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ssollarsssollars Posts: 932 ✭✭✭✭
Many of you know I've never seen a pack of unopened football cards I didn't want to open and that over the past few years I've opened a few '58 FB cellos packs. As of Christmas last year that tally stood at 4 opened with 5 additional packs awaiting their doom. All 9 of those packs were and are PSA graded. After opening 4 packs I had gained enough knowledge about these particular packs and I had enough information to be on the lookout for certain packs!

Well a few months ago, one of these packs surfaced for sale and I just "had to have it". This particular pack was a raw pack from a reputable seller and based strictly on the cards showing and the condition of the pack I feel I overpaid for it, but if my knowledge held true, my holy grail of rippin' packs would be over and could have quite possibly been the beginning of the end of my love of opening packs.

Obviously, this post isn't about that happening image

After getting all pumped up about this pack the day came to bust it open. The first thing I noticed was that the cellophane was sealed (melted) so well I ended up cutting the cellophane open and releasing the cards. For these particular packs (or any expensive pack) I like to go slow and expose one card at a time. Beside me I had made a list of what should be in the pack and was excited to watch the sequence unfold down to THE card. Well after lifting the first card the next card was not what I was expecting! Neither was the next card, even based on the other non-expected card. This continued throughout the pack and to top it all off there was only 11 cards in the pack instead of 12. There were a few cards that are part of the sequence I was expecting, but none of them were in the right order. I also compared the cellophane to those other cello packs I had and did notice a few other differences that made me believe that pack had to have been tampered with at some point in the past. Maybe not, but for me there were too many red flags.

To satisfy myself that my knowledge was good, I opened one of my other packs. I choose one that I "knew" should not have a big card in it and cracked it out of the PSA case and ran through the same process. This pack was very easy to into and the cellophane peeled open with little effort. I compared the two open cellophane wrappers and this wrapper definitely had a more aged look to it. That pack ended up having perfect sequencing too, knowledge verified!

To put things in perspective, of the 5 graded packs I've opened, which equates to different 10 sequences. Only 5 cards (out of 60) have been out of sequence. At most 2 cards deviated in any one sequence. 7 of the 10 sequences were perfect.

Here are cards from the raw pack, in order from top to bottom...

23 - Zeke Bratkowski
127 - Ollie Matson
43 - James Doran
76 - Jack Butler
117 - L.G. Dupre
56 - Gary Knafelc
80 - Harlon Hill
117 - L.G. Dupre
86 - Y.A Title
45 - Chet Hanulak
1 - Gene Filipski

and the scans...


Thanks for listening...



After a couple months of licking my wounds, I'll be rippin' some vintage this weekend!!!!!


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