Technically Coinstar [or whoever owns the machine/s] owns the coins because they "bought" them from you for face value by exchanging paper money or equivalent for them.
Legally, this is 100% incorrect.
So if you go to a store and buy something for $1 and give the clerk 4 quarters are you saying that those are still your quarters after you leave the store? I don't think so.
If you deposit a bunch of loose change in a bank account are those coins still yours after you leave the bank?
I'm saying, that if property is stolen, and subsequently sold, the property still belongs to the original owner. What happens when a coin shop or pawn shop buys a stolen coin? The stolen property is returned to the owner and the buyer has a claim for restitution against the wrongdoer.
Yes, but that's an exception that we've already established. In the absence of theft who owns the coins that YOU exchanged for something else?
Keep it; It's my lucky day and the owner's tough luck
@telephoto1 said:
We had a customer pop in who had this exact thing happen to him. Found a $2.50 Indian in a Coinstar reject slot.
He actually did one of the options below. Answer later.
I thought this would make a good poll.
So, You see a gold coin in the reject slot at the local supermarket's Coinstar machine. What do you do?
Please vote and elaborate on your choice below.
Nothing in the initial post says anything about "stolen" coins.
So, unless I missed it, what option in your poll did this person actually do?
So maybe someone should find out how casinos handle this or what they think about rights. Telephoto1 please don’t tell anyone they can or can’t post. Very combative
Keep it; It's my lucky day and the owner's tough luck
@Jzyskowski1 said:
Telephoto1. This is not about coin star it’s about some deep problem that you’re attempting to work out with other people or situations that somehow relate to your problem. Clue. You keep changing sides with the same results. I hope you can find the answer to your questions about honesty and help with why what others do is relevant to your situation.
Good observation.
I am starting to think this poll was a set-up from the beginning. The OP got the range of answers that one would expect. And then came the accusations of corrupt integrity....
Telephoto1. This is not about coin star it’s about some deep problem that you’re attempting to work out with other people or situations that somehow relate to your problem. Clue. You keep changing sides with the same results. I hope you can find the answer to your questions about honesty and help with why what others do is relevant to your situation.
The amateur psych analysis is appreciated but no, I created the poll simply based on a customer bringing in a $2.50 Indian found in a Coinstar slot and thought it would be a way to get a feel of the sentiments here and generate some interesting conversation. It has certainly done so. I also have not only played devil's advocate but also expressed an opinion based on what I've seen thus far. Some here don't agree with others and that's OK. Thanks
@telephoto1 said:
We had a customer pop in who had this exact thing happen to him. Found a $2.50 Indian in a Coinstar reject slot.
He actually did one of the options below. Answer later.
I thought this would make a good poll.
So, You see a gold coin in the reject slot at the local supermarket's Coinstar machine. What do you do?
Please vote and elaborate on your choice below.
Nothing in the initial post says anything about "stolen" coins.
So, unless I missed it, what option in your poll did this person actually do?
He picked #3. Showed to us, then went home and told the police what he'd found. I assume he took it downtown and in X number of days he will likely end up owning it. And for those wondering, that's probably what I'd do also because frankly I think a store employee would likely keep it.
Keep it; It's my lucky day and the owner's tough luck
It's funny that @HalfDimeDude mentioned a lost diamond in the supermarket...
Some years ago I came across a plastic bag from Staples office supply store that was filled with some stuff I had gotten on clearance a year before. When I emptied the bag out in the bottom was a huge diamond. All I could imagine was that it fell out of the cashier's ring while she was bagging my stuff.
Since this all happened a full year earlier, I would have been embarrassed to walk into the store asking if anyone lost a diamond a year ago. So, I took it to the local jeweler and be confirmed that it was fake.
Had it been real, I would have worked with the store to find the original owner.
Then there was the black cat that would show up on the back patio on occassion. It had a collar but it looked very worn, so I managed to take a picture. I then called all the local shelters and drove to all the local supermarkets where people would post flyers for lost pets. No luck, but I tried.
Now, if I had found the cat in the Coinstar reject slot I might just have taken him home.
@Jzyskowski1 said:
So maybe someone should find out how casinos handle this or what they think about rights. Telephoto1 please don’t tell anyone they can or can’t post. Very combative
Show me where I told anyone what they could or couldn't post. I'll wait.
Aside to JBK... Please refrain from putting words in my mouth. Corrupt integrity, no. If anything, situational integrity.
Keep it; It's my lucky day and the owner's tough luck
@PerryHall said:
Keep it but let the manager know you found it in case the owner came back looking for it. I would only give it to the owner if he could identify it as to design type, date, mintmark, and grade.
This. Plus, if there are identifying marks, dings, etc. and the rightful owner has high-quality photos to prove it.
My apologies your response to Copperwire was rude and snotty,something you faulted in others. Referring to it as unfriendly and not encouraging . As for what you mistakenly referred to as amateur psych analysis I believe your mistaking analysis with listening. Very similar. I read what you said and like most anyone I tried to understand what you were saying (what’s the point). You and your responses led me to my feelings, conclusions (opinion) not to be mistaken for psych analysis 😊
@Jzyskowski1"So maybe someone should find out how casinos handle this"
@BAJJERFAN"So who owns the coins in the machine after you walk away from the machine?"
A little story from a few years back when slot machines still took coins. Some still do
A friend and I were in a casino in Nevada. It was late we had been there all day, my friend lost all his money and I still had a few bucks and was still gambling. All of a sudden casino security came up to me and said "you need to come with us." I was shocked and asked them what the problem was and their reply was "you just need to come with us NOW!" They took me to a little back room where my friend was sitting in a chair. They said "we are taking a photo of you and you are both 86'ed from the casino and are never to set foot on the property again." I was shocked and asked why. It turns out that my friend was walking by a slot machine and there was 3 nickels in the tray, he took them. (Yes, all this was over 15 cents!) They said that he had cheated a gaming devise and I was guilty because I was with him. I tried to tell them I was across the casino at the time and had no knowledge about him taking the nickels and I had not done anything wrong they said "you walked into the casino together so you are both guilty." Turns out that Nevada law says if you find coins in a slot machine that someone has walked away from you can't just take them. The coins are not yours so you can't touch them. The coins belong to the person that was playing the machine or the casino and are clearly not your property. You can be fined or go to jail for cheating a gaming devise. It is up to the casino if they want to call law enforcement or just ban you for smaller amounts. The exception is, if you see coins in the tray and you put money in the machine and play at least one spin you have now played the machine and no one can say or prove who the money in the tray belongs to, and it now belongs to you because you were the last person playing. I was able to call the casino several days later and get my ban lifted after they checked the tapes and found I had nothing to do with it, my friend was still banned.
If this Coinstar machine was in Nevada there is a good chance a court could rule against you if you did not use the machine first.
Technically Coinstar [or whoever owns the machine/s] owns the coins because they "bought" them from you for face value by exchanging paper money or equivalent for them.
Legally, this is 100% incorrect.
But they didn’t buy it if it was in the reject slot.
@TurtleCat said:
In a grocery store setting I would probably keep it, honestly. Ownership will be next to impossible to prove. I could see myself posting on Next Door and see if anyone in my area could identify it. Maybe I’m cynical but turning it over to the store would likely cause it to end up in the pocket of whoever I gave it to.
Now, if it was a bank I would turn it over to the bank manager as it’s more likely to be a bank member than a random person.
Why would that be? A Coinstar machine in a bank lobby is accessible to the public at large. Bank employees use the bank's counting machines.
It could be, it’s just less likely to be random than a grocery store. And I would have a bit more faith in the fiduciary trust of a bank manager than a grocery store manager. It may be unfair but that’s how I see it.
What a generalized educate you the salary of a food store manager is over 6 figures, as compared to a 40 to 50 k salary of a bank manager.
Now im talking apples to apples...your statement "that's how I see it"
Just proves you do not know the facts.
I worked with 120 food store managers for over 38 years! A former meat cutter and store manager I cannot recall once a store manager was terminated for their honestly.
They may have been dismissed for other actions but not thief.
Again you have no idea of food store operations or bank rules and regulations.
If you think the person wearing the management hat in a food store has less fiduciaries trust than a bank manager ....POPPYCOCK!
Do you have any idea the weekly reciepts of a food store? A million plus a week wasn't a problem to obtain in a store in a better neighborhood.
A local bank manager has no were near that figure, in their local vaults.
So the responsibility of a food store manager exceeds any bank managers duties.
I can support this as a former store manager,who's father was in banking.
Some may discredit a food store manager as just some dumb redneck with no education or any moral values.
Walk a day in the shoes of a retail food store manager. Or even any retail clerks shoes.
They earn both their salaries and respect for what they deal with daily!
I could write a book on 38 years of never knowing what crazy is going to walk though the front door.
Never knowing what could or can happen next!
From both employees to the customer, as I can attest to a day that 15 minutes after my day started I had 3 employees and 2 customers stabbed ! By a druged up nut case!
Another day when a female shoplifter caught escaped and spent 4 hours in the stores ceilings being chased by a police dog to get her out.
They always speak of occupations that are dangerous.... but until you been shot at,held at gunpoint,locked in a walk in freezer after a roberty, just to mention a has no idea .
Again I am very proud of my career in retail food industry , to the employees that I had the pleasure to worked with, and to those to whom I answered to above my pay grade.
No college course or degree can make you ready to handel what is about to happen next!
And everyday you need to bring your " A game " as 15 seconds from now all hell could break loose!
@nags said:
For those that would just keep it... If you grabbed lunch at a coin show and dropped or forgot a double eagle in a 2x2 you'd be cool with whoever found it to just toss it in their pocket and call it their lucky day?
That is not an equivalent scenario. But, yes, I have lost money before (thankfully not much) and I chalked it up to a learning experience.
I lost my wallet at university in the 80's TWICE (yes I was that careless) and it was returned to the lost and found both times intact after which I was notified. I wouldn't want to try my luck a third time.
What about cash or chips found on floor or similar place cocktails booth or restaurant mainly casino floor? Thanks for your response I was hoping to hear from op
@Jzyskowski1 said:
What about cash or chips found on floor or similar place cocktails booth or restaurant mainly casino floor? Thanks for your response I was hoping to hear from op
Chips, cash or a paper "cash out" receipt are all the same.
If it is not yours you can't touch it.
Edited to add:
A casino floor is no longer a gaming devise so the law may not apply but the casino can still ban you if they choose to.
@Jzyskowski1 said:
My apologies your response to Copperwire was rude and snotty,something you faulted in others. Referring to it as unfriendly and not encouraging . As for what you mistakenly referred to as amateur psych analysis I believe your mistaking analysis with listening. Very similar. I read what you said and like most anyone I tried to understand what you were saying (what’s the point). You and your responses led me to my feelings, conclusions (opinion) not to be mistaken for psych analysis 😊
My response to Copperwire was a response to an insult followed by vulgarity; to be fair I reread both and all I did was point out that he chose to respond and thanked him for his input, followed by how I tried to provide as many feasible poll options as possible. I'm not seeing where anything there was particularly rude, unlike his post.
As to the casino question, as someone else has already very astutely pointed out, such businesses have specific laws which vary slightly by state, but usually have one common thread...leave it where you found it. I know it's that way here in IL.
And I accept your apology, as I have posted in this forum before the greatest gifts we can give each other is knowledge!
You are entitled to your belielfs, as we all.... but please make sure you have facts to support your words.
And understand that your words hit a nerve....I don't hold grudges, but I do take the time to share another view . To share my life experiences hopefully to make a difference and make others well myself.
Again i truly appreciate your apology ,and please accept mine for getting on the soap box.
Keep it; It's my lucky day and the owner's tough luck
@HalfDimeDude No worries, sometimes it’s just the nature of a faceless forum. I’m sure if we were having this discussion at a coin show we would have a good time and a good laugh
If I found the gold coin in question I would take it. Good chance I would call the police and inquire about any coin thefts in the area. It may be the one small piece of the puzzle they need to convict someone and get the coins back to the owner. I would not turn the coin over to the police or the store manager until I had some sort of proof they know who the true owner is. Chances of finding the true owner are very slim.
Technically Coinstar [or whoever owns the machine/s] owns the coins because they "bought" them from you for face value by exchanging paper money or equivalent for them.
Legally, this is 100% incorrect.
So if you go to a store and buy something for $1 and give the clerk 4 quarters are you saying that those are still your quarters after you leave the store? I don't think so.
If you deposit a bunch of loose change in a bank account are those coins still yours after you leave the bank?
Coinstar hasn't "bought" the rejects. If it had, they wouldn't be "rejects".
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Not that I agree with them but there is someone I know that if they find anything worth over a cent on the ground inside a store they always give it to the closest cashier or customer service saying they found it. They do it for a nickel and up. However if they find it outside they keep it. Their reasoning is that it “belongs to the store” since it was found on their property. However, the parking lot I think is technically store property too but for some reason it’s okay to keep lost coins found outside according to this person. When I am with them they make me give coins over a cent to the cashier if I find them. Just an interesting observation I noticed from someone I know.
Is it later yet? You might not get a chance later.
I posted it a few posts back but will repost:
He picked #3. Showed to us, then went home and told the police what he'd found. I assume he took it downtown and in X number of days he will likely end up owning it. And for those wondering, that's probably what I'd do also because frankly I think a store employee would likely keep it (and not bother trying to find the owner).
Edit for clarity.
Keep it; It's my lucky day and the owner's tough luck
@SIowhand said:
My favorite justification in this thread for keeping it is you are afraid the manager will keep it instead. That is some fine mental gymnastics.
I do believe that isn't a concern, most would keep it because just the fact no one would know who is or would be the actual owner.
As Ive posted these machines if you have a good tech come in weekly, or more depending on the amount of use the machine gets. As the machine wiill automatically shut down when full!
Another factor is the demographics of the area. I can assure you.....a lower income area see's more people using the machine than an upscale area.
As lower income areas tend to need to use their jug money.
And again as a former store manager everything in that machine no matter in or or in the retun slot under the machine or loose in the machine.. is legally property of the coin star company or what ever company owns that machine.
Thank you for your e-mail. To answer your question, the coins that are left in the reject slot belong to the last customer that used the kiosk and in the event of finding them, the store personnel should be informed, and coins should be left with them.
Thank you,
Coinstar Customer Service
Reference # 8001951990″
Thank you for your e-mail. To answer your question, the coins that are left in the reject slot belong to the last customer that used the kiosk and in the event of finding them, the store personnel should be informed, and coins should be left with them.
Thank you,
Coinstar Customer Service
Reference # 8001951990″
Thanks for posting the response. Perhaps in HalfDimeDude's case that was more of a store policy rather than a CoinStar policy...?
Keep it; It's my lucky day and the owner's tough luck
The reject slot is just like the garbage can and considered abandoned property. Now if I watched a person dump the coins in and walk away without checking the slot I would attempt to stop them and let them know what they left behind. Otherwise there is no way to tell who the owner was. I'd send that puppy right off to PCGS and ask for some sort of special lucky day coinstar find designation.
PS, it's my fantasy every time I stick my hand in that dirty germ infested slot that I'm going to strike gold. THKS!
Yes, but that's an exception that we've already established. In the absence of theft who owns the coins that YOU exchanged for something else?
Nothing in the initial post says anything about "stolen" coins.
So, unless I missed it, what option in your poll did this person actually do?
So maybe someone should find out how casinos handle this or what they think about rights. Telephoto1 please don’t tell anyone they can or can’t post. Very combative
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Well, technically the face value is only $2.50. If you found 2 Sacagewea dollars and two quarters in the reject bin, would you try to find the owner?
Good observation.
I am starting to think this poll was a set-up from the beginning. The OP got the range of answers that one would expect. And then came the accusations of corrupt integrity....
@Jzyskowski1 said:
The amateur psych analysis is appreciated but no, I created the poll simply based on a customer bringing in a $2.50 Indian found in a Coinstar slot and thought it would be a way to get a feel of the sentiments here and generate some interesting conversation. It has certainly done so. I also have not only played devil's advocate but also expressed an opinion based on what I've seen thus far. Some here don't agree with others and that's OK. Thanks
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
He picked #3. Showed to us, then went home and told the police what he'd found. I assume he took it downtown and in X number of days he will likely end up owning it. And for those wondering, that's probably what I'd do also because frankly I think a store employee would likely keep it.
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
It's funny that @HalfDimeDude mentioned a lost diamond in the supermarket...
Some years ago I came across a plastic bag from Staples office supply store that was filled with some stuff I had gotten on clearance a year before. When I emptied the bag out in the bottom was a huge diamond. All I could imagine was that it fell out of the cashier's ring while she was bagging my stuff.
Since this all happened a full year earlier, I would have been embarrassed to walk into the store asking if anyone lost a diamond a year ago. So, I took it to the local jeweler and be confirmed that it was fake.
Had it been real, I would have worked with the store to find the original owner.
Then there was the black cat that would show up on the back patio on occassion. It had a collar but it looked very worn, so I managed to take a picture. I then called all the local shelters and drove to all the local supermarkets where people would post flyers for lost pets. No luck, but I tried.
Now, if I had found the cat in the Coinstar reject slot I might just have taken him home.
Show me where I told anyone what they could or couldn't post. I'll wait.
Aside to JBK... Please refrain from putting words in my mouth. Corrupt integrity, no. If anything, situational integrity.
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
This. Plus, if there are identifying marks, dings, etc. and the rightful owner has high-quality photos to prove it.
My OmniCoin Collection
My BankNoteBank Collection
Tom, formerly in Albuquerque, NM.
My apologies your response to Copperwire was rude and snotty,something you faulted in others. Referring to it as unfriendly and not encouraging . As for what you mistakenly referred to as amateur psych analysis I believe your mistaking analysis with listening. Very similar. I read what you said and like most anyone I tried to understand what you were saying (what’s the point). You and your responses led me to my feelings, conclusions (opinion) not to be mistaken for psych analysis 😊
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
What about the casino question
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
@Jzyskowski1 "So maybe someone should find out how casinos handle this"
@BAJJERFAN "So who owns the coins in the machine after you walk away from the machine?"
A little story from a few years back when slot machines still took coins. Some still do
A friend and I were in a casino in Nevada. It was late we had been there all day, my friend lost all his money and I still had a few bucks and was still gambling. All of a sudden casino security came up to me and said "you need to come with us." I was shocked and asked them what the problem was and their reply was "you just need to come with us NOW!" They took me to a little back room where my friend was sitting in a chair. They said "we are taking a photo of you and you are both 86'ed from the casino and are never to set foot on the property again." I was shocked and asked why. It turns out that my friend was walking by a slot machine and there was 3 nickels in the tray, he took them. (Yes, all this was over 15 cents!) They said that he had cheated a gaming devise and I was guilty because I was with him. I tried to tell them I was across the casino at the time and had no knowledge about him taking the nickels and I had not done anything wrong they said "you walked into the casino together so you are both guilty." Turns out that Nevada law says if you find coins in a slot machine that someone has walked away from you can't just take them. The coins are not yours so you can't touch them. The coins belong to the person that was playing the machine or the casino and are clearly not your property. You can be fined or go to jail for cheating a gaming devise. It is up to the casino if they want to call law enforcement or just ban you for smaller amounts. The exception is, if you see coins in the tray and you put money in the machine and play at least one spin you have now played the machine and no one can say or prove who the money in the tray belongs to, and it now belongs to you because you were the last person playing. I was able to call the casino several days later and get my ban lifted after they checked the tapes and found I had nothing to do with it, my friend was still banned.
If this Coinstar machine was in Nevada there is a good chance a court could rule against you if you did not use the machine first.
But they didn’t buy it if it was in the reject slot.
Lafayette Grading Set
I was working on it.....I type slow.

What a generalized educate you the salary of a food store manager is over 6 figures, as compared to a 40 to 50 k salary of a bank manager.
Now im talking apples to apples...your statement "that's how I see it"
Just proves you do not know the facts.
I worked with 120 food store managers for over 38 years! A former meat cutter and store manager I cannot recall once a store manager was terminated for their honestly.
They may have been dismissed for other actions but not thief.
Again you have no idea of food store operations or bank rules and regulations.
If you think the person wearing the management hat in a food store has less fiduciaries trust than a bank manager ....POPPYCOCK!
Do you have any idea the weekly reciepts of a food store? A million plus a week wasn't a problem to obtain in a store in a better neighborhood.
A local bank manager has no were near that figure, in their local vaults.
So the responsibility of a food store manager exceeds any bank managers duties.
I can support this as a former store manager,who's father was in banking.
Some may discredit a food store manager as just some dumb redneck with no education or any moral values.
Walk a day in the shoes of a retail food store manager. Or even any retail clerks shoes.
They earn both their salaries and respect for what they deal with daily!
I could write a book on 38 years of never knowing what crazy is going to walk though the front door.
Never knowing what could or can happen next!
From both employees to the customer, as I can attest to a day that 15 minutes after my day started I had 3 employees and 2 customers stabbed ! By a druged up nut case!
Another day when a female shoplifter caught escaped and spent 4 hours in the stores ceilings being chased by a police dog to get her out.
They always speak of occupations that are dangerous.... but until you been shot at,held at gunpoint,locked in a walk in freezer after a roberty, just to mention a has no idea .
Again I am very proud of my career in retail food industry , to the employees that I had the pleasure to worked with, and to those to whom I answered to above my pay grade.
No college course or degree can make you ready to handel what is about to happen next!
And everyday you need to bring your " A game " as 15 seconds from now all hell could break loose!
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
@HalfDimeDude Im sorry if my opinions offended you.
I lost my wallet at university in the 80's TWICE (yes I was that careless) and it was returned to the lost and found both times intact after which I was notified. I wouldn't want to try my luck a third time.
If you're savvy enough to identify & keep the silver you find in a CoinStar, you're not going to change your tune when/if you find gold there.
"Bongo hurtles along the rain soaked highway of life on underinflated bald retread tires."
What about cash or chips found on floor or similar place cocktails booth or restaurant mainly casino floor? Thanks for your response I was hoping to hear from op
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Chips, cash or a paper "cash out" receipt are all the same.
If it is not yours you can't touch it.
Edited to add:
A casino floor is no longer a gaming devise so the law may not apply but the casino can still ban you if they choose to.
My response to Copperwire was a response to an insult followed by vulgarity; to be fair I reread both and all I did was point out that he chose to respond and thanked him for his input, followed by how I tried to provide as many feasible poll options as possible. I'm not seeing where anything there was particularly rude, unlike his post.
As to the casino question, as someone else has already very astutely pointed out, such businesses have specific laws which vary slightly by state, but usually have one common thread...leave it where you found it. I know it's that way here in IL.
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
And I accept your apology, as I have posted in this forum before the greatest gifts we can give each other is knowledge!
You are entitled to your belielfs, as we all.... but please make sure you have facts to support your words.
And understand that your words hit a nerve....I don't hold grudges, but I do take the time to share another view . To share my life experiences hopefully to make a difference and make others well myself.
Again i truly appreciate your apology ,and please accept mine for getting on the soap box.
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
@HalfDimeDude No worries, sometimes it’s just the nature of a faceless forum. I’m sure if we were having this discussion at a coin show we would have a good time and a good laugh
I can’t believe you just said 2wrongs make a right. Well Suzy hit me first (how old are you because I don’t want to argue with aYN )
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
If I found the gold coin in question I would take it. Good chance I would call the police and inquire about any coin thefts in the area. It may be the one small piece of the puzzle they need to convict someone and get the coins back to the owner. I would not turn the coin over to the police or the store manager until I had some sort of proof they know who the true owner is. Chances of finding the true owner are very slim.
Coinstar hasn't "bought" the rejects. If it had, they wouldn't be "rejects".
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
@telephoto1 "Answer later."
Is it later yet? You might not get a chance later.
Not that I agree with them but there is someone I know that if they find anything worth over a cent on the ground inside a store they always give it to the closest cashier or customer service saying they found it. They do it for a nickel and up. However if they find it outside they keep it. Their reasoning is that it “belongs to the store” since it was found on their property. However, the parking lot I think is technically store property too but for some reason it’s okay to keep lost coins found outside according to this person. When I am with them they make me give coins over a cent to the cashier if I find them. Just an interesting observation I noticed from someone I know.
I posted it a few posts back but will repost:
He picked #3. Showed to us, then went home and told the police what he'd found. I assume he took it downtown and in X number of days he will likely end up owning it. And for those wondering, that's probably what I'd do also because frankly I think a store employee would likely keep it (and not bother trying to find the owner).
Edit for clarity.
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
@telephoto1 "I posted it a few posts back but will repost:"
Sorry, I guess I need to work on my reading skills.

My favorite justification in this thread for keeping it is you are afraid the manager will keep it instead. That is some fine mental gymnastics.
Just to muddy the waters a bit.
There are folks here that will "salt" a Coinstar return slot.
Maybe someone put the coin there as a prize for the next person.
Edited to add:
It might be fun to order 20 of these from China and start salting Coinstars and see if any threads get started here.
That soapbox rant was pretty informative.
I did some time in a small store and a convenience store. We had a few weird things but nothing like you went through.
I do believe that isn't a concern, most would keep it because just the fact no one would know who is or would be the actual owner.
As Ive posted these machines if you have a good tech come in weekly, or more depending on the amount of use the machine gets. As the machine wiill automatically shut down when full!
Another factor is the demographics of the area. I can assure you.....a lower income area see's more people using the machine than an upscale area.
As lower income areas tend to need to use their jug money.
And again as a former store manager everything in that machine no matter in or or in the retun slot under the machine or loose in the machine.. is legally property of the coin star company or what ever company owns that machine.
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
Found this elsewhere:
Thank you for your e-mail. To answer your question, the coins that are left in the reject slot belong to the last customer that used the kiosk and in the event of finding them, the store personnel should be informed, and coins should be left with them.
Thank you,
Coinstar Customer Service
Reference # 8001951990″
Some grocers (Schnucks comes to mind) have their own coin machines now. I believe the one near here charges 11%.
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
Thanks for posting the response. Perhaps in HalfDimeDude's case that was more of a store policy rather than a CoinStar policy...?
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
The reject slot is just like the garbage can and considered abandoned property. Now if I watched a person dump the coins in and walk away without checking the slot I would attempt to stop them and let them know what they left behind. Otherwise there is no way to tell who the owner was. I'd send that puppy right off to PCGS and ask for some sort of special lucky day coinstar find designation.
PS, it's my fantasy every time I stick my hand in that dirty germ infested slot that I'm going to strike gold. THKS!