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Key dates in mint state and costs....and completing a series (or not)

BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,311 ✭✭✭✭✭
Name a key date, in a pre-modern series/time, that is not priced out of the range of many/most people once it gets into mint state....ie, the set can be completed.
For the purposes of this exercise, let's exclude certain series.

* Definitely nothing post 1964 start (ie...the design/series had to have at least started prior to 1964 unless otherwise excluded)
* No non-silver Washington Quarters. (ie....nothing 1964 or later)
* No Kennedy halves
* No Jefferson Nickels (still a modern series with pretty much the same designs/compositions)
* No Lincolns after 1958
* Not asking about varieties in series so nothing like an s/s to be considered a key.

Series to consider may be half-cents (good luck image ), large cents, half dimes, bust dimes, trimes, etc etc etc.

I am honestly just trying to figure out if there are older series that a newer/younger/not as well off collector could honestly put together in mint state that would include any key dates for that series.

We are currently working on a half-cent collection and I know that isn't possible there. Maybe if one were to subdivide the series into early/mid/late dates, but not the whole series.

For my contribution on this, I know the Franklins and Silver Roosevelts can be done. Are there others?

Please stay within the spirit of the guidelines. Not looking for "smart ways" around the question or taking too many assumptions. Just wondering if my son's friends could do any cool series, or a new person out of college (without a ton of knowledge/finances) could do it, etc.

I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment


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