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Best way to buy nice Zeppelin Stamps?

I don't really collect Stamps. Oh, I have a few and my Grandma gave me her accumlation when I was a Kid (those are all long gone 😣) . Ive always had in mind that I wanted some of those Zeppelin Stamps in wonderful Mint , never Hinged, mint gum, certified, etsc, etc. So are these a safe buy now? Are values dropping like a stone? I saw some nice ones offered a few years ago but at around $10,000 for a set of 3, I passed..... really quick.

Lately, I've seen uncertified singles at around maybe $400 up to around maybe $600. Didn't really get too much into it, I was just doing a quick scan.

Anyway, how is the world of Stamps going? I still have an appreciation for Stamps gained as a Kid learning many tidbits of History from them. The Zeppelin Stamps have always been my Holy Grail. Maybe it's time to just Go For It?


  • I had a beautiful Air Mail stamp collection which included errors, etc. Always been fascinated with airplanes. Had the Zeps 3/4 times but as soon as I received them, I would sell them for one reason or another. Even bought an entire set of mint stamps, (disturbed back), for $550. Offers are out there, but you have to be patient and search.

    Some years ago I was trying to sell a stamp collection. Within minutes I received an email from a lady that apparently had been in the business at one time or another. She said the business was done with and was not expecting stamps to rebound for a long time. I am now kind of getting the same feeling as I read some of the posts on this site. I have not had the opportunity to look at the new Scott catalogs.

    Plenty of stuff on eBay. I would just give out ridiculous offers...worse thing that can happen is they say "no." But you'll be amazed at all the material I've acquired. I find 19th century stamps fascinating.

  • I started collecting stamps around 1963 my dad got me started cause he was a collector. Had the whole air mail set minus the zeps for a long time about 10 years ago i pulled the trigger and bought them all a stamp show in nyc. But a Scott catalog two years ago almost had a heart attack when I seen the price of what stamps are selling for now I lost a lot of money over all these years I still love my stamps but it seems stamp collecting is going downhill I don't see the prices ever going back up so I just passed him down to the grandkids. If you love The zeps and you don't care about the money just buy them.

  • Jzyskowski1Jzyskowski1 Posts: 6,650 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Everything cycles just might be a minute 😎

    🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶

  • ccmorganccmorgan Posts: 1,232 ✭✭✭

    I loved and dreamed about owning the zeps one day since the late 60s.
    Collected stamps then my father took over the collection after my teen years. Now he's passed and I have the collection.
    Lots of 1st day issues and plate blocks sheets $2-$15 stamps and more.
    Found out they're basically not worth face so I'm using them for postage. Probably never have to buy another stamp the rest of my life.

    Love the 1885-CC Morgan
  • milbrocomilbroco Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭

    I collected as a kid until about 1977/78 when I turned 16ish. I will never get rid of my childhood collection as it brings back so many pleasant memories of my parents and grandparents. Plus, it is not worthless but it also is not worth a lot. A lot of what I bought was seconds......hinged, small tear, thin spot, etc.
    I also loved and learned a lot with collecting. I also never owned a Zep but I recently purchased a collection that had what is called a baby Zep. The 50 cent one. I love it.
    I do not see values going back up the way they were except for the more rare and desirable stamps. Part of this is that kids do not collect them any more. They moved on to baseball cards, Pokemon, Magic cards and the sort.
    I do buy collections from time to time and sell stamps on ebay to recoup my money and have a lot leftover to keep. Most of my stamp sales are overseas outside of the US. They are easy to ship as they just go into a regular envelope.

    ebay seller name milbroco
    email bcmiller7@comcast.net
  • milbrocomilbroco Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭

    Also forgot to mention that a few years ago I answered a stamp collection for sale ad on Craigslist. I purchased the collection for $200.00. There were 8 large tupperware bins loaded with stamps, first day covers, a few binders and some mint sheet files. Well the mint sheet files had a face value of $4,225.00 in US stamps. So I also will never need to buy stamps to use for postage.

    ebay seller name milbroco
    email bcmiller7@comcast.net
  • OverdateOverdate Posts: 7,081 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Years ago I bought a 65 cent Zepplin on a flown postcard just to own a Zepplin. Prices for covers seem to have risen a bit since then, don't know about prices for mint or used stamps by themselves. I think that covers are more interesting for their history than just the stamps by themselves.

    My Adolph A. Weinman signature :)

  • GansetttimeGansetttime Posts: 236 ✭✭✭

    Zeppelin covers are very popular, and I agree, more interesting than the stamps themselves.

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