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1 Year Later Update + TrueViews + GTG if Interested - Grades Posted after Images

I've been absent from the forum for a while, but thought I'd provide a quick update on the status of my efforts to sort my grandfather's collection. Background here

Before anything though, I want to publicly thank all of the forum members who shared their expertise and time with me via PM. In particular I want to send special thanks to stealer, casman, FreddieH, Nickcap, and Wolf359. You shared your knowledge freely and aided in my coin education. I sincerely appreciate it.

After going through all of the coins (10,000+), it's clear that my grandfather's passion was Morgan dollars and Buffalo Nickels. I was, and continue to be, overwhelmed by the volume of Buffaloes, so I've really just focused on the Morgan dollars thus far. We are not in a rush to sell, and might never sell the Morgans, and I haven't really been in a big rush (obviously) to get through the collection. Nonetheless, I finally sent in a submission for some of the bigger, or potentially bigger, coins and wanted to share the TrueViews with you. I'm in the process of preparing another submission to take advantage of the 8 gradings that come with the collectors club membership. Included in that package will be two 1889-CCs, the 1885-CC GSA, and the 1892-O.

Without further ado, here are the TrueViews of the 1893, 1893-S, 1896-O, and 1897-O. Please guess the grade or offer feedback if you'd like. Thanks.





1893 - AU55
1893-S - 98 Rim Damage, AU Details
1896-O - MS62
1897-O - AU55


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