Cano busted for PED use
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80 games. He on the DL for an extended period as it. He’s been rumored to be linked to PED use for years
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Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I just happened to click on this forum and clicked on the link.
Here is what it says.
The substance is Furosemide, a diuretic. MLB does not consider it a performance-enhancing drug.
Is it a PED and they just don't call it that? Sounds like it might be a masking agent like some of the UFC fighters get popped for.
I have heard of GoldenSeal root being used, I am guessing this Furosemide allows the agents to release from the fat cells by urination.
Best place to buy !
Bronze Associate member
Known masking agent it says.
I never heard of those rumors over the years but it did drop my jaw. They never just come clean and admit it.
Costing him 11 Million............hope it was worth it to him!
80 games for Furosemide??!! My mother takes furosemide for peripheral edema. Would he get 80 games if he had a doctor's prescription/therapeutic use exemption? Not an M's fan, but I always loved Cano. Future HOF'er, no that might be in doubt.
i think my uncle took that for gout
Yeah but that's a pre-tax $11M
Someone tweeted that he was prescribed it for an episode of high blood pressure. Maybe he can get it reversed on a therapeutic use exception.
there are so many "substances" on the banned list that any player prescribed anything would logically have it checked, by his Agent/Team Doctor/Team Office or someone. the excuse that he didn't know is pathetic. he hadn't been previously linked to any known PED/banned substance use, he had been linked to a guy who was a known supplier.
however it all works out he has put a taint on himself and placed his HOF career in jeapordy(plus almost a year's salary). I think it is safe to say that he acted foolishly and owes his Teammates an explanation. he should probably just come clean and be done with it, but will most likely deny, deny, deny and keep it over his head for the remainder of his playing days.
But his contract might be of a much lower value if he had been clean.
24 Million for this guy.......crazy! Just one reason I don't go to Ballgames! Other reason is that I cam see the game MUCH better on my 65" TV at home.
This is heartbreaking. Thought Cano was one of the good guys. His acceptance of the suspense and no plan to appeal can really leave no doubt he was using the furosemide as a masking agent. I'll never forget him going ballistic in the HR derby with his Dad pitching to him. The article below basically states his HOF candidacy is no more.
I take furosemide twice a day. Believe me. It doesn't enhance anything.
You mean it doesn't help you at the plate! Dang!
I didn’t even bat an eyelash when I read this, zero surprise to me no matter who it is when it comes to getting caught for PED use.
No excuse for any professional athlete to get caught. With the money they are making they should make sure any drug or supplement they take is ok with the league.
Totally agree!
I belonged to a gym in Detroit. Probably 2/3 of the regulars were on steroids. These men and woman were under no contact, though a few competed as amateur body builders. They destroyed their bodies for zero monetary gain. To expect professionals to be clean is a fairy tale.
I can almost agree with this if you are talking about a player trying to make the team, but once you get the big contract, you need to get smart. You have a LOT to lose.
My favorite laugh is the group of dudes that all lift together , they grunt and make loud noises when its their turn and when its not they stare at each other while the other dude is lifting.
Those guys are usually on roids , they have all the signs of it. I always wonder why bother with the gym , just go straight to the nearest gay bar and grab an open stall.
To be fair , there is a non gay variation of this sterotype , they go to the gym with their hot wife and glare at everyone that looks at her , he is super angry cause he thinks we are looking at her yoga pants but really we are wondering about the bruises on her arms .
Roids are smart if you are a professional athlete , if I'm a fan I need you to perform at a high level , I could care less if your head explodes the day after you retire . The regular bozos at the gym who do roids though need professional mental help. Its the male version of binging and purging that some women do . The same idiots usually spend hours in front of the mirror every week and tend to post a lot of selfies on social media.
None that I knew were gay, Bronco. Getting stronger was not important to them. Getting bigger was. One fellow was in his early twenties. Brought his attractive girlfriend to the gym. He and I lifted together a couple times a week.
Lost touch when he went away to school. A few years later I saw him at another gym. He had aged 20 years in 5. Most of his hair was gone. He went from maybe 180 lbs to at three hundred plus, with at least 50 being in his gut.
Still friendly as ever. He told me that he had done heavy roids while in college. Said he got so big that he had had trouble walking and quit taking the drugs.
He was on the down low glick , and he was waiting for you to make a move
One nut looked like Bull Curry and walked around the gym yelling at everyone.
Met him a couple years later and he apologized for being an ass. Said it was the steroids.
That is really bad crap.
And I remember the All Star game in 2012 when his dad pitched to him and no home runs. This was after he said he would pick Billy Butler of the Royals for the HR Derby and didn't follow through. He got booed on every pitch and still gets booed everytime he comes to KC. Guess you might say he shot a $12 million hole in his foot.
Ceropiamoth--You have a cool avator. I've always liked that moth.
Lafayette Grading Set
$12 million loss to get a $240 million gain. Worked out well, after he retires few will remember him, but he'll still have the money.
Maybe so but why give back 12 million.
A 5% loss is nothing. Pocket change on the overall contract. Now he -only- gets $228 million. Without the PEDs, maybe the $240m contract would have been $150m, so still worth it.
Won't be all his money. Can't forget the pesky tax man and Cano's agent fee. Combined, that should knock off 20-25% of his gross contract.
I have to say , 80 games is a big deal , it seems like they are looking to enforce the rules for real. No other sport is taking such a hard line on ped's at this point
He's been dirty for years, just took till now to get caught. Not a HOFer without the juice, IMO.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
well, it isn't a PED but it is a masking agent that MLB put on the list for good reason. it must have worked since no PED was detected.
big tex was interviewed on the radio and said he was not surprised by Cano's suspension. sounds like he has been an offender for many years. At least as far back as when they were teammates. is it possible the PED culture was widespread on the 00's Yankees? Arod, Melkey Cabrera and now Cano. It seems both the sox and the yanks from that period were dirty.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I'm guessing most of baseball in that period was dirty.