I have to share how 150 graded cards ended in the trash. So i put 150 graded cards ($30 to $200 each ) in NIKE SHOE BOXES that Im going to sell. My wife works with me and tells me to put them in her car and she would take them to the office. (I'm heading to court and i don't want them in my backseat while Im downtown) I didn't have her car key so i leave them in the morning yesterday and placed them in of the front of the house so she wont forget them. I figured she picked them up. Today im like, hey dont forget to unload the cards from your car since i didn't see them in the office yesterday. She is like "check your car". Im like noooooooooooo. Why would i take them downtown. I call her mom that is helping us at home. "Mom did you see some nike boxes in the front". She said "I threw them in the trash". (Picture a grenade noise going in your ear". She said "They were quiet heavy and i wondered what was in them". Then i said "did you bother to look"? She said "no". I said "when did the trash come?". She said "yesterday". "But after i threw them away". So i said "can you check please the outside trash"?. Luckily i have a fence. Sure enough 150 cards graded in Outside trash bin. These were doubles so it wasn't nothing i would have cried about. But i can now officially say, "Mom threw away my baseball cards in the trash".
Please excuse the grammar, I am still in shock
all around collector of many fine things
Talk about bad "mother-in-law" experiences!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course, you were lucky in that she at least waited until AFTER the trashmen had come and gone that day!
Get a new mother-in-law.
bobsbbcards SGC Registry Sets
totally !!!!
Where there any of the topps reprints "cards your mom threw out" by chance ? Might be worth having them pedigreed
No reprints lol.
The only reprints i ever buy are the Topps Autographs Reprints but i wouldn't grade them lol.
These were doubles from my player sets when i upgrade. 1968,1969,1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978,1979
A sports card dealer I know once had a major fight with his wife. When he left for the evening, she threw out most of his cards on the front lawn-during a rainstorm!
The Topps 1973/1953 reprints might be worth pedigreeding
Bowman Baseball -1948-1955
Fleer Baseball-1923, 1959-2007
Well...minor consolation, the majority of mom tosses were shoe boxes with baseball cards inside. So, at least they went with some semblance of dignity....I guess.
About a zillion years ago, we moved to a new home. I was just a kid, so you just kinda figure somebody boxed up your stuff and it would be sorted out at the next address. Sadly, my Red Ryder BB gun and TWO shoe boxes of cards hit the curb. I think she gave my BB gun of those "you're gonna take your eye out" things I think.
Moms and baseball cards, weird thing how they seem to develop "toss-itis".
Swarm, swarm, we have a 5150 in progress (Seinfeld reference)!!
Wives too.
Oooooh, there is a cure for the wife thing though !!
Would anyone here know what 5150 was without Van Halen bringing it to our attention?
So glad to hear you were able to rescue your items!
Wow - seems unusual your mother-in-law would take possessions that aren't hers and toss them in the garbage without bothering to look inside of the boxes. Lucky you recovered them. At $50 average, that's $7500 tossed in the trash...
for real