Did they combine the non-sports and sports forums?

Long time lurker. Sterotypical ‘86d Canseco/‘84t Mattingly era child.
But I also collect non sports cards and a big time fan of that guy trying to sell tawain coke cans with upside down symbols for $1,000,000. Was pure comedy if you saw any of his posts.
Anywho, was trying to track down the guy that had the ‘77 French Star Wars set and seems like that whole forum is gone and the sports forum now titled “trading card...”
Am I missing something?
We found most of the Non-Sports threads to be BST (Buy-Sell-Trade) related so we actually moved them into that forum.
This forum is intended for discussions about all trading cards and memorabilia, so we felt it wasn't necessary to separate them out any longer. We feel it will be more inclusive this way.
I apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may cause at the moment trying to locate old threads, but you should be able to track down on the BST forum as I mentioned above.
Forum AdministratorPSA & PSA/DNA ForumModerator@collectors.com | p 800.325.1121 | PSAcard.com
Vintage forum is gone too
The only debate I ever saw was what forum wrestling cards should be in, never bothered me they were in sports.
Obviously lots of guys collect multiple sports, but I don’t think I know anyone that actively collects a major sport and Pokémon. Maybe my social circles aren’t big enough, but was there an inclusivity orefficiency problem?
There are many people, including myself, who collect both sports and non-sports cards. I think the new setup is great because the erstwhile non-sport forum was basically empty, and I enjoy seeing different types of cards whether I collect them or not.
Sorry, didn’t mean that to come across maybe the way it did. I just meant there didn’t seem like a lot of overlap. Maybe I’m wrong.
I agree, I am mostly a sports cards collector but have found myself on a non-sports card path at the moment. Nice to have some diversity.
Picked up some 3 Stooges (1959 Fleer) and I am watching some Garbage Pail Kids (1985) cards with my name.
ps I also have a "Pabst Blew Ribbon" wacky
I realize not all the threads were BST threads, so if you catch one that needs redirecting to the main forum, just send a PM and I'm happy to move over.
And yes - the "Vintage" forum was also merged over to BST for the same reasons. Especially because the main forum discussed both modern and vintage cards anyway, so seemed redundant to have one just devoted to "vintage."
Forum AdministratorPSA & PSA/DNA ForumModerator@collectors.com | p 800.325.1121 | PSAcard.com