshh
Why does it seem like all of these extremely over-graded cards coming from the same seller? Surely that isn't a coincidence.
I'm seriously not sure where all of this is headed. It appears to be headed to no mans land. Quality has deteriorated terribly. The world of grading vintage cards is uncertain to say it as nice as humanly possible. Very disappointing.
Any chance it is a mechanical error, rather, a one (since it is both mis-cut and marked) that was misread as a seven? That assumes they use handwritten forms internally. Occasionally, my ones can look like sevens and vice versa.
Yes, really...
This Motley is even offended that Motley got a 7. Tommy chimed in and said even a 4, one for each of his broken ribs is too much.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
This card is very high end.....problem is, a very high end 6
That Motley card better be fake or PSA has really, really lost it. I stopped subbing several years back and it looks like I got out just on time judging from the stories I've been reading lately.
Maybe someone cracked it and swapped cards?
Late 60's and early to mid 70's non-sports
It does seem like that is possible, or it was a mechanical labelling error
Send it to KSA. It might get a 7.5
Once again, another example of a mech error on the grade portion of the label that made its way through QA/QC. There is no way a PSA grader assigned this a 7 NQ. That getting a MK qualifier is a sure thing, no matter what experience the grader had. It is frustrating to see how incredibly frequent mech errors on the grades are. Again, this was not over-graded; it was unacceptably under-proofread during the quality stages. While examples like this stand out as obvious mech errors, it does highlight how the wrong (unintended/assigned) grade being on the label happens often but without being caught by the card owner, leaving the card owner to feel like his item was judged overly harshly in the grading stage when in actuality the grader got it right and the subsequent labeler screwed it up (or, as in this case, maybe scored a grade that was higher than it deserved even though the grader got it right but lower than what was printed on the label).
Is this the show a nice card and pretend its a 6 thread? what's wrong with the front of that Ripken?
The black ink lines on "Bob Bonner Shortstop" I'm guessing
plus the edge damage by the A in Stars and on the other side between the photos of Ripken and Schneider
also, there is some slight diamond cutting w/ the centering
The left edge looks like it was hand cut with scissors, and the chip on the right edge under the "A" in STARS.
It's the singer not the song - Peter Townshend (1972)
Why do you suppose these are more frequent, much less "incredibly frequent"? If they happen 1 in 10,000 (or 1 in 1000 or 1 in 5000), then grading ten times the cards would result in ten times the mechanical errors. We never talk about the vast numbers they get right.
It is a little tilted.
If you zoom in enough on that Ripken to see edge damage on the A in stars, you're seeing pixilation.
I don't think it should be a 10. A 6 seems like a pretty low though.
The absolutely get almost all of them right. Mech errors are relatively easy to spot when they occur on the letters text portion of the label, but it more often than not takes a qualifier or lack thereof to highlight a mech error on the grade portion. However, the grade portion does get its share of mech errors that are inaccurately passed off as either harsh or generous grading when in fact it had nothing to do with the grade but was instead a mech error. It is disappointing that these slip through the system when there is sufficient QA/QC time built into the process to catch them. Also, there is a method in place for the card owner to review the order for errors prior to Q2 shipment; the card owner can often spot the words/text error and have them fixed before final shipment, but they have no way of knowing if a numerical grade is an error relative to the assigned grade by the grader or not when looking at the list of cards on the review form.
Here's a scan of the back... maybe the bottom is diamond cut or tilted, but the top is 100% hand trimmed. I rotated the image so the print on the back is straight, so you can easily see the edges move as you scroll up and down. I mean come on.
At best PSA is between Level 3 and 4 which given their immense volume is way way way way too many errors. While Six Sigma has been abused by many orgs the principles are all still valid. PSA needs to do better!
It's the singer not the song - Peter Townshend (1972)
FWIW, most of what I sub is foreign vintage soccer lately, but for the past several years, I had been averaging 9% mech error over thousands of cards graded. To be fair, most of it was because they didn't have anyone on staff with sufficient knowledge of the items, but, I had done substantial research and always provided links to checklists and scans of the albums etc. in addition to labeling correctly on the sub forms, so it was still frustrating. But, there were still plenty of mech errors on more normal/standard items too.
How do you guys know that Probstein submitted those cards?
I'm not claiming Probstein SUBMITTED these cards, but it's interesting that he keeps ending up with, and selling, these obviously over-graded cards. I'm not accusing him of anything, but maybe someone who is consigning through Probstein had gotten really good at tampering with and resealing slabs. Can't rule anything out at this point.