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Trying to find the website that had an extensive list of sets and players within each set.

Some time ago, perhaps 3 years or so, I had a link to a website that had a very extensive list of baseball card manufacturers and the players cards contained within. It was easy to do team searches, or even player searches...unfortunately, I've managed to lose the link to the website. As memory serves, the site used big bold blue font for various searches. This guy really had some amazing manufacturers that were pretty much unknown to me...but, it was a nice way to see how many cards had been produced during the player's active years. If you were putting a Master Set together, this was a superb place to search.

Anyone have the website??

Thanks much!!


  • perkdogperkdog Posts: 31,234 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Al, not sure I've seen you in these parts before buddy, still working on that 1955 set? I wish I could help you but no idea which site your referring too. When I try to remember a site or article I google the heck out of it using a bunch of combinations of key words to what I'm looking for, I'm sure you have tried that but worth mentioning anyways. Go PATRIOTS!!!!!!

  • miwlvrnmiwlvrn Posts: 4,266 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @MCMLVTopps said:
    Some time ago, perhaps 3 years or so, I had a link to a website that had a very extensive list of baseball card manufacturers and the players cards contained within. It was easy to do team searches, or even player searches...unfortunately, I've managed to lose the link to the website. As memory serves, the site used big bold blue font for various searches. This guy really had some amazing manufacturers that were pretty much unknown to me...but, it was a nice way to see how many cards had been produced during the player's active years. If you were putting a Master Set together, this was a superb place to search.

    Anyone have the website??

    Thanks much!!

    Is this the website you're thinking of? tradingcarddb.com/ViewSet.cfm/sid/26/1952-Topps

  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,922 ✭✭✭✭✭

    miwlvrn..that's not the one, but yours is excellent...thanks for sharing !!

    The one I'm looking for is somehow (I think) related to TEAMSETS4U.COM.

  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,922 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey Paul...as for the 1955 Topps set...I've put together 3 of those, two in PSA 7, and the other about 12 cards short of a straight PSA 8 set... and (REGRETFULLY) have sold all three. The Clemente PSA 7, which you used to be able to get for about $2k, has now rocketed to well over $10k !!! The 55T set in a straight PSA 7, is now a pretty pricey affair. I don't even want to think about the Clemente PSA 8 I once had, which I paid $3.8k for...mucho, mucho bucks now...oh well.

    My focus now is on completing my Bill Lee Master Set (just got the last card I need) and my Luis Tiant Master Set, which is a more difficult venture. I need 3 more cards for that set and they are rarer then hen's teeth. But, eventually I'll get them.

    Yes, I tried google every which way, I'll keep trying, If I ever find it, I'll post the link.

    BTW, I live about 80 miles east of Atlanta, between Atlanta and Augusta...across from my community is a place called Reynolds Plantation. It's a high dollar community, beautiful homes, golf courses, etc. Several celebrities live there, even Ben Roethlisberger has a home there. About two weeks ago, the had a golf tournament, and Bucky F&^#% Dent was there with some other baseball guys. Good thing I don't play golf. :)

    Yup, go Pats, I expect they'll handle the Steelers easily. Hoping for a Pats/Green Bay SB...enjoy!!

    Take care buddy.

  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,922 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I found the website !!

    This website uses "teamsets4u.com"...however, if you do this..."www.teamsets4u.com/checklists.html"...BINGO. My memory was right about the big blue fonts he uses as you will see. This is an INVALUABLE website if you are trying to put together a Master Set, as you will find many odd sets that may have that player within that manufacturer.


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