My apologies to @silverpop

@silverpop and I had quite a dust-up on the BS&T forum a couple of weeks ago. It appeared as though he was blocking my PMs and was ignoring me. I had purchased a few coins from him and I was trying to make contact with him to make certain he received the USPS MO.
Well, to make a long story short, I found out that if someone deletes a PM thread your PMs will not go through. However, you can still open a new PM thread and they will receive them. Colin was not ignoring me after all.
At any rate, I received the coins, was totally embarrassed over the entire issue, and I apologized. He graciously accepted and all in the past.
Yeah, there were a couple of things we both could have handled differently, but I fired the first salvo.
We're good now.
Good to see a positive outcome here.
Big of you Bo, you are one of the good ones!!! I've had multiple transactions with you without issue.
Good post!
I love the BST, and am really glad this turned out well for all parties.
You guys can get a room later...let's see the coins!
Yay, glad it all worked out !!!