America’s Finest Card Company
Anyone ever heard of America’s Finest Card Company? I used to collect with my dad back in the 80’s & 90’s. I recently uncovered our collection as we were cleaning out the garage. I was going through the boxes with my own son and came across one of my dad’s old sets. I vaguely remembered it from back in the day, but never paid too much attention or knew where he even got it from. It peaked my interest when I couldn’t find much of anything online, Beckett, etc. The only thing I’ve been able to find is that it was apparently only in business for 1991. The cards are all sketches and are not numbered. Funny thing is they are all basketball cards, but there was a Bo Jackson (football/baseball) card smack dab in the middle. Same style and look as the others but obviously out of place. The only other pictures I’ve seen online was someone with several of the Portland Trailblazers (no info), and a handful of people trying to market the Jordan’s as rare (again no info, just for sale). I’m guessing they are somewhat rare considering I can’t find anything on them, however I’d be surprised if they are worth much or if they are even legit. Anyone ever heard of these?
Since there is no NFL logo on the card, I would say it's an un-licensed card worth very little.
Yeah, essentially worthless.
Hi, hello, how are ya? welcome
I think they were made in Oregon or elsewhere in the Pacific Northwest- I remember the shop I went to as a kid had them, and they were very Trail Blazer heavy. I always assumed they were made to capitalize on how popular the early 90s Blazers teams were. I’ve got most of the Blazers set, as well as a Magic Johnson and possibly the Jordan somewhere. As was said earlier, they’re unlicensed so traditionally they’ve had little to no value, but I always kind of liked them. They didn’t have cheesy graphics like a lot of the cheap unlicensed stuff from back then, but ultimately they were just sketches of readily available images - in some cases from other 90-91 licensed cards.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the info. I would agree they must have been made in the Northwest. The cards I have are mostly made up of Blazers, Sonics, Lakers, and then a few random HOF players of the day. It is a fun set regardless of its overall lack of worth.