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What are you looking for in a numismatic reference site?

jonathanbjonathanb Posts: 3,447 ✭✭✭✭✭

I've been spending a bit of time over the past few days making tweaks to the So-Called Dollars website. Among other things, I added:

Of those, the site-wide search is clearly useful, the others maybe less so.

About a year ago, I made the side Mobile-friendly, so that it was actually usable on phones and tablets. That was definitely helpful to a lot of people.

Still, the site is mostly a web version of the printed book. More than a simple PDF, sure. Not much more.

In fact, there are very few web sites that in my mind could replace a printed reference for that subject. There are plenty of numismatic web sites that are useful. This site is useful. The Heritage archives are useful. And yet the information on those sites is a different sort than what you find in standard printed reference. I use those in addition to everything else; they don't replace anything.

What would you want to see in a web site that was designed to replace a subject-specific printed numismatic reference book?


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    ZoinsZoins Posts: 34,079 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 31, 2016 11:23AM

    Those are some useful additions @jonathanb ! Thanks for working on improving the site. It's definitely been very helpful for me.

    To me, some useful things would be:

    1. Ability to research and catalog HK Unlisted SCDs for a HK number assignment. Since the 2nd edition, cataloging of new SCDs appears to stagnated for HK. At the same time ATS is continuing to slab more medals they classify as SCDs (SC$) and I believe Jeff Shevlin is starting a cataloging project with a different set of numbers. It would be nice for the official HK reference to stay up to date with medals of interest.
    2. Ability to upload photos since there are some beautiful photos of SCDs available but the ones on SCD.com generally are not of the quality people typically post on sites like this. It would be nice to have multiple photos per HK number and better ones. This would hopefully make SCDs more attractive to more collectors when they see beautiful specimens.

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