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My humble 1980's 49ers (and NFL) collection... Sweet unopened update 11/2

I grew up in Northern CA in the 80's and my favorite team growing up was the SF 49ers. Lucky me as I was in kindergarten when they won their first Super Bowl and a freshman in college when they won their last one (so far). It was a fun time for a kid to be a 49er fan. I have started collecting cards of my 80's 49er heroes. My favorite player growing up was Joe Montana (I know, not that original) and I never got his RC then because at around $100 it wasn't in my budget as a junior high kid or freshman. I did get my hands on a lot of Jerry Rice RC's but while I thought some of them were in good shape then, looking at them now they were all fairly low grade (by PSA standards). You know where this is goingimage These are my two favorite football cards. I picked both of them up in the last few months (the Rice RC just in the last month).


My hope is to add to this thread as I add more to my collection. I actually have some cool (IMO) unopened stuff I will post soon. While I mostly plan on focusing on 49ers, I was a huge FB fan in the 80's (especially the late 80's and 90's) before adult life got in the way so since this is my thread I reserve the right to pick up some 80's stars/HOFers of any team and add them to this threadimage

Thanks for looking. Sorry for the huge scans.



  • RookieHOFersRookieHOFers Posts: 733 ✭✭✭
    Steve, That's a very good start, Well done

    I collect: 80’s Rookies and 86 Fleer Basketball
  • jordangretzkyfanjordangretzkyfan Posts: 2,489 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The two most iconic football cards of the 80's...great looking cards Steve. The Rice rookie is my all time favorite football card (I know I am in the minority here). Something about how all the colors come together give it great eye appeal to me when in high grade like yours.
  • cpamikecpamike Posts: 5,566 ✭✭✭
    Great stuff Steve. Your collection is definitely wide ranging. image
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep."

    "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

    Any unopened Baseball cello and rack packs and boxes from the 1970's and early 1980s.
  • ChiefsFan1stChiefsFan1st Posts: 845 ✭✭✭
    80's football, now your talking! Thats a great start to the decade you have thereimage

    I was lucky enough to pick up a nice Montana 9 in a complete set years ago, but still need
    to get the Rice in 9. This thread has the potential to grow into one of my favorites!!
    I dont wanna grow up, Im a Toys-R-Us kid!
  • belzbelz Posts: 1,217 ✭✭✭
    Always love seeing what you have Steve...nice work.
    "Wots Uh The Deal" by Pink Floyd
  • MantleFan23MantleFan23 Posts: 703 ✭✭✭✭
    Great Cards! Those are two of my favorite football cards of the 80's along with the Marino RC. Thanks for sharing.

  • cpamikecpamike Posts: 5,566 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Great Cards! Those are two of my favorite football cards of the 80's along with the Marino RC. Thanks for sharing.

    Jeremy >>

    The Marino RC is the only PSA graded football card I know. I pulled it from a pack at the 2012 National and got an 8 on it although I thought it was 9 worthy. And no, the pack was given to me as I wouldn't buy and rip packs on my own. image
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep."

    "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

    Any unopened Baseball cello and rack packs and boxes from the 1970's and early 1980s.
  • esquiresportsesquiresports Posts: 1,360 ✭✭✭
    Great cards. The cornerstones of any modern 49er card collection.
    Always buying 1971 OPC Baseball packs.
  • jmaciujmaciu Posts: 1,289 ✭✭✭
    Very nice, Steve. You started out with some heavy hitters!
  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭
    Matt, Mike, Belz, Jeremy, Scott and John--Thanks for the kind words on my 9's. I actually owned a different Montana 9 and Rice 9 at one point but sold them to pay for some unopened and immediately regretted it. I have been on the lookout ever since and in the case of the Montana I feel I upgraded the centering so it was worth it. I actually think this Rice is nicer than my old one but that just may be some bias in playimage

    Chris--I agree about the Rice. He is obviously one of my favorite FB players of all time so that is a little bias built in, but I actually always liked the look of this card. I know a lot of people dislike the looks of the 86 FB set but I have always had a soft spot for it and for this card specifically. Btw when will you be posting some updates? Maybe I missed it but I haven't seen you post an update recently.

    Brian--I hope this does end up being a fun thread for you and others. I always love seeing what everyone else is picking up so I like to share my pickups too. Seems like a lot of baseball guys on here so I thought I would start a football thread. Basketball thread coming next, for us underrepresented hoops heads, lol!

    Jeremy--Agreed on the Marino being a very aesthetically pleasing card. My next post will be for youimage
  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭
    I know this thread was supposed to be about 49ers but I did mention in the original thread that I reserved the right to put out some other FB stars from the 1980's. Since Jeremy and Mike brought it up, here is my only graded 1984 Marino RC. I have loved this card since I was a kid. I remember going to a big SF area show in the early 90's and buying up 5 or 6 Marino RC's at the show with my brother. Unfortunately, at that time, we focused on corners and edges and ignored centering in our pursuit of well conditioned Marino RC's. I still have those cards to this day and I looked at them recently and while they brought back good memories none of them were worth submitting in my last sub to PSA. I am still looking for my high grade Marino single RC, waiting to find the right 9 or 10, but I did pick this up in the last year. It is my only PSA graded cello pack with a star on top.
  • DanBessetteDanBessette Posts: 6,421 ✭✭✭
    Love this thread, keep 'em coming!
  • DavisDavis Posts: 705 ✭✭
    Those are some stellar cards...some of my favorites. This thread may motivate me to pull my cards out and start my own thread on what I've acquired since I got back into collecting at the beginning of this year.
  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭
    Dan--Thanks. I just took some pics of some cool unopened stuff I have. Then I will be out of updates until I start buying moreimage

    Davis--I hope you do get motivated to post your collection. I love these boards for a number of reasons. I think there is a lot of knowledge that gets passed around on these boards. The second reason is because I think posts where people share their collections inspires me to look at different collecting avenues. Looking forward to your post!
  • ChancePChanceP Posts: 68 ✭✭
    great stuff
  • DanBessetteDanBessette Posts: 6,421 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Davis - I hope you do get motivated to post your collection. I love these boards for a number of reasons. I think there is a lot of knowledge that gets passed around on these boards. The second reason is because I think posts where people share their collections inspires me to look at different collecting avenues. Looking forward to your post! >>

    I agree with all of this. And I dabbled in player collecting but wasn't dedicated to it until I saw some of the player collector threads on here.
  • ChiefsFan1stChiefsFan1st Posts: 845 ✭✭✭
    Cool Marino cello!! Stars showing packs might be the only 80's FB card related stuff I havent at least dabbled in yet.
    .... but give me timeimage
    I dont wanna grow up, Im a Toys-R-Us kid!
  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭
    Brian--I highly recommend star on top packs. Of course, you have to dodge the usual scumbags who are trying to repackage stuff. When you find a nice cello or rack pack with your favorite players on top they are very cool to have. I collected star on top packs even before I really got into unopened.

    Anyway, lets get back to some 49ers. I picked these first two pack up on the boards. A couple grocery racks with 49er legends on top. The 1985 set is one of the cooler designs of the 1980's and you can't beat Joe Montana for a star on top. I am thinking of trying to make a run of 1980's Montana racks at some point. I saw BBCE had a 1986 rack with Montana on top this past week. Kicking myself for not just getting it right away as it was sold when I went back to buy it. Lott is arguably the greatest safety to play in the NFL, certainly top 5 all time for his position. Unfortunately, I think the 1982 design and photography is fairly ugly, thus holding back what should be a monster year for RC's. LT, Lott and Munoz can all be considered top 5 for their positions historically, yet 1982 prices are comparable to 1985 prices for most unopened despite the best RC's in 85 being Moon and Dent. I have to think the designs have something to do with their relative values. Anyway, I am excited to have both of these packs.

    Next up, a pair of HOF RC's from my favorite FB set of all time. These were the first packs I remember opening (cello packs) as a kid. I remember the 1000 yard club cards and the sweet (IMO) green and white bordered designs. I never got the Jerry Rice card in a pack I opened. But, I have picked up a number of raw versions over the years and finally the graded one in the earlier post above. I actually have had the Rice on bottom pack since I was in high school. I picked it up at a card show in the early 90's and just put it away. I forgot about it until I was visiting my parents with my family last year and I went digging through my old room looking at my old cards. I was looking for other unopened packs that I had tucked away back then and found this forgotten jewel. I thought, why did I save a pack with Kellen Winslow on top? Two HOF pass catchers wearing the number 80 on one pack! The Young pack I bought from a seller on eBay. It is always tough to follow a legend and I think Young is underrated for doing an admiral job in following Montana.

    Thanks for looking!
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't collect FB Steve.

    This stuff is really nice. The Marino pack is superb!

    On CPAMike opening anything?

    I heard he was suspended in 5th grade for refusing to open a sealed box of Crayolas! image
  • ldfergldferg Posts: 6,747 ✭✭✭
    I was a big 9er fan as well. Those two present very well side-by-side. Great pair!


    David (LD_Ferg)

    1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
  • elsnortoelsnorto Posts: 2,012 ✭✭
    Love those racks, Steve, congrats on the additions!

    How's the 1961 Fleer Basketball set coming along?

  • cpamikecpamike Posts: 5,566 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I don't collect FB Steve.

    This stuff is really nice. The Marino pack is superb!

    On CPAMike opening anything?

    I heard he was suspended in 5th grade for refusing to open a sealed box of Crayolas! image >>

    I'm still traumatized from that experience Mike so I'd rather not discuss it. image

    I agree with Scott, who doesn't like a nice set of racks. image

    Congrats on putting a nice run of 49er racks together Steve!!!

    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep."

    "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

    Any unopened Baseball cello and rack packs and boxes from the 1970's and early 1980s.
  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭
    Just picked up another Jerry Rice RC in PSA 9. I need opinions on which one I should keep. The one on the left is in a new holder and the one on the right is in an old holder. Ignore the color tone difference as that is a result of my lousy scanner. Thanks,

  • Why not keep them both?
  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Why not keep them both? >>

    I may very well keep them both. I purchased the one on the right most recently. I think it is a slight upgrade in centering. It is in the older slab though, so I think I might have it reholdered. I will sometimes sell off cards to help pay for new hobby purchases hence my request for opinions on which to hypothetically keep.
  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Love those racks, Steve, congrats on the additions!

    How's the 1961 Fleer Basketball set coming along?

    Snorto~ >>

    Thanks Snorto! Slow going on the 61 Fleer set. I am down to six. I have two raw cards that I am missing from my set that are in SoCal now. I have my fingers crossed that they will grade out. I have saved eBay searches but when you're this close it gets to be an exercise in patience as auctions for the remaining cards I need seem few and far between. I am trying to hold out for strong cards as I don't want to just get any 7 to fill the set. Luckily, I have other hobby interests I can pursue in the meantime.
  • ChiefsFan1stChiefsFan1st Posts: 845 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Just picked up another Jerry Rice RC in PSA 9. I need opinions on which one I should keep. The one on the left is in a new holder and the one on the right is in an old holder. Ignore the color tone difference as that is a result of my lousy scanner. Thanks,

    image >>

    My very humble opinion is, keep the one on the left, and sell me the one on the rightimage

    Either 1 of them would be a nice card to add to a collection!!image Keep them pics a coming!!
    I dont wanna grow up, Im a Toys-R-Us kid!
  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭
    Well it has been a while since I have posted anything here. I purchased this rack from Brian (Counselor) on the BST. So a big thanks goes to him. He sent the rack to Steve and it came to me wrapped nicelyimage Now I've got a Marino on top cello and a Marino on top Grocery Rack. I just need the regular rack to complete the unopened trifecta. I have been really into picking up rack packs of late. I would love to add some Jerry Rice or Steve Young on top Grocery Racks at some point.

  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭
    I created another thread to thank Jim (vintagefun) already, but I think this photo deserves a spot in this thread as well!

  • slum22slum22 Posts: 2,594 ✭✭✭✭
    Finally some more 49er unopened to share! I picked up the 88 Rice cello on eBay recently. I had a snipe set up on a Montana on top 88 cello as well but the darned snipe didn't go through. I have been waiting impatiently for my latest shipment from BBCE. Below are a couple of 49er highlights.

    I am looking to pick up any cello, racks, grocery racks with Rice or Montana on top. This was a nice inexpensive find on eBay.

    This was a less inexpensive find off of BBCE's site. Not sure why, but I always liked the look of this card. I could have gotten a raw one for less but in this case I don't mind paying the premium for the well centered PSA 9 version of this pack.

    This is my favorite unopened pick up in a long time. I have been after a nice 86 Topps Rack with Rice on top for a long time. Nice to finally track one down!


  • jordangretzkyfanjordangretzkyfan Posts: 2,489 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great pickups Steve...loving the Rice rack and cello!
  • DanBessetteDanBessette Posts: 6,421 ✭✭✭
    I'm not much of an unopened guy, but even I can understand why a Rice rookie rack (RRR. the kids call them R3) would be a cornerstone of a Niners fan's collection. Congrats man!
  • jmaciujmaciu Posts: 1,289 ✭✭✭
    Nice work, Steve! I love Rice rack.
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