Civil War token question....

I can't seem to find much information on this Civil War token. Looking for info like rarity or a number I can use to look it up or find a value. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places to get information on this particular token?
Can anyone help me with rarity? Value? Sometime of number I can reference it a book?
Looks like it may be OH-165GB-1a listed as R4 in my old copy of US Civil War Store Cards, 2nd edition. I'm not very good with the Indian Head dies, but it looks like 1020. Wait for confirmation from others
Edit to add: Bowers also lists 1a as R4 in the Whitman Guide Book of Civil War Tokens.
Unusual occupation-a beekeeper. I like it.
I concur with Oldhoopster’s post above. A OH165–GB-1a. Fuld rarity is 6 (20 to 74estimated to exist) in the 3’d Edition of the Fuld Store Card book. Dies are 34440/1020. Manufactured by the John Stanton shop in Cincinnati
"A penny hit by lightning is worth six cents". Opie Taylor
Cool die crack. I like it.
Thanks for the info!