Longest time to open the box?

I have an order at PSA right now that they received 8 days ago....still not logged onto their system as an order. I know someone can beat that. What is the longest time you waited from when the tracking number said the package was delivered, till PSA entered the order in their system?
Three and a half calendar weeks.
I'm on my 28th day at the moment, which is about standard. I think 8 days (and I'm assuming you mean calendar days as opposed to business) might be a record setting shortest wait time ever from receipt until loggage. You've got a while to go yet.
I sent in two PSA 10 GEM MINT's for AUTO grading....They received it Monday morning..... IS PSA/DNA having the same grading log jam? OR are auto's speedier with less demand?
2 1/2 weeks
They've had it 4 weeks so far.....still haven't opened the box!
Yes, they are currently at 4-5 weeks to log items. It has been this way for a couple of months now. There is another post that gets updated showing how long it is taking.
Yes, that comment I made Feb 28th ~a few up ~was from the order they received on Monday the 26th of Feb. ...its the beginning of week 4 now and nothing....Id be surprised otherwise....... I have held back about a dozen new cards to get graded b/c of this delayed environment..... Im happier with cards in hand than in sub-LIMBO.