Finally, a group that can help me, I hope :) please take a look

I have been a life long collector of autographs and the hobby is a passion of mine. There is nothing more thrilling that finding an autograph that you have long sought after and then being able to acquire it in person or through the mail. I have look for a community that appreciates autographs for a long time and today I found you all, I am beyond thrilled!!
Please take a look, as I was sent this auto probably 15 years ago and it more than likely came from the sports world. Yes, I know i have been searching for 15 years but maybe someone in this community will know or have one similar. Thanks everyone and cannot wait to participate with you all!!
?? I don't recognize it.
Any fresh eyes want to take a stab at this? Appreciate the help
After analyzing it for several minutes I do feel the urge to stab something. Anything.
That is pretty funny, Thanks for the least I know it is not stamped or worse auto-penned, so there is that
I couldn't make out any of the letters.... at all. However after staring at it for hours, I can kind of see "Jeff" as the first name.
That being said, next time I come back, it may very well look like "Ralph" to me.
Longoria Collector. Love the Longo!
600+ PSA Graded 4,700+ unique Longoria cards scanned on TCDB 800+ different Longo autograph cards Jeff
Your best bet will be to simply avoid "scribble" signatures. If you can't read them don't bother with them.
Where does that leave my Stephen Hawking "autograph"? It's just a messy thumbprint in one of his books.
(With his assistant's notation of authenticity written and signed below it.)
If you collect autographs and have not done this already with yours, do yourself (and those in the future) a huge favor and make note of who signed the items. Don't assume ANYONE will know who the hell these signatures are. Even if they are photos, if there are no names, someone down the road may not know who the pictured person is. Write the name on the back so it is always there. Same goes for 3x5s and other flats. If it is a ball or bat or hat or anything else not easily identifiable, make a list and place the list inside the box, tape it to the bottom of the cube or whatever else you do to organize. White the names on the back of photos and 3x5s in pencil (if concerned about the item) or use stickies (although those can separate again from the signature, defeating the purpose.
The only time you are off the hook is if the name is printed on the item, like a team issued photo, name jersey, etc.
I keep all my signatures in alphabetical order, so anyone going through them later would get the picture and have a clue right away, but I plan to name all of them eventually to save anyone from needing to do something like this later. It's a shame whenever it happens.
How many autographs do you have mrmopar?
Too many to count these days. That became my primary focus of collecting several years back. I still obtain non-signed items, but I would say 75% or more of what I have bought in the last 10+ years is signed stuff. I prefer cards, small photos (post cards/5x7), will do some 8x10s and larger if it is an item that grabs me. I don't like bulky items like balls, gloves, etc. Mainly because they take up way too much space, not that they are not nice items. I have some, but mostly Garvey themed.
Any 3 x 5's that I've gotten, I always pencil the name in on the back.
I have been doing some research through my TTM log and I keep coming up with professional golfer Geoff Olgivy.....I have been trying to find a similar signature to compare it too...I can narrow down the years 2004-2007 when this was sent (to the Masters locker room), so this would be an earlier version of his signature......Thoughts by the community?
It's not him, this is a 2004 from him ...

Thanks LarkinCollector, I say this as well and was thinking the "y" had a very similar feel.....
If it is a golfer who played in the Masters between 2004 and 2007, my guess is JJ Henry. He played in the 2007 Masters.
I now think the signature is in fact, Geoff Ogilvy.
I see similarities with this one. Not exact by any means. I did initially say I could make out "Jeff" if I stared at it long enough. After staring at longer, it does become "Geoff".
Longoria Collector. Love the Longo!
600+ PSA Graded 4,700+ unique Longoria cards scanned on TCDB 800+ different Longo autograph cards Jeff
When I saw the Ogilvy signature above, I thought no way was the signature in the op, his; and I didn't look at other Ogilvy signatures.
That's when I started looking at the Masters Tournament players lists, and came up with JJ Henry. His signatures on ebay looked sufficiently similar, but not quite there.
Now, after seeing the Ogilvy signature in the post just above this one, and looking at other Ogilvys on ebay, I have to say that the signature in the op definitely appears to be his.
THANK YOU everyone--I just pulled my Masters file and I never sent a letter to JJ Henry, so I can now feel really good about saying this indeed is Geoff Ogilvy!!! I believe the key components are part of this early signature of his and this is was a great community effort to help resolve this mystery that has been bothering me since 2007. Of the thousands of autographs I have collected over the years this one was the only one i could not place, now today that is not a problem anymore.....THANKS EVERYONE