OT: What to collect in modern games in place of tickets?
Posts: 313 ✭✭✭✭
Slightly off topic, but I love to collect tickets and I have kept a ticket stub from every sporting event I have been to. I also kept tickets from my kids as we went to games, and keep all of these tickets in a binder when I want to take a trip down memory lane.
Now with so many paperless eTickets I am going to have to think of something else to put in the binder. I have been screen shotting the eTicket and printing it out, but the last couple of games have come from other peeps and I haven't had access to the eTicket.
Any suggestions on something from the game that can be used in place of a paper ticket stub?
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit.” -Aristotle
How about the players lineup cards that the managers write up for the games ?
That would be cool! It may be hard to get one for every game I go to though.
Hiya Greg
I attend almost zero games - no ML here or near.
How about "game" score cards/programs.
Would be nice if they dated them or at least changed them up for different games? You could personally annotate on each game you attend?
I collect ticket stubs too, but only from movies- I don't have access to sports leagues around either. Since you have a pretty wide open field, why not pick a card to represent each game? Maybe the player who made the most important impact on the specific game, or maybe if you are seeing a player's first game, pick up a rookie card of them? If you expand it out to the visiting team, you'll have a lot more variety than just the same group of guys over and over.
If it's baseball, you could always check and see if they did a Topps NOW card for it, too. Then you have an actual image from the game itself- who knows, maybe you'll be in the background?
A selfie?
This would be fun - I will have to look into Topps NOW.
Actually this would be great! I can list the game and seat number under the picture with who ever was with the game with me. This would look great in the album along with the tickets. Thanks!
Some teams will print you a ticket on request. You have to go the the box office and ask. Tell them you want a paper ticket for your album and you might find a sympathetic ticket agent or manager.