New to collecting & new to forum. Question regarding 1970-S DDO 1C coin that I found.

in Q & A Forum
Hi All,
I wanted to please get some advice regarding the coin in the photo. I can see that this coin is a DDO, but with the scratches, dings, and discoloring, is it still worth getting graded? Will they even grade it? Also, I believe it to be the 1970-S large date, but hoping someone could weigh in and give me their opinion. I appreciate and thank everyone in advance.
Welcome to the forum & coin collecting!
Looks like you may be off to a very good start!
That is a rare one if it is what it looks like, better photos are needed.
It may not grade because of the scratch and we would need to see the reverse but it may be worth it to get it in a "genuine" holder.
Edited to add: Do not try to clean the coin
Let's get your photos up for easier viewing.
Thank you for fixing my photos! Very sweet. I can take better pictures, and with both sides of course. I did these relatively quickly. I started collecting and reading about coins about a year ago. I found this one in a roll of pennies from the bank about four months into my new found hobby. It's funny, I was so excited to find it and then I wasn't sure what to do next. I was a bit intimidated by some of the coin forums at first, so I didn't ask for any advice until now. I do appreciate yours. I have many, many, many more coins. New, old, mint, BU, error, SMS (maybe) coins in all denominations. Now to figure out what to do with them all? I will get the photos up later tonight. Looking forward to hear what you think. But, I have to run now. Thanks again.
Look forward to seeing some of your other errors.
Here are some better photos.😅
that scratch may be an issue as it is pretty big and noticeable when and if you send it in to be graded
Aug 11th
Much better photos.....thanks!
I think there is a very good chance you will end up with a net grade because of the scratch.
If it were mine I think I would send it in anyway.
It might add a little value or make it easier to sell if it is in a "genuine" holder.
You could also try the BST board here and someone may buy it raw if you are looking to sell. ( For Sale )
If you are wanting more opinions/options you could post it on the main board where there are more views. ( No Sales Posts )
I have not sold this variety before so I can't help much with a price but I would think it may fall in the $500-750 range.
It is a rare enough variety that you should not have a problem finding a buyer. Congrats on your find!
I know I said it before......but
Do not try to clean or improve the coin!
I don't think I would try to have it conserved by a professional either.
It is best to leave it as is.
Thanks for the info silverpop. I think I might try and sell it as is.
ifthevamzarockin, thank you, I appreciate all of your advice. And, I definitely will not try to improve the coin. I am going to mull it over for a day and then maybe post it for sale and see what happens. Look forward to hearing from you again. 😁
What a great find!
That's a fantastic find, and what a feather in your cap! This is not a variety you are likely to find again, given the rarity....My advice? Mull it over for longer than a day - really, take your time!
As predominantly a collector, if I were in your position, I'd keep the coin. If I got, say, $500 from selling, that wouldn't be compensation enough for the enjoyment of having such a rare variety that I picked out of a roll.
Your priorities may be different - maybe the money would buy you something you like more, or maybe selling varieties appeals to you more than collecting them. Again, no need to rush your decision - you've only got one shot....not too likely that you will have another 1970-S FS-101 DDO that you picked out of a roll for face value...
I do agree that if you are going to sell it would be wise to get it certified, first!
Welcome to the forum, and thanks for sharing your finds!
Very cool - best of luck to you whatever you decide to do
Successful BST Transactions: erwindoc, VTchaser, moursund, robkool, RelicKING, Herb_T, Meltdown, ElmerFusterpuck, airplanenut
This looks to me to be the FS-101 DDO. Fivaz and Stanton write in the sixth edition, volume II of the Cherrypickers' Guide that "this very strong doubled die is extremely rare. To this point fewer examples are known than the previous listing, the 1969-S. However, this variety has not received the same publicity as the previous, hence the lower values."
Personally, I would send it in expecting a net grade due to the scratch, but get it certified and authenticated as to the variety. That is also part of what PCGS (or NGC) provides: the stamp of authenticity that I think would add real value here. My 2c.
Cool find, good luck and kind regards,
I wanted to share the results from PCGS on grading my 1970-S DDO.
Darn scratch, but it is still awesome to me.
Line Items Cert # PCGS # Description Grade Region TrueView®
1 1 40890981 37997 1970-S 1C LD DDO FS-101 (029), BN Genuine XF Details (95 - Scratch) USA
Thank you for posting an update!
Congrats on your rare find! Great job!
Did you decide if you are going to keep the coin or sell it?
Now that it is graded and you have a TrueView you could post it on the main coin board for more responses & congrats.
what a great find
So how many rolls have you gone thru now in search of the next find?
I too found the 72 ddo in a roll search a few years back and I am still getting 3-4 full sealed boxes every 5-6 months.
The hunt will always go on especially with us being quarantined.
Keep up search
Kennedys are my quest...
the details designation is fair considering the scratch.
ifthevamzarockin, I would love to keep the coin, but I am going to it sell soon. I am working on figuring out where, and if I should put it up for auction or a buy it now kind of deal. I will be sad to see it go😢. But, I have accumulated a massive amount of coins over the past year and a half, and I have to begin selling them off. My coin room is packed and If I continue on like I have, I will need to build a new addition on the house. Lol🤪
You may want to try the BST board here. No fees make it an attractive option.
Ebay would be another option. I would try a "buy it now" or best offer. Start a little high and see what offers you get.
I hope you do well with it, good luck.
You could try a "Help.....where to sell & how much" post on the BST board.
You may get some valuable selling insight and you may get several offers.
BST is not for questions
could try "make offer" there
although the bst rules have been loosening lately.
ebay is still a good choice but value is always a question
you'd have to put it into a true auction to find the price the market will bear.
"BST is not for questions"
Do not listen to this.
Some members think they are moderators, if a moderator feels your post is in the wrong place they will move your thread.
If your coin is for sale and your questions could lead into talk about the sale it belongs on the BST board.
You are also asking questions about "selling" so the BST board is fine.
I don't see any written rules that say "no questions allowed"
Fantastic "once in a lifetime find."
Congrats again.
It is also the floating roof variety. Great find! Errors on both sides!