I got rid of the new Ebay seller hub today.

Seems that someone had a thread here regarding this but I couldn't locate it.
Two calls to Ebay customer service did the trick. First rep was in a daze, second took care of it and returned my format to the previous edition.
It's rather cumbersome, but I have worked around the "improvements."
Too much information in one spot.
All I want to know is what I have sold and where to send it.
That's about it.
Received an email that a customer wanted to return a coin (Cac'd BTW
All good and well but it was a nightmare navigating the site to initiate the return. That prompted me to call customer service.
I haven't had to negotiate through that yet with the new improved "hub."
Have schnapps and kichel ready.
Sometimes I think it would be easier to get rid of eBay all together. A high percentage of it consists of retreads, over graded, problem, and outright ugly coins. The buyers often want to buy nicer stuff for the same price levels as the junk or widgets.
...good for you...it's nice when people get things done...you can't get what you don't ask for...and these days with eBay if you speak English only it's a couple times more asking than usual situations, so Nice Work
That thread was removed........Don't ask me why.
Really? Do we have ebay guestapo around here now? There was a lot of helpful information there....including a post by me explaining my experience and solution!
Weird, that was my post.
Hate the eBay changes... adds to many additional steps.
the seller hub has been around for over a year maybe almost 2 years . I've had it on my store account since it came out I don't mind it. On my buying account it never popped up and I still have the old my ebay page
I'd like to see the new search results go back to normal, I am on a new system on the main ancient page and it's slow, has missing info like time listed, and I can't have a 200 search anymore.
I do 99% of buying & selling with eBay on the app, aside printing shipping labels. No change there.
Only use it when printing shipping labels otherwise use phone app.
I've somehow found the old selling page... you can try this link, and bookmark it, if it works for you. http://my.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?MyEbayBeta&CurrentPage=MyeBayNextAllSelling&ssPageName=STRK:ME:LNLK:MESX
They change more often than a baby's diaper.
It makes it more difficult to get to your watch list and purchase history. That's not good......
Seems to be the way to go it has changes l just made on the hub just a few minutes ago, Thanks.
the new seller hub sucks no two ways, but i have a way around it that works for now. bet I am going to have to wind up calling eBay when the eliminate this.
a.k.a "The BUFFINATOR"
eBay is a tale of two cities...
On the one hand you get a zillion eyeballs, and a turnkey solution for a relatively low price - great!
On the other hand auction sales are lower price points than any other venues (so sellers take a bath on nice material) while the BIN sellers are asking 2008 prices for comparable material.
So if you sell nice material, it's not as good as other venues in realizing the best value for your coins (as a seller).
Just MHO.
Like anything it is in the user. I've bought about $6k in coins from Heritage or Stacks this year then resold them on eBay for a profit. Could you do that with every coin? Absolutely not. Like anything else, it comes down to understand ALL the different market places and getting the right material into the right venue.
I've bought about $6k in coins from Heritage or Stacks this year then resold them on eBay for a profit.
Did you do that as BIN or auction? I've done same countless times in a BIN, but not at auction (and sometimes BIN sold in minutes, and sometimes they took...well, I still own them).
Both. But I always start the auction at an acceptable final sales price.
Good way to hold the bag as values decline.
I'm not sure what declining values you are referring to. Coin prices have been relatively stable for years. Certain garbage has declined, but don't buy garbage. [Although even garbage has a price. LOL. I sell a lot of garbage also.]
The price of 64 or 65 Morgans hasn't moved much in years. As in anything, the key is the Buy. And, when it comes to collectibles, the key is not to love what you're selling. The problem a lot of collectors have is that they overpay for coins because they like them. You need to be dispassionate.
Park the seller hub in the ghetto and it will be stolen.
I am now only buying coins I hate.
Just sold an MS65 Morgan (1921 NGC) for $90 on Ebay. They were $175 in the 2011 grey sheet.
Better take a closer look.
I just sold 2 coins for less than 50% of what I paid for them (luckily they were cheap)...starting coins at a low price point will get you smoked, starting them at GS bid, won't get you a bid 50% of the time. BINs will sit...
Essentially, since the marketplace is so big, eventually someone will come along who might be interested, but I literally have people quibbling over $50 on a Pop 1 (at either service) $550 coin LOL
... it'a all good, I'm an eBay supporter, but the days were that was a venue to sell your coins at a modest 20% loss are over. It's mainly bottom feeders, or retail, and every once in a while you get a serious buyer who is willing to buy PQ material at 10%-20% below big auction prices...just my experience, anyhow...
Bluesheet would be the market price on slabbed coins, not grey. Secondly, some stuff has moved a bit. 1921 Morgans are not exactly what I was referring to. Sure, technically they are "64 or 65 Morgans" but 21s really belong in a separate category.
Oy Vey
I remember selling a few MS65s easily around the $150 mark a couple of years ago, and the coins would easily sell for much less than that now. I'm not talking about anything special either, merely generics that I had picked up long ago and forgotten about.
Sure, some stuff moves around a little bit. But very slowly and gradually. I'm a part-time dealer. I do about $100k in sales annually. I'm not talking about a couple coins in my collection that I decided to sell one day. If I buy Morgans today for sale over the next year, the price is really quite predictable.