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Early U.S. Double strikes - particularly Bust Quarters, what do you think?



  • 1TwoBits1TwoBits Posts: 460 ✭✭✭✭

    Excellent comments everyone! Great additional pictures and such as well.

    I really liked the picture of the 1814 half @scubafuel posted which shows the same type of dentil mark as the ones in my first post. The pictures @lkeigwin posted along with the mock-ups by @1Bustcollector are very interesting as well.

    I think the puzzle is coming together, and that its becoming conclusive that the marking does indicate a double strike occurred at the mint.

    For @LoveMyLiberty, I wish the reverse revealed something more dramatic, but it doesn't seem to.

    Searching for bust quarters.....counterstamps, errors, and AU-MS varieties, please let me know if you can help.
  • LoveMyLibertyLoveMyLiberty Posts: 1,784 ✭✭✭

    "Note: Be aware! Your viewing false rotations! The obverse and reverse are rotated straight only for viewing purposes in our book. You will have to ask 1TwoBits to give you the exact rotational overlay...."

    It would be helpful to know the rotation of the rev. as related to the obv.
    You may know this already as to what part of the rev. left the denticle marks on
    the obv. It is my view that they are from the area above STATES, but not sure why
    they are in that position. Perhaps a misaligned die? "I'm so confused"". :)

    My Type Set

    R.I.P. Bear image
  • 1Bustcollector1Bustcollector Posts: 577 ✭✭✭
    edited April 4, 2018 12:35PM

    1805 B-1 early quarters did not show/outline heavy clash marks like other dies, but the dies did clash. I can see a faint outline (and I’ll check the database for heavier outlined examples) but I would have to get to my computer “later on” and try an overlay and come pretty close - (unless someone else wants to do the honors....

    As far as: “You may know this already as to what part of the rev. left the denticle marks on
    the obv.”.....how sure are you this is correct???

    At the beginning of this thread I had asked if anyone could perform an overlay to match the dentil tracks....there is a decent reason for this. I just don’t want to leave any stones unturned....

    Persuing choice countermarked coinage on 2 reales.

    Enjoyed numismatic conversations with Eric P. Newman, Dave Akers, Jules Reiver, David Davis, Russ Logan, John McCloskey, Kirk Gorman, W. David Perkins...
  • 1Bustcollector1Bustcollector Posts: 577 ✭✭✭

    Ok. Attached is an overlay of 1TwoBits 1805 B-1 quarter dollar. I have gone through my database and located 3 other examples with visible identifiable clashing, and performed an overlay on each of those also. I came up with “about” a 12 degree rotational difference as an average. Please check my work to verify I’m correct. Let me know your thoughts.....

    Insider2, I haven’t spent much time on your request of viewing double struck 1/2 cents lately, my apologies....this stuff takes forever. Can you or anyone else send me pics or links to make it easier?

    Persuing choice countermarked coinage on 2 reales.

    Enjoyed numismatic conversations with Eric P. Newman, Dave Akers, Jules Reiver, David Davis, Russ Logan, John McCloskey, Kirk Gorman, W. David Perkins...

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