Slab Question
On the new PSA slabs(or the old ones for that matter), should the card be able to slide "under" the vertical "side bar", or is that supposed to be a "stopper"? Here's a picture of what I am talking about if its not clear:
I actively collect Kirby Puckett. I have collections of Michael Jordan, Emmitt Smith, Roberto Clemente, Dwight Gooden, Tom Seaver, Errict Rhett and Evan Longoria.
depending on how thin the card is, sometimes they slide. the really thin Bowman Platinum cards kinda do. You can see below under 60x magnification how the "stopper" is there, but its below the top part that can cover the card that I assume helps tuck it under. Merely by design and normal. I believe thicker chrome type cards may not tuck under that little overhang.
I've seen a lot of slabs like that. I have a few as well. So long as the card can shift around when you move it, you're fine. It's only a problem if the card is being pinched.