After talking with several people, I am fairly confident that in the next week the ANA will announce the cancellation of the Pittsburg Worlds fair of money citing health concerns. The auction will probably be held online and I would guess that floor bidders will be in Dallas. J.P.
This discussion has been closed.
Well that was vague...
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
Meant to be, I don't want people to be cancelling airline tickets and hotel reservations. Nor to accused of starting
rumors. Just saying, my confidence is high that it will not take place. JP
Change your thread title. Implies a fact not in evidence.
"Nor to accused of starting rumors."
Oh, okay, your thread title is certainly consistent with that statement.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
The title of your thread is completely false and based purely on your own speculation.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
Wasn't there a board meeting today to discuss this. And yes common sense says the show should be cancelled soon.
Please add a question mark (?) to your title.
August is 2 months away. A lot of improvement will occur by then. And more information about CV19. With over 90% of the risk of CV coming from those over 50-60 yrs of age, a convention mostly populated by the 5-50 yr old crown could certainly work. Each person can assess their own risk. Things have been shut down far too long. And the measures that were implemented the past 3 months were way too severe. Get things open again. I'd be far more concerned about potential August "protests" in a large city than CoVid.
Closing this thread so as not to cause the spread of false information. There has yet to be a formal cancellation of the ANA
World's Fair of Money.
Heather Boyd
PCGS Senior Director of Marketing