It's an opinion about a coins holder grade rendered by the CAC service. Coins are sent to this service to get stickered (or not).
It means the coin is (by their own words): "solid or premium quality for their assigned grade"
It means John Albanese likes your coin. You and others may or may not agree with JA. Also there's frequently a significant price premium attached to a coin with the CAC sticker which may or may not be warranted.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Tom B’s comments from long ago on NGC forum is worth noting:
“I've written similar statements to what I am about to write on multiple occasions within the forum, but will repeat again my thoughts on the issue. CAC is a tool that is available to all and, as such, it is quite similar to knowing how to use a loupe; having the knowledge to spot counterfeit pieces; understanding what manipulated and original coinage should look like or how they will likely appear; being able to interpret printed guide prices and auction results; understanding how to grade according to the ANA standards and how this grading differs from the various TPG grading standards; and learning all the options for buying and selling within the market.
Sadly, the vast majority of collectors ignore their study of coinage and thus are not truly numismatists. However, some folks pursue this knowledge and will happily listen to other opinions, regardless of whether or not they agree with those opinions. CAC can help all, but will help those who are willing to accept their help the most.”
Seated Half Society member #38 "Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
Apparently it means that to some guy who charges an additional fee that the TPG under-graded the coin when it was originally put in the slab.
The crazy part is the TPG could grade a coin as a MS65 but the market would value it less than if the TPG graded the same coin a MS63 and then they put a cacs on it. Basically they would be saying your 63 is really a 64 but is worth more than if it was a 65.
Crazy world, and btw welcome back insider3.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
It's like going to the main doctor and he tells you that you have a certain disease. So you want a second opinion from another doctor. That second doctor may agree and may not. If the second doctor says he agrees, he gives you a sticker of approval. If he doesn't agree, then you're still stuck with the first doctors prognosis.
I see the CAC sticker as helpful to buyers who want an example of one of the best coins within a grade level. Albanese has looked at many thousands, if not millions, of coins so is well-versed in what originality and real eye appeal is and should be about.
Please don't anybody beat me up about what I mean about "real" and "should be."
I've merely given youall my thoughts on what the CAC sticker means to me. I presently own one coin with a green CAC sticker.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
@WaterSport said:
...and one thing more about a holder with a CAC sticker...
I call it the "CAC Tax". I think our host does a great job grading coins and I can decide if I like the coin without any help from anyone else.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
One funny thing (maybe belongs on the humor thread), in the last 4-5 months I had a couple of dealers tell me that some of my CAC coins are not CAC-quality. I didn't argue with them, but I'm thinking the sticker says otherwise.
@shorecoll said:
One funny thing (maybe belongs on the humor thread), in the last 4-5 months I had a couple of dealers tell me that some of my CAC coins are not CAC-quality. I didn't argue with them, but I'm thinking the sticker says otherwise.
I would stay away from those dealers. Its fine if they say they dont want them but to say a CAC stickered coin is not CAC quality is a bit ridiculous.
@shorecoll said:
One funny thing (maybe belongs on the humor thread), in the last 4-5 months I had a couple of dealers tell me that some of my CAC coins are not CAC-quality. I didn't argue with them, but I'm thinking the sticker says otherwise.
I've had dealers tell me my PCGS coins were overgraded. I say "I guess you won't be buying them then."
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
@shorecoll said:
One funny thing (maybe belongs on the humor thread), in the last 4-5 months I had a couple of dealers tell me that some of my CAC coins are not CAC-quality. I didn't argue with them, but I'm thinking the sticker says otherwise.
I've had dealers tell me my PCGS coins were overgraded. I say "I guess you won't be buying them then."
The unwritten rule: the coin you are buying is under graded. The coin you are selling is over graded.
@keets said: Sadly, the vast majority of collectors ignore their study of coinage and thus are not truly numismatists.
I can ignore the rest of Tom's post as long as I hold on to the above and work to be better.
Here I was mistakenly thinking this whole time that I was a coin collector. What was I thinking.
Good thing he's around to set the bar for what a "real" numismatist should be..
I didn't expect coin collecting to have gatekeepers but I guess here we are.. maybe if we hold tight we can get unsolicited advice on what to do with our collections or how we should buy. So we can be expert hobbyists too, of course. Or at least try, because we already know there's so many who are so much better..
@WaterSport said:
...and one thing more about a holder with a CAC sticker...
It can just easily NET you additional cash if you can manage to cross an NGC CAC coin to PCGS CAC. Or you find a nice PCGS or NGC coin in the wild that is either under-graded or very solid for the grade....and not priced as such. Many buyers get nice profits (at little risk) in these transitions.
And while it's true many here can grade well and "don't need CAC" to tell them how. But when it comes time to sell, that coin with the green sticker is more than likely going to bring a decent premium. And most buyers won't take your word that the coin is of CAC quality....and effectively pay you that premium. Your choice at time of sale to leave money on the table....or pay some sticker "tax."
Here I was mistakenly thinking this whole time that I was a coin collector. What was I thinking.
Good thing he's around to set the bar for what a "real" numismatist should be.
I don't understand the problem with TomB's post aside from ignorance of what the word "Numismatics" means, and hence, what a "Numismatist" is. however, I accept that in the dumbed down current population and sloppy use of the English language it is inevitable. we become dependent on things like spellcheck to correct our mistakes so we tend not to learn from them. that leads to not using a dictionary and understanding words. the late George Carlin would sympathize with those among us who don't know the difference in things like its/it's, your/you're and way too many to go into.
just for the record, I am not above making such mistakes, I try to learn from them and improve.
back to the point at hand, a Numismatist, despite all the dumbed down definitions you'll be able to locate to refute this post, is someone who STUDIES coins, medals, tokens, etc., with the key word in bold. that is what TomB was trying to say, personally, it is OK to just collect stuff but I think it's better for me if I enlarge my knowledge base as I collect. so I study.
There's a lot of misinformation in this thread and no one really answered what CAC does. It is supposed to provide an opinion on the top coins for a given grade. The A and B coins, in the opinion of them. It was a result of some perceived grade "inflation" by some of the grading firms.
I've disagreed with their opinion at times but have always respected it as directionally they seem to hit the mark most of the time
that is because nobody really knows what they do or what their objective is when they place a sticker on a coin. if you use the search feature at the top of the threads page and use "CAC" you'll find multiple threads where everyone opines on what the answer is. I'm sure you have an opinion but it might be a stretch to get others to agree.
@mr1874 said:
I see the CAC sticker as helpful to buyers who want an example of one of the best coins within a grade level. Albanese has looked at many thousands, if not millions, of coins so is well-versed in what originality and real eye appeal is and should be about.
Originality, yes, eye appeal? No not really. He loves dull gray and charcoal toned original coins that no one would say has the eye appeal that many typically define as such............ In fact, the eye appeal of many of those types of CAC coins is negative, but JA likes 'em anyway...
Mmmmm....... I'ya'peel. (Disclaimer, coin below is mine, but bought for the die marriage, certainly not the 'eye appeal').
This one has eye appeal, but is unworthy of the green sticker so CAC told me:
So what many would call eye appeal vs. I'ya'peel seems to be not what CAC cares about. Minimal intentional human intervention on the surfaces, yes, eye appeal seems to be an after thought.
It’s pretty similar to a + on a holder. It’s in the top percentage of that grade for that coin. All subjective whether it be CAC sticker or PCGS/NGC +.
While it May cost a premium it is Pretty reliable IN GENERAL as far as identifying premium quality coins.
It's an opinion about a coins holder grade rendered by the CAC service. Coins are sent to this service to get stickered (or not).
It means the coin is (by their own words): "solid or premium quality for their assigned grade"
so its a grading confiermation service?
strap in, this could get ugly before deletion!!
He who knows he has enough is rich.
Yes. It's one third-party service's opinion of another third-party's opinion of the grade.
Check out my iPhone app SlabReader!
It means nothing about the coin inside the slab, only what people think about the coin inside the slab.
Awaiting the avalanche in 1,2,3......
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
It means John Albanese likes your coin. You and others may or may not agree with JA. Also there's frequently a significant price premium attached to a coin with the CAC sticker which may or may not be warranted.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Tom B’s comments from long ago on NGC forum is worth noting:
“I've written similar statements to what I am about to write on multiple occasions within the forum, but will repeat again my thoughts on the issue. CAC is a tool that is available to all and, as such, it is quite similar to knowing how to use a loupe; having the knowledge to spot counterfeit pieces; understanding what manipulated and original coinage should look like or how they will likely appear; being able to interpret printed guide prices and auction results; understanding how to grade according to the ANA standards and how this grading differs from the various TPG grading standards; and learning all the options for buying and selling within the market.
Sadly, the vast majority of collectors ignore their study of coinage and thus are not truly numismatists. However, some folks pursue this knowledge and will happily listen to other opinions, regardless of whether or not they agree with those opinions. CAC can help all, but will help those who are willing to accept their help the most.”
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
It is like sticker advertising on a NASCAR, but the coin owner pays JA to advertise that CAC likes the coin.
Apparently it means that to some guy who charges an additional fee that the TPG under-graded the coin when it was originally put in the slab.
The crazy part is the TPG could grade a coin as a MS65 but the market would value it less than if the TPG graded the same coin a MS63 and then they put a cacs on it. Basically they would be saying your 63 is really a 64 but is worth more than if it was a 65.
Crazy world, and btw welcome back insider3.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Sadly, the vast majority of collectors ignore their study of coinage and thus are not truly numismatists.
I can ignore the rest of Tom's post as long as I hold on to the above and work to be better.
It's like going to the main doctor and he tells you that you have a certain disease. So you want a second opinion from another doctor. That second doctor may agree and may not. If the second doctor says he agrees, he gives you a sticker of approval. If he doesn't agree, then you're still stuck with the first doctors prognosis.
My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
Are you saying all CAC threads get poofed, or only if they result in bashing and name calling?
...and one thing more about a holder with a CAC sticker...
Would you sticker my coin for free? Assuming that you are a recognized expert in the coin business and people value and respect your opinion?
CAC was initially set up as I recall to weed out doctored/altered coins which somehow found their way into TPG slabs.
Unfortunately many CAC threads do result in bashing and name calling.
I see the CAC sticker as helpful to buyers who want an example of one of the best coins within a grade level. Albanese has looked at many thousands, if not millions, of coins so is well-versed in what originality and real eye appeal is and should be about.
Please don't anybody beat me up about what I mean about "real" and "should be."
I've merely given youall my thoughts on what the CAC sticker means to me. I presently own one coin with a green CAC sticker.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
Are you saying all CAC threads get poofed, or only if they result in bashing and name calling?
the former eventually becomes it's self-fulfilling latter, so yes, they tend to be deleted.
I call it the "CAC Tax". I think our host does a great job grading coins and I can decide if I like the coin without any help from anyone else.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
One funny thing (maybe belongs on the humor thread), in the last 4-5 months I had a couple of dealers tell me that some of my CAC coins are not CAC-quality. I didn't argue with them, but I'm thinking the sticker says otherwise.
I would stay away from those dealers. Its fine if they say they dont want them but to say a CAC stickered coin is not CAC quality is a bit ridiculous.
I've had dealers tell me my PCGS coins were overgraded. I say "I guess you won't be buying them then."
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
The unwritten rule: the coin you are buying is under graded. The coin you are selling is over graded.
Here I was mistakenly thinking this whole time that I was a coin collector. What was I thinking.
Good thing he's around to set the bar for what a "real" numismatist should be..
I didn't expect coin collecting to have gatekeepers but I guess here we are.. maybe if we hold tight we can get unsolicited advice on what to do with our collections or how we should buy. So we can be expert hobbyists too, of course. Or at least try, because we already know there's so many who are so much better..
By the way, i dont believe anyone who says they dont like a CAC thread. Whether you love or hate CAC, everybody seems to enjoy the threads
It can just easily NET you additional cash if you can manage to cross an NGC CAC coin to PCGS CAC. Or you find a nice PCGS or NGC coin in the wild that is either under-graded or very solid for the grade....and not priced as such. Many buyers get nice profits (at little risk) in these transitions.
And while it's true many here can grade well and "don't need CAC" to tell them how. But when it comes time to sell, that coin with the green sticker is more than likely going to bring a decent premium. And most buyers won't take your word that the coin is of CAC quality....and effectively pay you that premium. Your choice at time of sale to leave money on the table....or pay some sticker "tax."
Here I was mistakenly thinking this whole time that I was a coin collector. What was I thinking.
Good thing he's around to set the bar for what a "real" numismatist should be.
I don't understand the problem with TomB's post aside from ignorance of what the word "Numismatics" means, and hence, what a "Numismatist" is. however, I accept that in the dumbed down current population and sloppy use of the English language it is inevitable. we become dependent on things like spellcheck to correct our mistakes so we tend not to learn from them. that leads to not using a dictionary and understanding words. the late George Carlin would sympathize with those among us who don't know the difference in things like its/it's, your/you're and way too many to go into.
just for the record, I am not above making such mistakes, I try to learn from them and improve.
back to the point at hand, a Numismatist, despite all the dumbed down definitions you'll be able to locate to refute this post, is someone who STUDIES coins, medals, tokens, etc., with the key word in bold. that is what TomB was trying to say, personally, it is OK to just collect stuff but I think it's better for me if I enlarge my knowledge base as I collect. so I study.
JMHO, as I may have missed it by a country mile.
It's Humpty Dumpty laying on his side, without arms and legs... inexplicably stuck on the Kool-Aid guy's forehead.
Fun thread.

My YouTube Channel
Comical to see someone paraphrasing Bette Davis...
In any event, look for the dumps in the road in your numismatic journey wherever it takes you.
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
There's a lot of misinformation in this thread and no one really answered what CAC does. It is supposed to provide an opinion on the top coins for a given grade. The A and B coins, in the opinion of them. It was a result of some perceived grade "inflation" by some of the grading firms.
I've disagreed with their opinion at times but have always respected it as directionally they seem to hit the mark most of the time
People get angry so easily....
Please reference for answers to your questions.
Collector, occasional seller
no one really answered what CAC does.
that is because nobody really knows what they do or what their objective is when they place a sticker on a coin. if you use the search feature at the top of the threads page and use "CAC" you'll find multiple threads where everyone opines on what the answer is. I'm sure you have an opinion but it might be a stretch to get others to agree.
Think of it as a "Like" button for coins.

Collector, occasional seller
Originality, yes, eye appeal? No not really. He loves dull gray and charcoal toned original coins that no one would say has the eye appeal that many typically define as such............ In fact, the eye appeal of many of those types of CAC coins is negative, but JA likes 'em anyway...
Mmmmm....... I'ya'peel. (Disclaimer, coin below is mine, but bought for the die marriage, certainly not the 'eye appeal').
This one has eye appeal, but is unworthy of the green sticker so CAC told me:
So what many would call eye appeal vs. I'ya'peel seems to be not what CAC cares about. Minimal intentional human intervention on the surfaces, yes, eye appeal seems to be an after thought.
Best, SH
It’s pretty similar to a + on a holder. It’s in the top percentage of that grade for that coin. All subjective whether it be CAC sticker or PCGS/NGC +.
While it May cost a premium it is Pretty reliable IN GENERAL as far as identifying premium quality coins.
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
The few CAC coins I own certainly have the eye appeal...
And, FWIW, the little stickers are pretty.
My YouTube Channel