Let me know what you have and we can go from there.
Plenty of high dollar transactions :
jdimmick, commoncents05, Smittys, guitarwes
Plenty of high dollar transactions :
jdimmick, commoncents05, Smittys, guitarwes
I have these if u recognize
PMs sent 5/19
mbogoman Lutho
Hundreds of thousands of stamps for sale.
Plenty of high dollar transactions :
jdimmick, commoncents05, Smittys, guitarwes
Plenty of high dollar transactions :
jdimmick, commoncents05, Smittys, guitarwes
Plenty of high dollar transactions :
jdimmick, commoncents05, Smittys, guitarwes
I am very seriously thinking of selling my entire stamp collections of the last 40 to 50 years. I am a novice and am nor sure how to go about it. I have a lot of us stamps; but also a lot of foreign stamps that I collected mostly while living in Malaysia in 1977 to 1979. I have also collected stamps afterwards while visiting Norway, Denmark, Azerbaijan and other parts of europe and SE Asia. If there is any interest or advise please revert.
Thanks djbcon
Plenty of high dollar transactions :
jdimmick, commoncents05, Smittys, guitarwes
Plenty of high dollar transactions :
jdimmick, commoncents05, Smittys, guitarwes
Hi,I don't have much but they are nice rare items,I have the 583 EDU,EKU and EDC,it's listed in Siskun-Berkun,it is 1 of 2,the other one is a Precancel mine is not,this is the first one found in over 50 years,PSE cert.
The other is a 324 FDC,it's just getting the cert finished up ,it will be back in a couple of weeks and the for sale but for now I'd like to sell the 583.

I happen to have a collection of stamps 4 sale
Plenty of high dollar transactions :
jdimmick, commoncents05, Smittys, guitarwes
I have a stamp collection that I inherited . here are some if you are interested.

My friend who collects stamps tells me it is a buyer's market. Lots of good deals!
It is? Not sure where you've been finding good deals, but glad you are. Market is hot, especially on recent modern and classic pre 1900.
I have an entire collection of first day covers and folders with dates and newspaper clippings for every year back to 1940 or so. Plus folders full of Olympic and foreign. Please email me at my name is Anthony
Have a sheet of Elvis stamps, is there much value?Thanks.Reagan.
Plenty of high dollar transactions :
jdimmick, commoncents05, Smittys, guitarwes