Alarm bells are going off...

I had a rare modern box listed on eBay for the past couple years. It's rare enough that there haven't been any comps that I've seen in that time, so I just started it high and have dropped it a couple times. I had it listed at 350 with no best offer option. Earlier in the week I get a message from a user offering 225. I reply the lowest I'll go for now is 300. He responds with 250, and I don't respond. He then comes back with 260, followed by another message shortly after saying there were recent sales of 189. I check and find nothing, so don't even bother responding, but I do decide to drop the BIN price to 300 since I haven't dropped it for awhile.
Well, almost immediately the person that had been messaging me buys it, but doesn't pay. It's now been almost 2 days with no payment. It could be perfectly harmless (he's got over 4000 feedback), but it's rare enough for someone not to pay immediately that it feels like a punishment, and makes me nervous about further retaliation. If he does pay, I'm planning on packing in front of a USPS employee.
Am I being paranoid?
Maybe nothing. Maybe they bought it, hoping to sell it to someone else prior to paying. A fish on the line if you will... I hope you get paid!
Need to give it a couple of more days. Not uncommon for buyers to wait a few days to pay. I always pay right away but that is just me.
I wouldn't worry about it, they will pay you and the transaction will turn out fine. sometimes people buy stuff and have to wait for their paycheck to clear paypal. do you have a link to the auction?
Almost TWO DAYS? OMG!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately of course, Ebay doesn't allow sellers to leave negative feedback, so no seller can know a buyer's payment history.
That being said, based on what you posted, i don't see any problem right now, especially because of the weekend.
If you feel too nervous, you could cancel the transaction, and then block the buyer. However, the buyer might leave negative feedback, and Ebay likely if not definitely won't remove it.
~so far it is a successful transaction with some head games that are spiraling out of control a bit.....2 days is nothing as a lot of folks likely pay on a monday following the weekend perhaps.... what u dont know could likely fill a book. Inferring the worst can be contagious...there are a lot more good folks out there than bad plus 4000 feedback good grief .... enjoy the heck out of your saturday night and sunday.
I agree with everyone above and as a seller if you don't like waiting for payment you should probably make your BIN have immediate payment required. You could also add in your description that payment is required within 24,48 or 72 hours of the listings end.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
I think some of you are misunderstanding. It's really not about him not paying immediately. I honestly don't mind that, but in my experience it's pretty rare. That coupled with our exchanges in messages, and the fact that he's an experienced buyer, it makes me think that he's trying to punish me for not coming down to his price. If that's the case, then it's also possible he'd neg me on feedback or maybe try an item not as described.
I don't require immediate payment because it doesn't allow buyers to request an invoice for combined shipping.
Anyway, it could be completely harmless, but I'm definitely going to have my ducks in a row in case there are any post sale shenanigans.
if you're that worried about this i would make a video of you packaging the card once he finally pays. Maybe spend about a minute alone just showing the card's condition outside of any holder. I've done this for some of my highest priced sales just on the off chance the buyer tries pulling something later on.
As for the possible neg left on you,there isn't anything you can really do to prevent that if it happens. I'd just give the guy time to pay,then if it reaches 5-7 days go thru ebay's NPB protocol. Just don't give him any reason to neg you. Good luck.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
You could check his "Feedback left for others" and see if he has a history of being a jerk. If not, I think that lessens the chance of him pulling any post sale shenanigans.
Other than the previous price negotiation which is just business, nothing wrong with that...did his email comments display a "wiseguy" sort of attitude? Whenever this happens with me, I block them immediately. You of course didn't block him, but if he did display this sort of behavior, then you should be cautious.
So...if he didn't act like a wiseguy and his feedback left for others is clean, in my opinion, you should be fine.
Good luck!
2 days is still OK, it's 2 1/2 days when you need to think about murdering him and burning his house down.
Since you asked,I think you’re being paranoid. There’s plenty of reasons a buyer will not pay immediately. Maybe he is hoping there will be an eBay coupon on Monday or Tuesday. Maybe he has a life and is busy. You’re best bet is to wait a few days and if he has not paid by then send him an invoice or a message asking when he plans on paying. I’ve bought and sold quite a bit on eBay and there are many times that I will wait on paying (e.g waiting for same seller auctions ending on another day for combined shipping). I will usually message the seller that this is my intention, but sometimes I forget or get busy with other things.
That being said, I have had more NPB’s in the last 6 months than in my previous 6 years of selling on eBay. But if the buyer doesn’t pay, then just put a NPB claim, block him and move on.
BTW, I find it far fetched that the buyer would go through the trouble of buying something, paying for it then opening a fraudulent SNAD claim because you didn’t meet his price request (maybe I am naive). If anything, if I were in his shoes I would be upset that you didn’t take the time to reply to his follow up offers. You gave him your “lowest price” of $300, to which he replied with a counter of 83% of your offer. You ignored this, rather reasonable offer and he followed with an offer of 86% your offer. I understand that you told him your lowest price is $300 and maybe it is, but “lowest price” is also a negotiating strategy and people frequently throw that out and ultimately go below this “lowest price”. He could have just been seeing if that was the case with you. If he was not rude in his messages to you, I actually think as the seller should have had the courtesy to send him a messsage back saying, “thanks for your offer, but $300 is really my lowest price”. If you had communicated with the buyer in such a manner you might have made the sale without the stress you are under now.
Anyway, I hope it all works out for you. My guess is, with that amount of feedback, you will get paid and everything will be fine. Best of luck.
If he doesn't pay Monday file a NBP claim; he will probably pay at that point if he hasn't already; but than you could call ebay if he negs you {out of spite} and probably get it removed. Make sure and ship with tracking and take a picture of unopened box before shipping.
_> @slum22 said:
Like slum said, this is so true.
I have to much S**t; so if you working on sets or are a player/team collector, send me your want list, with conditions desired. Keep in mind I have a another job so please allow me a few days to respond.