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Token Experts / Bryan Money

This token was given out during the 1896 election between Grover Cleveland against William Jennings Bryan for the Democratic nomination. The problem I’m having is I can not find another example of this token. So I’m unsure of its value or significance.

It is aluminum and was found metal detecting in Colorado. If you have any more information please comment below.


  • Insider2Insider2 Posts: 14,452 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Have you gone to Google and typed in what is on the reverse? This usually leads me to images of similar pieces. Sorry, I don't have the time today to look for you. I'll be back Monday if you have not found it.

  • QCCoinGuyQCCoinGuy Posts: 333 ✭✭✭✭

    @WDP might know something about it. Not listed by Zerbe in his 1926 article. After brief searching online, I can't find anything on it.

  • NimiboydNimiboyd Posts: 2
    edited May 4, 2018 7:44PM

    I’ve google it, asked my local token guy and look in a few books. Nothing. There are other tokens or coins made by Bryan however I can’t find this particular one.

    My token guy suggested it’s a was a local piece but that was just an educated guess.

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