1950 Inquirer Fightin' Phillies
Going through some old stuff from my Dad (still) and stumbled across a full set of 1950 Inquirer Fightin' Phillies "cards". These are really just handcut newspaper "album" photos of the players - here's an example (the black backer is slightly larger than a letter-sized piece of paper, for size reference):
I was going to toss them since they're straight from the newspaper and not "cards" in the classic sense, but figured I'd look them up just in case. Looks like some are for sale on eBay and there's even a book from 2011 that estimates the price of the set:
PSA pop report only has a single Ashburn that's simply been authenticated. COMC is trying to sell them but I think they must be reprints/copies - the images from the backs are completely bare vs. mine that have portions of other articles on them (including a picture with a caption about tatooing our blood types on us as babies!).
Is there any way to figure out if there's truly any value to these? Other than the Ashburn, which unfortunately has a tear in the upper right corner as seen in the shot above, they're all in shockingly good shape given that they're almost 70 years old. Thanks.
Those are outstanding!
A Phillies fan should go nuts to have a complete set.
The Ashburn is super.
Thanx for sharing.
I don't have your first name?
Thanks Kid and Mike. My name's Jim.
My Dad was a huge Phils fan - we lived on the other side of the state when I grew up so I tend towards the Pirates (unfortunately, these days). It's a nice looking set of pics - probably won't send them into PSA but might see if I can stumble upon a fan with some interest. Thanks!
I'm not at all interested in this, but if you put them on Ebay, maybe if I'm in a good mood, I'll bid a few dollars on it.
Seriously, whatever you do...please don't toss them!
Enjoyed seeing these.
Post here if you decide to put them on Ebay. Some may be interested!
Alright, the eBay virgin has posted his first ever item for sale - go easy on me, guys