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Post a coin which is R7 or rarer

One massive benefit of collecting world coins is the accessibility of truly rare items, both from a condition and from an absolute perspective. The table below outlines a few of the rarity scales but for this purpose lets focus in on Sheldon. An R7 has 12 or fewer pieces extant in either absolute or in a conditional sense.

5 extant, this is the finest after seeing the other two 63's which are at best 58's or 61's.


  • TwoKopeikiTwoKopeiki Posts: 9,655 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Awesome 4R @Boosibri !

    Over the years I have only been able to track about a dozen of the 1814/3-HJ Mexico 8 Reales and have been lucky to acquire 2 of those. One from the Jose Leunda sale in 2011 and another this year from a collection being liquidated by the MCC guys.

    Leunda coin went VF35 at our host

    MCC coin is VF25 at NGC

  • YQQYQQ Posts: 3,312 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Does it have to be a coin?
    or is a Banknote also allowed?

    Today is the first day of the rest of my life
  • RMWRMW Posts: 219 ✭✭✭

    Here are a couple of Brit pieces.
    First is an 1837 proof sixpence. PR 65 NGC. Less than 10 made.
    Next is a 1674 halfcrown of Charles II. Ms 61. Less than 10 known in British EF. this is a British GEF/AU piece.

  • BoosibriBoosibri Posts: 12,078 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @YQQ said:
    Does it have to be a coin?
    or is a Banknote also allowed?

    Why not

  • RMWRMW Posts: 219 ✭✭✭

    Another Brit one.
    1717 Proof Farthing, ex Cooke Collection, NGC PR 64 but described as gem both in the Cooke auction and by CNG who owned it for a time. Ive seen one that might match in quality but thats it.

  • AbueloAbuelo Posts: 1,820 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I was thinking if posting this one here or in the tread by @MrEureka about damages coins that we love to have.
    This is the crown jewel of the medals coined in Central America (back then part of the Mexican Empire) to commemorate the coronation of Emperor Agustin. According to Carlos Jara “On October 31, (1822), the mayor of Guatemala City indicated that the amount of coins (medals) to be minted for that purpose (proclamation of Agustin I) should be of 400 pesos (or 3200 medals of 1 Real). On November 21, the ceremony for distributing the medals was fixed for December 26, and on December 14, it was reported that: “striking of medals would start the following day, including 4 gold pieces – two for the Emperor, and one each for the Archbishop and General Captain Gabino Gainza”. Surviving specimens in gold (a single specimen) and silver (scarce) are known. Additionally, a few specimens of a mule striking in gold using the obverse of the Leon de Nicaragua medal and the reverse of this one are also known (two ex-Eliasberg, one recently sold by Heritage).” Therefore, as this is not the mule Nicaragua-Guatemala, it has a 50% possibility to be one of the medals presented to (and owned by) the Emperor. This is (despite the scratches on the bust of the Emperor) a very rare, possibly unique (or near unique likely R9 or R10!), medal.

  • AbueloAbuelo Posts: 1,820 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 31, 2017 7:18PM

    Nice thread!

  • jt88jt88 Posts: 2,970 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 31, 2017 9:10PM

    NGC MS64 Tibet-Szechuan copper 10 cents. This is the only one I encountered so far.

  • BillDugan1959BillDugan1959 Posts: 3,821 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Concerning the Newfoundland 80 cent banknote/scrip:

    Is there a particular known reason why that exact denomination might have been useful?

    Many thanks in advance for any information.

  • amwldcoinamwldcoin Posts: 11,269 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Krause states there are 2 known in copper. I suspect these struck in copper were patterns or such struck to present to the government for approval.

  • YQQYQQ Posts: 3,312 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Bill Dougan,
    I am not aware of any special reason specifically allocated to this issue.
    my thoughts are the same as for the 25, 40, 50 cent issues. and the $ 1, 2 and $ 5 issues.
    The NFL Gov issued these notes as a form of immediate and secure payment when constructing roads. the notes had to be signed by the person in charge of the construction project for the notes to become valid for payment I guess similar to the much later available Travelers checks. I guess these were instead of checks which took a long time to clear. These notes were instantly convertible to cash through the Bank of Montreal and could also be used for payment of debts. Once the notes came back to the BoM, they were then cancelled.
    This is as much as I am aware of. I could be wrong with some of the details.
    when I had a chance to obtain this (and 3 others) scarce not raw, I simply had to have it.
    After all, how often does one find something which is the only one in the wild, the other in a museum secured under glass?

    Today is the first day of the rest of my life
  • johnny9434johnny9434 Posts: 28,114 ✭✭✭✭✭

    this is a neat thread :)

  • bosoxbosox Posts: 1,540 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 1, 2017 12:30PM

    1858 Copper Nickel Trial Piece (PCGS SP-62), less than 10 extant. On a cracked planchet, priceless.

    Numismatic author & owner of the Uncommon Cents collections. 2011 Fred Bowman award winner, 2020 J. Douglas Ferguson award winner, & 2022 Paul Fiocca award winner.

  • YQQYQQ Posts: 3,312 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you Bosox, your help much appreciated
    guess I was sort of half right.
    wow, what a 58 that is... :o

    Today is the first day of the rest of my life
  • TwoKopeikiTwoKopeiki Posts: 9,655 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2, 2017 5:05AM

    @amwldcoin - is that a novodel Polushka (Bitkin 1199) or the original?

  • amwldcoinamwldcoin Posts: 11,269 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2, 2017 5:26AM

    There is some controversy...1(someone at heritage) out of 10 says it is a novodel. Every knowledgable person I showed it to that knows novodels says it is not a novodel. When I had it graded it was submitted with several novodels that were labeled as such. I know some history, it was found in an old New England antique shop with a group of coins related to the age and area. The planchet is irregular unlike a novodel. I personally believe it is an original and at 1 time owned about 20 Siberian Novodels!

    @TwoKopeiki said:
    @amwldcoin - is that a novodel Polushka (Bitkin 1199) or the original?

  • SteveBellSteveBell Posts: 58 ✭✭✭

    @SmEagle1795 said:
    Unique, which ironically isn't uncommon for ancient coins, but this drachm is unique among the entire magistrate (and of a considerably higher caliber of artistry than the normal coins of Clazomenae):

    The details in the hair,eyes and feathers are incredible!Head seems almost three dimensional!Gorgeous

  • JCMhoustonJCMhouston Posts: 5,306 ✭✭✭

    1788 Peck 940 (early Soho), Bright Gilt, listed by Peck as Excessively Rare, currently 2 known, the other in the British Museum.

    1958 Proof Halfpenny, Freeman 482, R19 - estimated mintage 2-5 (although I believe that is too low).

    1964 Proof Halfpenny, Freeman 491A, R-19 - estimated mintage 2-5. Currently 3 known, this and two in the Royal Mint collection.

  • RMWRMW Posts: 219 ✭✭✭

    Very nice JCM!!

  • BoosibriBoosibri Posts: 12,078 ✭✭✭✭✭

    IRISH VIP Proof, 10-15 minted

  • brg5658brg5658 Posts: 2,399 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Not a coin, but a Lovett medal, mintage of 5 pieces.


    Again, a medal -- not a coin. But, apparently around 30 or so of this Victoria Medal struck -- I've never seen another (and I've looked!).

    My sets: [280+ horse coins] :: [France Sowers] :: [Colorful world copper] :: [Beautiful world coins]

  • messydeskmessydesk Posts: 19,879 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Boosibri said:
    One massive benefit of collecting world coins is the accessibility of truly rare items, both from a condition and from an absolute perspective. ...

    5 extant, this is the finest after seeing the other two 63's which are at best 58's or 61's.

    "Miss May 2017," I think. Nice picture, but they missed the slight PL look of the obverse. Not sure I have any R7 stuff -- probably not (which is what R7 means), but there's some cool stuff posted here.

  • BoosibriBoosibri Posts: 12,078 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Miss May it is... can you Photoshop out the stupid NGC prongs from that pic? Yours are awesome!

    My numismatic goal in life is to have one coin per year featured in the Messydesk calendar.

  • messydeskmessydesk Posts: 19,879 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Boosibri said:
    Miss May it is... can you Photoshop out the stupid NGC prongs from that pic? Yours are awesome!

    I hate NGC holders.

    My numismatic goal in life is to have one coin per year featured in the Messydesk calendar.

    I'd better check 2018's line-up. I started working on it this week.

  • BoosibriBoosibri Posts: 12,078 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have had nothing imaged yet given my UK local. I'll have to dig through a list of candidates for re-imaging!

  • BoosibriBoosibri Posts: 12,078 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have had nothing imaged yet given my UK local. I'll have to dig through a list of candidates for re-imaging!

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