Cesium anyone??

Does anyone have any knowledge on the current value of pure Ceasium metal? Considering its current and possible uses, especially in satellites and space exploration, would it be a good investment? It has very interesting properties. It is a very small market as i have read. I really can’t find any valid pricing or forecasts or statistics. Is it being kept in the dark for a reason?
Cesium metal is highly explosive when exposed to water. It's not a metal that any non-expert should frankly ever be around.
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Pure cesium? Better have it sealed in an argon or nitrogen-filled container! I've used pure cesium, as well as pure potassium and pure sodium metals and the results can be explosive!
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
I ask because an elderly physicist friend of mine has 4 ampoules of 99.99+ Cs, sealed in glass under Argon. Each ampoule has a net weight of 250gr each for a total of 1 KG! They are a beautiful light golden color and form gorgeous dendritic crystals, which i understand to be a testament to the high purity level. I was thinking of buying them from him and being the middleman, but I have no way of knowing what the current price is for that amount and purity. I would like to help him out, but dont know where to start. From my research, i see small glass ampoules of 1gr + with purities of 99.8 and they are anywhere from $90/gr to $150/gr. I understand the danger, but i promise to be careful! Any help with pricing and/or logistics would be very greatly appreciated!
Cs metal in ampules is indeed lovely, I have a 5g ampule myself. I think it does have to be quite pure to have the golden color. As long as the ampule is not broken, it will be safe, but I would not want to deal with 250 g from a broken ampule. (Deal with probably means having a metal fire where water is NOT appropriate to put it out! It would quite likely spontaneously catch fire if exposed to air.)
If it were not for that hazard though, I would LOVE to have a 250 g sample of the metal. It is just so cool. Some element collectors would surely want some, but that is a LOT of reactive metal that could potentially be spilled aka burst into flame.
I dont know but my guess is the price in this market is about to explode!
I have had occasion to deal with pure sodium, and had to be super cautious. Never dealt with Cesium, but I understand it is even more risky to work with. Only have seen pictures of the crystals. Cheers, RickO
Likewise, I've handled pure sodium but not cesium. I don't think I would want that quantity on my property or home... a liability and dangerous situation if containers become breached. Middleman... perhaps. But prefer not to handle.
Yeah, I know its dangerous for sure. I have been doing a little more research and it looks like it is a very strategic metal and USA has a very limited supply, if any. Let us suppose that you had this opportunity to acquire some Cs that was packed and sealed very well with minimal danger, and to buy low and sell high. Where would one start to find a consumer that needs that amount and would pay handsomely for it? Again, i have know idea how to price it and where to sell it.
it looks like it is a very strategic metal and USA has a very limited supply, if any.
Research the applications & uses, and then go find an end user to approach.
I knew it would happen.
No offense, but it reads to me like you want to be the middleman and reap the rewards of being the middleman without the knowledge or contacts that such a person has acquired and are simply fishing for others to educate you on the fly. That can be a dangerous strategy.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
No offense taken tom. Yeah, its called capitalism. Could you please elaborate on the dangerous strategy?
You may get incorrect or incomplete information and you may end up doing something with it that would put yourself or others in physical peril or at least put your finances in peril.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
its not worth messing worth
Well, I was just inquiring about a possible PRICE point. Im not a scientist, logistics professional, or a dummy, just a businessman. Thanks for the concern and wish me luck.
I am beginning to realize that johnny. So it is safe to say that Cs really it has no value?
Not really rare enough to justify the PITA, unless you can get it cheap.
I'd label it in case you aren't around when someone finds it.
(Remember...I'm the one who bought 10 kilos of tellurium so you might want to disregard my advice
My Saint Set
Best of luck in your adventure 🙂
Certainly not something I would mess with. Good luck with your endeavor if you decide to proceed with it.
Never saw such scared sheeple in my life. Oh no! Cesium! What a catastrophe!
"scared sheeple" ???
You asked for opinions/info and you got it... from some people that likely have some knowledge of chemistry. I've worked in chemistry laboratories most of my working career, and have handled plenty of hazardous materials. Enough to know you better know what you are doing. And what a PITA it is to get rid of hazardous items.... hope you are well versed on shipping regulations and the liabilities (even as a middleman) and have lots of money to comply. Can you make some money on the Cesium? Perhaps. But I would not want physical possession of it.
"I understand the danger, but i promise to be careful!"
Well then... as long as you promise! Then no problem!! And since you appear to be 'brave' as contrasted to us 'scared sheeple'.... then go for it! Grab the opportunity and have fun! As for me... not scared at all. But I do have enough experience and functioning brain cells to realize that some things are best not messed with.
BTW... reminds me of the video when the State of Washington disposed of barrels of solid sodium... by rolling them into a lake! No way you can ever do that now days! (but I imagine they had fun)
No tincup, I’m so dumb that I was going to break open the ampoules in my swimming pool (I don’t use chlorine, but fluorine) and then repackage them for shipping, while I was under water. Why don’t you research Cs for yourself and the many uses and benefits and even in cancer research. You think you know it all because you are a chemist. Why do you assume I am careless. You don’t even know me. But I know if you had any interest in the Cs and you could profit from it that you would be all over it. Tell me if I’m wrong. I’m done here, gonna go have fun rolling barrels of sodium into a lake.
Lake Lenore is now a blue ribbon fly fishing spot - Lahontan cutthroat do well in the alkaline water...
"Does this parcel contain anything fragile, liquid, perishable, or potentially hazardous?"
But you can ship live baby chickens.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
You think you know it all because you are a chemist. Why do you assume I am careless.
Why do you assume that the good advice you've received here from multiple people with chemical backgrounds should be ignored?
Be sure to come back here and tell us how it all turns out. Good luck.
I knew it would happen.
caesium 137 is highly radioactive and likely highly regulated.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
The OP is surely discussing Cs-133, which is stable, and composes 100% of natural cesium. Otherwise, 250g of it would be rather more hazardous than anybody here has suggested yet
he didn't specify and no one thought to ask. It was my way of asking.
You know what they say about assumptions. lol
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Thank you element159, of course you are correct.
Derryb, as i have been reading your posts, which i will cease to from now on, you have put your ego and ignorance on display for everyone to see. Maybe take a vacation or something. Why on Earth would you even think it was Cs-137. I dont live in Fukashima Japan, but it appears that you have been attacked by some radioactivity somehow, somewhere. I look forward to never responding to or reading your lame posts.
Contact one of the companies that deal in selling elements. I'm sure they would love to buy those kind of high purity quantities. I know of one of them that has a customer that buys elements in kilo sizes, so these might fit the bill.
Thanks finn! I appreciate you! I will keep you posted
This is actually a good idea. They ought to know what needs to be done to ship this legally (this part is probably extremely difficult), and may have customers who would be able to safely store it. E.g., maybe Elon Musk collects elements? In any case, he could probably use a kg of cesium, and would be able to pay to store it properly (e.g. have a separate building for it, which could be sacrificed it it burned down).
Thanks element159. I am working on it for sure. I think its probably more dangerous to sell to Elon Musk than anyone else. He has total disregard for human life. Lets see how many more Spacex rockets blow up in the future. Are there any elements that you need for your collection? I have a wide array of ultrapure solid pieces and some metal crystals.
appears today is not the day. lol
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Now thats the attitude i like! Lets get it all out in the open. You’re getting what too many people were and are scared to say. And your humor is absolutely some of the funniest stuff i have ever read!
hopefully tomorrow?
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Rhodl....youre gonna get the boot.
Argue against misinformation, conjecture, ignorance, etc, with facts.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
@cohodk: He doesn't know how to take friendly advice.
I knew it would happen.
Bam. Perhaps we will hear in the future about his adventure and how it turns out.... and the fortunes to be make in pure Cesium metal.