PCGS crossover specials

Does anyone know if there are other venues for crossing over coins to PCGS like at Long Beach?
I have about 100 I want to cross so this would be worth flying out for but I can’t make it.
Thanks for any help.
I seldom check PM's but do check emails often jason@seated.org
Buying top quality Seated Dimes in Gem BU and Proof.
Buying great coins - monster eye appeal only.
Buying top quality Seated Dimes in Gem BU and Proof.
Buying great coins - monster eye appeal only.
I too was disappointed that this year’s crossover special is limited to the Long Beach Show.
I have several toned gold Indians I am waiting to cross as well.
You can submit coins for crossover consideration any time you want, whether by mail, or at any of the many shows we attend and/or host. However, the upcoming February Long Beach show next week has the only crossover special we currently have scheduled, but watch for emails from us, or check pcgs.com regularly, to stay up-to-date.
You can always ship them to someone at the show to submit for you.
There is nothing quite like a liberal, extended crossover special to raise revenues for the next quarter. I’m not being a smart aleck; I’m just saying... For what its worth, I renewed my membership last year because of it, and I think many others joined/renewed for it too so any putatively “lost” crossover fees are made up by increased renewals. It’s a win- win for everyone.
P.S. Thanks for the February 2017 special; it was very helpful.
I just submitted another 13 coins to cross. I spend lots of money to cross from NGC to PCGS. I used has only one box PCGS and many boxes of NGC but now I have more than 10 boxes of PCGS and NGC boxes is decreasing with lots of money spent on crossing. LOL
The op said:
...seemed to me like they didn't know, yeah? Answered it accordingly.
To the PCGS crew thank you for all you do every day!