It is pewter. It is colored that way when it is heated up and poured into a sand casting the seller told me. He had another 1 like this that he dremeled it smooth in a silver color, but that 1 was for $40 dollars more than I wanted to pay.
It is pewter. It is colored that way when it is heated up and poured into a sand casting the seller told me. He had another 1 like this that he dremeled it smooth in a silver color, but that 1 was for $40 dollars more than I wanted to pay.
Thanks again for sharing; personally I like the rougher finishes.
@Kliao said:
Those toast racks are pretty interesting.
I'll start with my best find, Wallace Rosepoint sterling set for $18 at a garage sale.
What's your ebay handle? I would like to block you from bidding on any of my items. What you did was unethical. Never take advantage of people for their ignorance. God judges us all. And nature has a funny way of treating us the way we treat other people.
I cannot believe you did that to somebody. Shame on you.
I personally am somewhere in the middle at garage sales. If I see an older seller, I try to let them know what they have and give them more, however if the seller is younger, are financially secure, and are more used to having a phone in hand, I'll just pay the price stickered.
Your logic is bizarre and arbitrary. If someone is young, they are more likely to be ignorant than an older person with decades of life experience and who likely grew up in a country where Silver actually once circulated as valuable currency. An 18-year old or someone in their 20's probably has no clue what precious metals are worth.
You have inverted your assumption of who should already know what Silver, whether Sterling .925 or not, is worth. Older people almost always know. Younger people rarely do.
And discriminating based on age is also unethical. Why not educate everyone equally, rather than judging people based solely on their age?
Taking advantage of anyone for their ignorance is just plain immoral, regardless of their age. It's especially immoral to do so to a young person just starting out in life who that kind of money could have helped pay for their college or a used car to get to their new job, etc.
If you had any morals you would go back to that person and tell them what you took from them, get your $18 cash back, and give them the $3,000+ in Silver you took from them.
I find it worthy of public notice that Kliao has privately messaged me and apologized for his behavior and offered to remedy the situation with the original owner of the Sterling Silverware set. I told him that's a good sign of growth in his moral character and something a decent person would do. I retract entirely my desire to block him on eBay and ask others who read here to consider the personal reforms made by this young man. We all make mistakes. Thankfully, most of them can be fixed.
I find it odd that only one member here gets called out for his “rip”. Especially in a thread about ripping silver. I guess it’s ok to rip from some and not others? The internet is an interesting place.
The idea that you’re only allowed to take advantage of people who should have known better is odd to me.
Don’t worry @Kliao as you get older you’ll learn who’s allowed to be ripped off.
@bigjpst said:
I find it odd that only one member here gets called out for his “rip”. Especially in a thread about ripping silver. I guess it’s ok to rip from some and not others? The internet is an interesting place.
The idea that you’re only allowed to take advantage of people who should have known better is odd to me.
Don’t worry @Kliao as you get older you’ll learn who’s allowed to be ripped off.
I only read a few posts before I saw Kliao's. Don't worry. Anyone else who did something wrong will receive fair criticism if they deserve it.
@bigjpst said:
I find it odd that only one member here gets called out for his “rip”. Especially in a thread about ripping silver. I guess it’s ok to rip from some and not others? The internet is an interesting place.
The idea that you’re only allowed to take advantage of people who should have known better is odd to me.
Don’t worry @Kliao as you get older you’ll learn who’s allowed to be ripped off.
I only read a few posts before I saw Kliao's. Don't worry. Anyone else who did something wrong will receive fair criticism if they deserve it.
Oh I’m not worried now that we know you’re here to cast the judgement when it’s deserved.
It’s been a good last few weeks with this stuff! But it’ll take a lot to top those candlesticks.

My YouTube Channel
YES I DID . I am proud of them. YOLO
Coin Junky...
What material is this one?
It is pewter. It is colored that way when it is heated up and poured into a sand casting the seller told me. He had another 1 like this that he dremeled it smooth in a silver color, but that 1 was for $40 dollars more than I wanted to pay.
Coin Junky...
Thanks again for sharing; personally I like the rougher finishes.
What's your ebay handle? I would like to block you from bidding on any of my items. What you did was unethical. Never take advantage of people for their ignorance. God judges us all. And nature has a funny way of treating us the way we treat other people.
I cannot believe you did that to somebody. Shame on you.
Your logic is bizarre and arbitrary. If someone is young, they are more likely to be ignorant than an older person with decades of life experience and who likely grew up in a country where Silver actually once circulated as valuable currency. An 18-year old or someone in their 20's probably has no clue what precious metals are worth.
You have inverted your assumption of who should already know what Silver, whether Sterling .925 or not, is worth. Older people almost always know. Younger people rarely do.
And discriminating based on age is also unethical. Why not educate everyone equally, rather than judging people based solely on their age?
Taking advantage of anyone for their ignorance is just plain immoral, regardless of their age. It's especially immoral to do so to a young person just starting out in life who that kind of money could have helped pay for their college or a used car to get to their new job, etc.
If you had any morals you would go back to that person and tell them what you took from them, get your $18 cash back, and give them the $3,000+ in Silver you took from them.
I find it worthy of public notice that Kliao has privately messaged me and apologized for his behavior and offered to remedy the situation with the original owner of the Sterling Silverware set. I told him that's a good sign of growth in his moral character and something a decent person would do. I retract entirely my desire to block him on eBay and ask others who read here to consider the personal reforms made by this young man. We all make mistakes. Thankfully, most of them can be fixed.
Live and learn. Good. It's all about integrity.
Coin Junky...
I find it odd that only one member here gets called out for his “rip”. Especially in a thread about ripping silver. I guess it’s ok to rip from some and not others? The internet is an interesting place.
The idea that you’re only allowed to take advantage of people who should have known better is odd to me.
Don’t worry @Kliao as you get older you’ll learn who’s allowed to be ripped off.
My Ebay Store
I only read a few posts before I saw Kliao's. Don't worry. Anyone else who did something wrong will receive fair criticism if they deserve it.
Oh I’m not worried now that we know you’re here to cast the judgement when it’s deserved.
They need a dripping with sarcasm emoji.
My Ebay Store