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I admit defeat - No Balto for me!



  • ThePennyLadyThePennyLady Posts: 4,481 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 23, 2018 6:49AM

    I've spoken to some of my dealer friends at the show yesterday and, although it was slow and several dealers weren't able to get there, collectors are still coming out and lots of business is still being conducted - the show will go on, which is a very good thing!

    Even though I was disappointed about not getting any credit from Whitman towards my next show's table fees, I definitely understand where they're coming from as well. What does boggle my mind about this ordeal is that I know several other dealers coming from different parts of the west who went through other cities to make their connections on Tuesday, and their flights were able to land in Baltimore. I don't understand why the flights out of Houston could not make it back east, especially since my flight was due to land BEFORE the storm hit the Baltimore area, and I was keeping track of that when I made the decision not to change my travel plans.

    The good news is that my checked bag (with all my clothes, table supplies, paperwork, etc.) that ended up in Baltimore was delivered to me late last night! YAY!!!

    Charmy Harker
    The Penny Lady®
  • EagleEyeEagleEye Posts: 7,677 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Sorry you couldn’t make it out. It is beautiful and sunny today in Baltimore - Cherry blossom weather! The show is very busy, but without The Penny Lady, a bit less fun.

    Rick Snow, Eagle Eye Rare Coins, Inc.Check out my new web site:
  • BStrauss3BStrauss3 Posts: 3,505 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 24, 2018 7:10AM

    Charmy- What happens it that airlines cancel blocks of flights to prevent aircraft (and more importantly crews) being stranded. The aircraft for that flight of yours INTO BWI might have been scheduled out hours later in the teeth of the storm. Main hubs are bad, but it's worse in outstations where there might only be a couple of flights a day.

    IIRC you are an Untied Airlines person and their 12pm flight from Houston arrives at 4:02 and turns back at 6:10pm.
    Worse, their 7:51pm from Houston is a RON (Remain OverNight) flight and departs back at 5:35am.

    Sorry... just give Penny an extra hug and Sierra too... crack open the bottle of wine anyway and all will be forgotten.

    ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
  • ThePennyLadyThePennyLady Posts: 4,481 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Burton, that is very interesting and makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.

    Charmy Harker
    The Penny Lady®

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