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1880-S Morgan, Fake Coin, Fake Holder

I sell some low end stuff at a local flea market. A man came up to me earlier and asked me if I knew anything about coins. Incidentally, I often ask myself that very question after buying coins I consider expensive. Anyway, he handed me a a PCGS holder and coin and wanted to know what I thought. The coin was so far away from the MS67 that was on the holder that I knew it was a bad coin. I didn't say anything and waited for him to ask for an offer. Instead, he told me it was fake and that he could have sold it several times already. It is even the correct alloy of silver. The certification number was 0675275 and matched the label on the fake holder.
Is the certification number useful information to anyone? I debated myself if this was something I should post because everyone knows these things exist.

I was hesitant to tell him it was fake because that news makes people mad and you become the moron at the flea market that tried to beat them out of their coin.
Jack E.


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