Coin book for US-Philippines coinage

Does anyone know if there is a book on the market for Philippines pesos? I am looking for a value guide/information book for us-Philippines coinage? With mintages and photos etc. looking for a hardcover book around 20 dollars. Thanks.
@wondercoin has a son named Justin who has a price guide on his website. If you do a forum search you should be able to fine a link to his price guide.
Justin from Yes that value guide is pretty good
Here’s a link to the MonsterCoinMart Peso page.
Here’s a book on eBay.
For the book above there were only 50 printed for the U.S. Market. 100 for the Philippines.
20 of the U.S. ones were lost in the mail. Rare book.
Originally priced at $75.
Very interesting I didn’t know that
IIRC, David Lange has studied this series in depth. He may also know of some additional resources.
See for a free online reference for US twenty-cent pieces